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1027 results

  • Barnes Green, Railings Replacement

    As part of our commitment to improve parks and open spaces, we are proposing to replace a damaged line of fencing that runs along the Station Road side of Barnes Green with new fencing, as the fence has reached the end of its life and is beyond repair. We would like to consult on three fence option types, these are: Powder coated bow top (approximately 1200mm high) Single post and rail (approximately 600mm high) Vertical railings (approximately... More
    Closed 27 November 2018
  • SEND Futures consultation

    Richmond Council is inviting parents, carers, young people and other stakeholders for their views on the future of services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Richmond. The results of the consultation will inform the Council's budget setting process for 2019-20, and help to further develop the local offer of services and support for children and young people with SEND. Have your say We will be holding three... More
    Closed 25 November 2018
  • Draft Wandsworth Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2019-2022

    The Council would like to hear your views on the draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy: A Housing Offer for Wandsworth People. The draft strategy sets out the Borough’s plans for housing and homelessness services for the period 2019-2022. For the first time, the housing and homelessness strategies have been combined into one plan. The strategy sets out how we will help our residents meet their housing needs and ambitions. It covers how we will work... More
    Closed 23 November 2018
  • Nine Elms Pimlico Bridge

    Wandsworth Council is proposing a pedestrian and cycle bridge to connect Westminster and the new neighbourhood emerging in Nine Elms as well as the existing communities south of the river. The connection will improve access to this new shopping, restaurant and cultural district, as well as the new green spaces, thousands of jobs and Northern Line stations. Following consultation in 2017 on nine possible locations between Vauxhall and Chelsea bridges we have now selected three... More
    Closed 19 November 2018
  • Nine Elms Community Consultation

    The Nine Elms area of Battersea is a fast-changing part of the borough with new residents and businesses moving in, and the construction of homes and new Tube stations under way. To help develop Nine Elms as a living and working place, the Council would like to understand the needs of a wide range of people living, working and visiting this part of Wandsworth. The purpose of this short survey is to understand: How existing communities identify and... More
    Closed 19 November 2018
  • St. Mark's Playground Round 2 Consultation

    On behalf of Wandsworth Council, Enable Parks want to understand the views of local residents and people who use St. Mark’s Playground to help decide on the final design for the refurbished playground. An initial round of consultation was held in February to March 2018 , where we asked for your views on a range of different types of equipment for St. Mark’s Playground. Based on the results, three designs have been developed. Please click here to view the three options.... More
    Closed 18 November 2018
  • Heathfield Recreation Ground, Fitness Equipment Improvements

    As part of our continued commitment to improve our parks, we are looking to redevelop the gym at Heathfield Recreation Ground. As a result of securing additional external funding from the London Marathon Charitable Trust, we are proposing to upgrade the gym equipment at Heathfield Recreation Ground, to encourage healthy living and exercise. Equipment would include items that are aimed at people of all ages and abilities. Some of the new equipment will be a borough first and will... More
    Closed 14 November 2018
  • White House, Hampton Community Centre Survey

    The White House Community Centre is at a crossroads in its development. To help make it a vibrant, attractive resource that is fit for purpose in the future and secure its long-term viability, improvements to facilities and services are needed. Hampton on Thames Community Association and YMCA St Paul’s Group are working to understand how the Community Centre is used now and how the community at large would prefer to see it develop. Thank you for completing this survey... More
    Closed 13 November 2018
  • Richmond Sexual Health Strategy

    The 2019 – 2024 Draft Sexual Health Strategy sets out the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’s and NHS Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group’s priorities and approach to improving sexual health locally. Sexual health is an important area of public health as it affects many facets of life and is an integral part of overall health and wellbeing. Moreover, poor sexual health can negatively affect the health and wellbeing of individuals and impacts on society as a... More
    Closed 8 November 2018
  • Wandsworth Sexual Health Strategy

    The 2019 – 2024 Draft Sexual Health Strategy sets out the London Borough of Wandsworth's priorities and approach to improving sexual health locally. Sexual health is an important area of public health as it affects many facets of life and is an integral part of overall health and wellbeing. Moreover, poor sexual health can negatively affect the health and wellbeing of individuals and impacts on society as a whole. The key aim of the draft sexual health... More
    Closed 8 November 2018
  • Consultation on Proposed Lorry Ban in the Earlsfield and Wandsworth Common wards (Magdalen Estate)

