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1027 results

  • Old York Road - Permanent Design

    Wandsworth Council has recently agreed to make the pedestrianisation of part of Old York Road permanent. This means the central section of the road will remain closed to through traffic, and buses will be permanently diverted to Ferrier Street (for northbound buses) and Swandon Way (for southbound buses). The two consecutive summer closures have relied on temporary materials, predominantly planters and signs, to mark the changed layout of the road. Wandsworth Council is now... More
    Closed 22 March 2022
  • School Streets: Nelson and Thomson House

    A School Street is where a road or section of a road near a school temporarily closes to motor traffic to become a pedestrian and cycle zone at the start and end of the school day. There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles, encouraging active travel to school, aiding social distancing, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of... More
    Closed 21 March 2022
  • Hampton Hill Area - Parking Review

    The Council is undertaking a parking review in the Holly Road/Park Place area of Hampton Hill. This review is being undertaken following the submission of a petition from residents of Holly Road, Park Place and Myrtle Road requesting parking controls. It is understood that some residents have faced difficulties in finding a parking space near to their home due to non-residents parking in the area (including all day commuters and/or short and long stay parking). A Controlled... More
    Closed 20 March 2022
  • Brook Road and St. Margaret's Grove, Twickenham – proposed one way working

    Following complaints regarding vehicle damage and conflict caused by vehicles meeting head on along these narrow roads, the Council is seeking your views on measures to address these concerns. The roads are heavily parked on both sides and it is recognised that the introduction of passing areas through the removal of parking is not considered viable due to parking demand. The introduction of a one-way working arrangement will reduce conflict between vehicles, and the... More
    Closed 18 March 2022
  • Wandsworth’s Draft Local Plan 2023 – 2038 (Publication Version)

    The Council is inviting comments on the second draft of the Local Plan, referred to as the ‘Publication’ version. The Local Plan sets out a vision and spatial strategy to guide the development of the borough from 2023, when the Plan is anticipated to be adopted, to 2038. It sets out key objectives for the borough, which are supported by planning policies, area strategies and – at the smallest scale – detailed guidance for the development of specific sites. Collectively, these... More
    Closed 28 February 2022
  • Hounslow Heath - Proposed Outdoor Gym

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Council’s Parks Team are proposing to install a new outdoor gym at Hounslow Heath. The Council propose that the equipment installed should be a mix of items that are suitable for both those that have mobility difficulties, and other uses. The proposed location of the gym is shown on the map above with a line where the extension of the footpath will run to make the gym accessible. The... More
    Closed 25 February 2022
  • School Streets: St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School

    A School Street is where a road or section of a road near a school temporarily closes to motor traffic to become a pedestrian and cycle zone at the start and end of the school day. There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles, encouraging active travel to school, aiding social distancing, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of... More
    Closed 25 February 2022
  • Introduction of Contra-Flow Cycle Measures in Wandsworth: Phase 2

    With more people expected to return to our roads soon, we are introducing interim contra-flow cycle infrastructure measures along the following roads in Wandsworth: Bullen Street (see plan here ) Cloudesdale Road (see plan here ) Keble Street (see plan here ) North Passage (see plan here ) Rockland Road (see plan here ) Tonsley Hill (see plan here ) The objective is to improve the... More
    Closed 9 February 2022
  • Draft Local Plan: Pre-Publication version

    The Council is inviting comments on the first draft of the Local Plan. The Local Plan is the key planning document for the borough. It sets out policies and guidance to shape our places, plan and manage growth and guide development across the borough over a 15-year period. We are consulting on the first draft of the Local Plan, which sets out a strategic vision, objectives and the spatial strategy. The draft Plan includes place-based strategies covering the whole borough,... More
    Closed 31 January 2022
  • Holly Road Recreation Ground - Proposed Outdoor Gym

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Council’s Parks Team are proposing to install a new outdoor gym at Holly Road Recreation Ground. The Council propose that the equipment installed should be a mix of items that are suitable for both those that have mobility difficulties, and other uses. The proposed location of the gym is shown on the map above with a line drawn where the extension of the footpath will run to make the... More
    Closed 31 January 2022
  • Review of Wandsworth Carers Strategy

