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1066 results

  • Access to sexual and reproductive health services survey

    The London Boroughs of Merton, Richmond and Wandsworth with the NHS are working to improve the sexual and reproductive health of people in the area. To help us with this, we would like to find out more about your awareness and experience in accessing local sexual and reproductive health services and your views on how you may want to access services in the future to ensure they work for you. This will inform our approach to services going forward. We are looking for... More
    Opened 12 December 2022
  • Proposed walking and cycling designs in Burntwood Lane

    Wandsworth Council is looking to improve the walking and cycling environment along Burntwood Lane. The latest design standards have been used to assess the existing condition of Burntwood Lane for walking and cycling and determine the design changes needed. Click here to view the two design options proposed For the majority of residents, walking and cycling are essential forms of transport to get to work, school, the shops, and to visit friends and family and access public... More
    Opened 5 December 2022
  • Pétanque Proposal - Westerly Ware

    As part of our continuing programme of play and sport provision and improvements across the borough, the Parks Department are working with the Westerly Ware Association (WWA) on their proposal to add a pétanque piste on the main grassed area of the park. An image of the proposed location is below: The aim of this consultation is to inform park visitors and the wider public about the proposal, to establish whether the proposal is supported and to gather feedback. At this... More
    Opened 25 November 2022
  • Richmond Bikehangars Consultation 2022 (Phase 3)

    Richmond Council is seeking views on the introduction of additional bikehangars throughout the borough. There are currently 27 bikehangars in Richmond, all of which are fully occupied with waiting lists for spaces. The introduction of additional bikehangars will help to alleviate some of the demand for the existing units while also improving geographic coverage. What is a bikehangar? A bikehangar is an on-street cycle parking apparatus that securely houses six... More
    Opened 21 November 2022
  • Wandsworth Leisure Facilities Survey

    The Council is currently undertaking a review of the leisure centre facilities and the services we provide within the borough, and we would like to hear from you! We are in the early stages of collecting information which will guide decision making about the future of leisure provision. We know that things have changed since the pandemic, like the change for lots of people to work from home or exercise outdoors. So, we want to make sure that what we are providing, is what you... More
    Opened 15 November 2022
  • Consultation on the draft Richmond Dementia Health and Care Strategy

    Richmond Council and health partners are consulting on a draft 10-year Health and Care Dementia Strategy that has five key focus areas. What is dementia? Dementia is an umbrella term for a range of disorders affecting the brain. These disorders are gradual, the most common are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. The existing National Dementia Strategy aims for England to be the best country in the world for dementia care and support, and for people... More
    Opened 9 November 2022
  • Draft Richmond Health and Care Dementia Strategy - Easy Read Survey

    Tell us what you think We have written a big plan about how we will manage Dementia services over the next 10 years. We call our plan a strategy. We want to know what you think about our strategy. Please answer these questions. You will need to read our Easy Read booklet about our strategy first - please click here . We will use what people tell us to help us decide what to do. If you need any help with the questions, please email us at: ... More
    Opened 9 November 2022
  • School Streets: Beatrix Potter, Experimental Traffic Order

    A School Street is where a road or section of a road near a school temporarily closes to motor traffic to become a pedestrian and cycle zone at the start and end of the school day. There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles and improving air quality, encouraging active travel to school, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of... More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • Proposed changes in Broad Street, Teddington

    The Council is inviting comments on a proposal to improve the existing bus stop outside ‘The Hogarth’ pub in Broad Street, Teddington. The Council implemented a temporary bus stop arrangement, known as a build out, on the west bound bus stop on Broad Street during the early stages of the lockdown. This temporary arrangement was intended to allow for a greater waiting area to aid social distancing. The materials used were temporary and the wider public realm study for... More
    Opened 7 November 2022
  • London Borough of Richmond Draft Street Trading Policy Consultation

    The London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames is carrying out a consultation on the draft Street Trading Policy and we would appreciate your views to shape the new proposed policy. The draft policy covers the following Street Trading activities: Street trading pitches Tables and chairs on the highway Market stall licences Shop front displays The draft policy is seeking... More
    Opened 1 November 2022
  • The Vineyard, Friars Stile Road, School Safety Zone Improvements