    The Council wants your views on a proposal to restrict access for 7.5 tons Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) to the Magdalen Estate Area. In February 2018, the Council carried out a statutory consultation regarding these proposals. Following this consultation, comments, concerns and objections were carefully considered and the decision has now been made to re-consult on the proposed lorry ban using an expanded area to avoid displacement of HGV traffic in the local area. ... More
    Closed 28 October 2018
  • Proposed change to the removal and storage policy for homeless households

    We would like your views on a proposed change to the removal and storage policy for homeless households, following the introduction of a new policy in November 2017. What is the Council’s current policy? Our current policy for removal and storage arrangements, and associated charging procedures for homeless households, is an account-based system. This is only offered to clients who have nowhere safe to store their belongings when going into temporary accommodation. An... More
    Closed 10 October 2018
  • Wandsworth Gambling Policy Review 2018

    The London Borough of Wandsworth is calling on local residents, licensed businesses, interest groups, faith groups and public agencies to have their say on the borough’s future gambling policy. The Gambling Act 2005 requires all licensing authorities to prepare and publish a Gambling Act Statement of Policy and Principles every three years. A review of the current policy, which is due to expire in January 2019, is now underway. Please click here to view the Draft Gambling... More
    Closed 9 October 2018
  • Wandsworth Common Management and Maintenance Plan, Phase 2

    The London Borough of Wandsworth has commissioned consultants to develop long term plans for the future management and maintenance of Wandsworth Common. We have carried out an initial phase of consultation and research which included an online consultation, stakeholder workshops, individual interviews and expert surveys in the park. Topline results to this exercise can be found on the consultation webpage . Taking this consultation and research into account we... More
    Closed 7 October 2018
  • Richmond Gambling Policy Review 2018

    The Gambling Act 2005 requires the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, as Licensing Authority, to prepare and publish a Statement of Principles under the Gambling Act 2005 every three years. A review of the Borough's current policy, which is due to expire in January 2019, is now underway. The Licensing Authority must have regard to the licensing objectives as set out in section 1 of the Act. The licensing objectives are: Preventing gambling from being a source of crime or... More
    Closed 1 October 2018
  • Have your say on how adult social care should be funded in the future

    Adult social care and support provides personal and practical support to help people live the lives they want to lead. It supports people of all ages who have disabilities, mental health conditions or are generally frail, as well as their carers. We’re all likely to be touched by social care at some point in our lives, whether that be ourselves or our friends and families. It’s therefore essential that everyone has a say in what the future of social care should look like and how... More
    Closed 26 September 2018
  • Garratt Park Playground and Ball Court Consultation

    We want to hear how you use and value Garratt Park Playground and the ball court in order to guide how we move forward with improving the park. In July 2016 money was awarded from Wandsworth Local Fund (WLF) to a scheme to resurface the play area in Garratt Park and incorporate a tree root barrier membrane to limit the damaging effects of the boundary poplars on the playground. Subsequent investigative work to deliver this project has made it clear that there is a need to redesign... More
    Closed 6 September 2018
  • Buccleuch Gardens – Toilet Block Redevelopment

    When new developments take place in the borough, the Council receives funding from developers towards the costs of providing community and social infrastructure in the local area – this is known as Section 106 funding. Following the recent redevelopment of the Star and Garter building, Richmond Council is in receipt of Section 106 funding which we are proposing to use to redevelop the disused toilet block within Buccleuch Gardens, converting it into a new café facility... More
    Closed 13 August 2018
  • Furzedown Recreation Ground Park Improvements

    Background We are pleased to inform you that Wandsworth Council are funding an £111,000 project to refurbish the Furzedown Rec pavilion in Autumn 2018. We plan to spend this funding making the pavilion fit for community use and this has been supported by the local community and in particular, the Friends of Furzedown Rec. We envisage the refurbished pavilion will become a key community hub, which will be available for community groups to rent out. Following... More
    Closed 27 July 2018
  • The Community Fund

    The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tax collected by Richmond upon Thames Council and paid by developers. In Richmond, a portion of the total tax collected in an area will be spent on local priorities. This is the neighbourhood portion of CIL; the Community Fund (formerly known as the Village Planning Fund). Sixteen projects were successful in their application to Round 1 of the fund. A total of £826,750 was awarded to community projects across the borough. A total of... More
    Closed 13 July 2018
  • Strafford Road - School Safety Measures