    The Wandsworth Carers Strategy was developed by the Carer Partnership Wandsworth with involvement from Unpaid Carers and Young Carers. The strategy reflects national Government policy for Carers and sets out the local priorities for supporting Carers and Young Carers in Wandsworth. An unpaid carer is anyone, including children and adults who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an... More
    Closed 14 January 2022
  • Possible Controlled Parking Zone in North West Battersea area

    The Council has listened to local concerns about the parking and traffic conditions in this area which have included a petition from residents and businesses in Gartons Way, Chatfield Road and Mendip Road requesting the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). It is understood these difficulties are mostly caused by the number of commuter and other long-stay vehicles which are able to park for free and without a time limit. Currently there are no Controlled Parking... More
    Closed 7 January 2022
  • Harroway Gardens Improvements Phase 2 Consultation

    Wandsworth Council wants your help to decide on the fi­nal design for the refurbishment of Harroway Gardens. £428,115 has been allocated via the S106 scheme to secure enhancements at this site, bringing the council’s investment in parks and open spaces in this area to over £700k in recent years. The S106 scheme pays for new and improved community facilities using funding collected from private development projects in the surrounding area. Thank you to all of you who... More
    Closed 6 January 2022
  • Wandsworth Air Quality Action Plan 2021-2025

    The London Borough of Wandsworth has declared a Climate Change Emergency and is committed to taking action to address this important issue. As part of this commitment we have produced a new Air Quality Action Plan that builds upon our previous work and recognises the importance of clean air in the borough. As part of the process for implementing this plan we are holding a 12 week consultation to seek the views of our partners and other public organisations. ... More
    Closed 4 January 2022
  • West Hill ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Consultation

    The initial West Hill Area Traffic Management Scheme trialled a morning peak (07:00 to 10:00 a.m.) Monday to Friday banned left turn into Withycombe Road and the northern section of Inner Park Road from Wimbledon Park Side. This was subsequently made permanent following the trial and a positive reduction of through traffic in the local area. The council also implemented a complementary trial, morning peak (07:00 to 9:00 a.m.) Monday to Friday banned left turn into the... More
    Closed 19 December 2021
  • Friars Lane Car Park Proposed Improvement Scheme

    The Council is aware of a longstanding history of issues at Friars Lane Car Park, including a lack of parking places for local residents, security, noise, pollution, nuisance and litter. The general condition of the car park is felt to be causing inconvenience to residents, particularly at weekends, and as a result of complaints received the Council is proposing to make significant changes to the car park. The Council has listened closely to resident concerns to understand... More
    Closed 17 December 2021
  • Cargo Bike Survey - Richmond

    Richmond Council is committed to supporting the growth of cargo bike use in the Borough amongst families, individuals and businesses. We would like to hear from anyone already using a cargo bike or curious about cargo bikes to inform our approach. What is a cargo bike? A cargo bike is, quite simply, a bicycle which has space to carry cargo or passengers– whether it’s children, shopping, tools, pets, or anything else. There are many... More
    Closed 12 December 2021
  • Richmond Health and Care Plan Refresh Survey

    We have now published Richmond’s refreshed draft of the Health and Care Plan 2022-2024 which describes our vision, priorities and the actions we will work on together as partners to improve the health and wellbeing of Richmond’s residents. The plan was first published in 2019 with the aim of key organisations working together on priorities that would make the difference in enabling Richmond residents to start life well as children, live well as adults and for... More
    Closed 10 December 2021
  • Wandsworth Walking and Cycling Strategy

    Walking and cycling play a pivotal role in how we travel in Wandsworth. We have developed this draft Walking and Cycling Strategy to guide how we will support and encourage more walking and cycling in the borough up to 2030, inclusive of objectives, targets and projects. This draft incorporates the results of the Big Walking and Cycling Survey carried out over the summer, to which we received over 2000 responses. We are seeking views on the draft strategy to ensure it is... More
    Closed 8 December 2021
  • Queenstown Road: Chelsea Bridge to Queen’s Circus

    Wandsworth Council are seeking views on proposed changes to Queenstown Road between Chelsea Bridge and Queen’s Circus. The scheme is focused on improving facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, improving air quality and improving safety along this stretch of road . Earlier this year the Council asked for views and opinions on potential changes to Queenstown Road. We received over 300 responses, of which two thirds were in favour of the... More
    Closed 30 November 2021
  • Railshead Road Enhancement Scheme