    The Council is inviting comments on a proposal to introduce improvements to the existing zebra crossing along Friars Stile Road, Richmond, by the entrance to The Vineyard School, and the surrounding area. The school and parents have expressed a number of road safety concerns pertaining to traffic along Friars Stile Road. Specific concerns include the failure of some vehicles to give-way to pedestrians utilising the formal zebra crossing and general speeding issues outside the school... More
    Opened 31 October 2022
  • Richmond upon Thames Leisure Centres Survey

    The Council is currently undertaking a review of the leisure centre facilities and the services we provide within the borough, and we would like to hear from you! We are in the early stages of collecting information which will guide decision making about the future of leisure provision. We know that things have changed since the pandemic, like the change for lots of people to work from home or exercise outdoors. So, we want to make sure that what we are providing, is what you... More
    Opened 26 October 2022
  • Anti-Social Behaviour Housing Policy Statement 2022-2025

    The new Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Housing Policy Statement for 2022-2025 supports our longstanding commitment to prevent and tackle ASB and make our housing estates and neighbourhoods safer. The policy sets out the ways in which the Council will provide housing services to prevent and tackle ASB affecting council residents and other people in the Borough. Please read the policy here and give us your views by clicking on the online survey link below. If you need... More
    Opened 25 October 2022
  • Broadwater pre-publication consultation - proposal to close (discontinue) a maintained school  

    Update 07/11/22 In response to requests for further information, the following documents have been added to the consultation material and translations at the bottom of this page: Size of schools local to Broadwater Primary School in Tooting, Earlsfield and Balham Vacancies at schools local to Broadwater Proposed special school specification Update 27/10/22 Thank you to all those who attended the online consultation meeting on 19 October. We are... More
    Opened 12 October 2022
  • Wandsworth Community Safety Survey 2022

    The Wandsworth Community Safety Partnership will launch its new Community Safety Strategy in 2023. This will identify the crime, anti-social behaviour and community safety issues for the Partnership to prioritise. The Wandsworth Community Safety Partnership brings together Wandsworth Council, the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, health partners, the criminal justice system including Probation Services as well as community and voluntary sector... More
    Opened 28 September 2022
  • Wandsworth Green Spaces Satisfaction Survey 2022

    The Wandsworth Council Green Spaces Satisfaction Survey will take place every two years (starting from 2022). It aims to assess overall satisfaction with local green spaces and highlight any areas for improvement. It provides us with an understanding of what residents would like to see. In turn, this informs spending on green space improvements to reflect the views and lifestyle choices of local residents, current and potential park users. Please click here to see some... More
    Opened 22 August 2022
  • Wandsworth Life Skills and Wellbeing Opportunities Survey

    We are renaming Day Services in Wandsworth “Life Skills and Wellbeing Opportunities”, to reflect the wish to have inclusive services not just Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm, but across a whole week, including evenings and weekends. The new Life Skills and Wellbeing Opportunities contract will be in place by 1 October 2023, and we want your ideas on what you would like them to be like. We have five different types of service we want to be able to offer to... More
    Opened 5 August 2022
  • Public consultation on the Local Views Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    Local views form an intrinsic part of the borough’s landscape and townscape context, from the well-known views from Richmond Hill and King Henry VIII's Mound to St Paul's Cathedral, to those around our rivers, greens, and landscape settings, as well as around more local landmarks defining points of townscape interest. This is a new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), setting out those existing protected views that have already been adopted through the Local Plan , as well... More
    Opened 22 July 2022
  • New Zone T4 Parking Consultation

    Implementation of new controlled parking zone – Cambridge Road/Elmfield Avenue area (new Zone T4) In March 2022 a Council decision was made to implement new controlled parking zones (CPZs) in Teddington. Preparations are now underway to bring these schemes into operation in the coming months. One of the new zones will be implemented in the Cambridge Road/Elmfield Avenue area (new Zone T4) – see plan here . This scheme will operate Monday to... More
    Opened 9 July 2022
  • Heathfield Pavilion Consultation