    We would like your views on a school safety proposal on Strafford Road, Twickenham. Concerns have been raised through the St Mary’s Church of England School Travel Plan regarding the lack of a safe place to cross the road outside of the middle site for the school. Officers assessed conditions at the end of school time and found that parents and pupils currently cross in random locations and often between parked cars where sightlines are reduced. Concerns were also... More
    Closed 6 July 2018
  • Trott Street, SW11, consultation on potential one-way operation

    The council wants to hear your views on a potential option to make Trott Street one-way operation. The proposals have been developed in response to concerns raised by residents regarding the increase in traffic congestion resulting from dropping off and picking up children from the primary school (L’Ecole de Battersea). Traffic congestion also occurs as many parents park their vehicles on Trott Street to pick up/drop off their child in Thomas’s School. The street becomes gridlocked... More
    Closed 30 June 2018
  • Wandsworth Local Fund Consultation

    The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tax collected by Wandsworth Borough Council and paid by developers. In Wandsworth, a portion of the total tax collected in an area will be spent on local priorities. This is the neighbourhood portion of CIL; the Wandsworth Local Fund. In 2014 Wandsworth Borough Council consulted its residents on what priorities Wandsworth Local Fund should be spent on over the next 4 years. To see the results of the 2014 consultation please visit the ‘... More
    Closed 30 June 2018
  • Westerly Ware - Trial Dog-Free Area

    Background Richmond Council and the Westerly Ware Association (WWA) have been working together to maintain and improve this local park. In recent years, the park has become more popular with dog owners (and dog walkers), who value the safety of an enclosed space and the opportunity for both owners and dogs to meet with their friends. However, some other users have felt less able to enjoy the park due to the presence of large numbers of dogs and uncollected dog faeces. The... More
    Closed 29 June 2018
  • King George's Park Phase 2 Consultation

    We are developing long term plans for the future management and maintenance of King George’s Park. We carried out an initial phase of consultation and research which included an online questionnaire, stakeholder workshops, individual interviews and expert surveys in the park. Taking the results of this consultation and research into account, we have developed a proposed plan for the park and are now seeking your views on this . The plan includes... More
    Closed 22 June 2018
  • Thessaly Road Bridge Competition

    Exhibition and Public Consultation Earlier this year Wandsworth Council and London Festival of Architecture launched a competition to improve the appearance and feel of Thessaly Road Railway Bridge for existing communities, pedestrians and cyclists. The competition builds on the work of community clean-ups and improvements to lighting that the Council have already done in response to community concerns. In keeping with LFA’s mission to harness the talent of London’s... More
    Closed 18 June 2018
  • Bellevue Road SW17 – Consultation on streetscape proposals

    In September 2017 Wandsworth Council carried out a community engagement exercise requesting feeback on proposed streetscape improvements on Bellevue Road between its junctions with Trinity Road and St James’s Drive. All elements of the proposals received a positive response (the results can be found attached at the bottom of the page) and we aim to implement the scheme later this year taking into account any comments as part of this formal consultation. ... More
    Closed 15 June 2018
  • Bedford Hill - Community Engagement on Streetscape Improvement Proposals

    Bedford Hill between Balham Station Road and Balham High Road is to be improved, and local people are being asked for their views. Money is available through the Wandsworth Local Fund - a charge paid by developers to fund improvements to the local area. The council's drawn up preliminary ideas and wants to know what residents think of them. We will use your feedback to develop detailed designs prior to a formal consultation. Comments received from local businesses, residents... More
    Closed 15 June 2018
  • Patmore and Carey Gardens Estates Proposed Public Spaces Protection Order

    The Council is seeking your feedback on a local issue which may be affecting your quality of life. During the first weekend in July, an outdoor event involving several hundred people has been taking place on the estate along Patmore Street in between Crampton and Mansell Houses and around the nearby football pitch and play area. This is giving the community cause for concern. The Council is therefore proposing to implement a Public Spaces Protection Order... More
    Closed 2 April 2018
  • Wandsworth Business Start-Up Survey

    Our borough is characterised by its small businesses with some of the country’s highest levels of start-ups. We want to make sure that we understand the needs and challenges for those that may be thinking of starting up or are early in the development of their business. The short survey focusses on the challenges of starting-up and the support you may need to address them – it should only take 3-4 mins to complete. What you tell us will inform our work to support emerging... More
    Closed 19 March 2018
1027 results. Page 16 of 35