    Over a number of years, Richmond Council has received complaints expressing concern about Railshead Road, in particular: The poor condition of the road surface including drainage issues, Conflict between pedestrians, vehicles and cycles who use the area, The general appearance and streetscape at the junction of Railshead Road with St Margaret’s Road. You may possibly recall a previous consultation back in 2013 when the... More
    Closed 30 November 2021
  • Rowfant Road

    Following the temporary no entry onto Balham Park Road and banned left turn onto Chestnut Grove introduced by Transport for London (TfL) as part of their CS7 cycle corridor along the A24 Balham High Road, the Council has received anecdotal evidence the volume of through traffic has increased in your local area and is a cause for safety concerns. We have also received two petitions from the residents of Rowfant Road asking for their road to be made one-way southbound. At... More
    Closed 21 November 2021
  • St Richard Reynold Catholic College, Zone 4 - School Streets Scheme

    Due to recent changes to the School Street zone, and to give people time to experience the amended scheme and give us their views, the closing date for this consultation has been extended from 30 June to 10 November 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the... More
    Closed 10 November 2021
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2022/23

    We are consulting on changes to the Council Tax Reduction scheme that will reduce Council Tax for working age claimants. Background As part of the Welfare Reform Act 2012, the Council Tax Benefit Scheme set by the Department for Work and Pensions was abolished and replaced with a locally set Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS). The scheme set by the Council in 2013 included a provision that applicable... More
    Closed 10 November 2021
  • Worple Way Recreation Ground - Playground Upgrade Consultation

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Parks Team are proposing a number of upgrades to Worple Way Recreation Ground. As part of the upgrade, we are proposing to amalgamate the two swing bays into one, which will provide more space for a new unit to be installed. The re-worked swing bay shown below will be refurbished and will hold two flat swings and two cradle swings: The swing set shown below would be removed and... More
    Closed 8 November 2021
  • Parks Satisfaction Survey 2021

    The Richmond Council Parks Satisfaction Survey takes place every two years and aims to assess overall satisfaction with local parks and highlight any areas for improvement. It provides us with an understanding of what residents would like to see. In turn, this informs spending on park improvements to reflect the views and lifestyle choices of local residents, current and potential park users. We welcome your views and invite you to complete the online survey below. If you... More
    Closed 7 November 2021
  • Old York Road - Pedestrianisation Trial

    The council is again making Old York Road traffic-free from the 12th April to support local businesses in opening as lockdown restrictions are eased - this will allow them the opportunity to have tables and chairs on the public highway and assist with their social distancing measures. Listening to last year’s feedback, the council has amended the scheme to allow local residents and businesses southbound access from Swandon Way. During the temporary closure period, as required by... More
    Closed 31 October 2021
  • Northcote Road - Pedestrianisation Trial

    The Council is again introducing the weekend road closures on Northcote Road from the 17th April to support local businesses, allowing them the opportunity to have tables and chairs on the public highway and assisting with their social distancing measures. The current 7-day closure of Abyssinia Close will continue. During the weekend closures, buses on Northcote Road will be diverted via Bolingbroke Grove with temporary bus stops outside and opposite Bolingbroke Academy. Please note... More
    Closed 31 October 2021
  • Putney Heath Lane - Traffic Management Trial

    The Council carried out a public consultation in November regarding the Putney Heath Lane traffic management trial and feedback from respondents showed that the majority were in favour of some form of traffic management intervention to reduce through traffic between West Hill and Putney Hill during peak hours. The preferred option from respondents was for both left turn bans to be trialled. More detailed information is available here . What happens next A trial consisting of a... More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • Wandsworth Bikehangars Consultation 2021 (Phase 2)

    Cycling is a sustainable, healthy and affordable means of travel. An increase in cycling will help us to reduce greenhouse gases and pollutants that cause poor air quality which are bad for our health and the environment. Many residents, particularly those who live in terraced streets and flats, find it difficult to keep bicycles at home due to lack of storage space. In order to meet the demand for bikehangars, Wandsworth Council is planning to install upto 111 bikehangars... More
    Closed 15 October 2021
1027 results. Page 7 of 35