    The Council have been working closely with the Friends of Heathfield Recreation Ground (FoHRGE) to develop proposed plans for the redevelopment of the existing metal container that acts as Heathfield pavilion and changing rooms. The property is currently used as storage for sports clubs and is also used occasionally as changing rooms. In more recent years it has been used by Food for Thought for the distribution of surplus foodstuffs. We know from our borough parks surveys that... More
    Opened 5 July 2022
  • Draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans for Public Consultation Richmond 2022

    THIS CONSULTATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 1ST SEPTEMBER 2022 We are currently undertaking a borough-wide programme of reviewing existing Conservation Area Appraisals, to ensure they are reflective of their current character and appearance. What is a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan? Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural and historic interest, the character and appearance of which are worthy of preserving or enhancing. This... More
    Opened 4 July 2022
  • Consultation on joint commissioning of services for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

    Wandsworth Council and the South West London NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are keen to hear from parents and carers about care and support services for children and young people with SEND. This is so we can jointly plan any changes needed to ensure that children and young people’s needs are being met. We have identified the following priority areas for improved joint working: Speech and language therapy (SALT) Occupational... More
    Opened 20 June 2022
  • Draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans for Public Consultation Teddington and Hampton 2022

    We are currently undertaking a borough-wide programme of reviewing existing Conservation Area Appraisals, to ensure they are reflective of their current character and appearance. What is a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan? Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural and historic interest, the character and appearance of which are worthy of preserving or enhancing. This character is derived from the area as a whole rather than the quality of... More
    Opened 20 June 2022
  • Draft Refuse and Recycling Storage and Access Requirements for New Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    New developments are required to store solid waste as well as provide adequate access for collection in line with the Buildings Regulations 2010, whilst a code of practice for methods of storage, collection, segregation for recycling and recovery, and on-site treatment of waste from buildings are set out in the British Standards. This draft Refuse and Recycling SPD provides further waste and recycling storage and collection guidance for the type of development, both residential and... More
    Opened 17 June 2022
  • Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The draft Affordable Housing SPD provides further detailed guidance to support the adopted Local Plan policies with regard to affordable housing and how the council will assess viability within the planning process. This update to the existing SPD (2014) is to reflect new or updated requirements in the Local Plan and also guidance published by National Government, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). Alongside the SPD are... More
    Opened 17 June 2022
  • Shillington Park Playground and Outdoor Gym Improvements Phase 2 Consultation

    Wandsworth Council wants your help to decide on the final design for the refurbishment of Shillington Park Junior and Toddler Playground and Outdoor Gym. Following Wandsworth Council’s investment of £2.3m in Falcon Park, £194,600 has been allocated via the Wandsworth Local Fund to secure enhancements in Shillington Park. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the first round of consultation held between May and June 2021. The survey responses provided an insight... More
    Opened 6 June 2022
  • Broad Lane - Proposed Zebra Crossing

    The Council is inviting comments on a proposal to introduce a new raised zebra crossing along Broad Lane, at its junction with Wensleydale Road and Nightingale Road. A petition was received from local residents requesting a safe place to cross Broad Lane, particularly for young children attending nearby schools, and this had the support of local Ward Councillors. The design proposes a new zebra crossing, safely positioned along Broad Lane just west of Wensleydale Road. To ensure... More
    Opened 30 May 2022
  • St Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary - School Streets Scheme

    A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles and potentially improving air quality, encouraging active travel to school, aiding social distancing, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and... More
    Opened 19 April 2022
  • East Twickenham CPZ (Zone F) Review

    You may recall that in 2019 we carried out a parking consultation in this area. This consultation was commenced primarily in relation to the possible impact on parking that the new Lidl superstore and Deer Park School in Richmond Road could bring to the area. The results of the consultation showed support to extend the CPZ’s operational hours and days in most roads near to the development. The results also showed support for the CPZ to be extended to Park Road (uncontrolled... More
    Opened 21 March 2022
  • Beresford Avenue Parking Re-consultation

    You may recall that in 2019 we carried out a parking consultation in this area. This consultation was commenced primarily in relation to the possible impact on parking that the new Lidl superstore and Deer Park School in Richmond Road could bring to the area. The results of the consultation showed support to extend the CPZ’s operational hours and days in most roads near to the development. The results also showed support for the CPZ to be extended to Park Road (uncontrolled... More
    Opened 21 March 2022
1066 results. Page 7 of 36