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1066 results

  • Proposed 20mph speed limit on classified roads in Wandsworth borough

    Following the successful 20mph implementation on our residential roads, the Council will be implementing a 20mph trial on classified (A and B) roads. You can view the list of roads included in the trial here . Please note, the restrictions will only apply to roads that are maintained by the Council, although neighbouring boroughs and TfL have also introduced 20mph speed limits on many roads in the area. Benefits of 20mph limits Reduced vehicle speeds lead to safer... More
    Opened 30 November 2020
  • Putney Heath Lane Traffic Management Consultation

    As you may already be aware, the Council is currently trialling a right turn ban from Lytton Grove onto West Hill and Putney Hill with the aim of reducing traffic volume and improving road safety. Following a local petition asking for its removal due to concerns regarding displaced traffic on adjacent residential roads, a report was presented to the Strategic Planning and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee to provide an interim update on the Lytton Grove trial. ... More
    Opened 26 November 2020
  • Draft Article 4 Direction for Conservation Area No.78 Cole Park Road

    An Article 4 Direction removes certain existing permitted development rights that apply to properties in this area, and so enable the Council to better manage change in the conservation area. This does not mean that you will be unable to extend or alter your home, but rather that planning permission will be required to do so. The justification for introducing an Article 4 Direction for Cole Park Road is contained within the draft Conservation Area Appraisal and... More
    Opened 23 November 2020
  • Draft Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans for Public Consultation 2020-21

    Following designation of these conservation areas in February 2019 the Council is required to prepare a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan for the preservation and enhancement of each area and invite public comment. You can find the Character Appraisal and Management Plan for each Conservation Area below: Bushy Park Gardens, Fulwell and Hampton Hill Cole Park Road, St. Margarets, North Twickenham Cowley Road, Mortlake and Barnes... More
    Opened 16 November 2020
  • Draft Richmond Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2021-2026

    The Council would like to hear your views on its draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy. The draft strategy sets out the Council’s plans for housing and homelessness services for the period 2021-2026. This is a refresh of the strategy published in 2018. While much of the previous strategy remains relevant, now is an opportune time to review it to ensure that it continues to reflect the Council’s housing priorities, particularly following... More
    Opened 9 November 2020
  • Hampton Common - consultation on proposed creation of new football pitch

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, we are proposing to create an additional football pitch in Hampton Common to accommodate and grow girls' football in the borough. Women's football is a fast-growing sport internationally. We would like to be able to provide sport opportunities for all and we recognise the health benefits sport can bring to individuals and the community. However, the current football facilities are not... More
    Opened 30 October 2020
  • Barnes High Street Improvement Scheme

    In recent months discussions have taken place between Council officers, your local ward members and community representatives to help develop a scheme to improve Barnes High Street. The main objectives of the project are to locally widen sections of footway for pedestrians; improve the turnover of shoppers’ parking spaces; regulate loading provision; improve public transport access, and ultimately to relieve traffic congestion and improve air quality in the town centre. ... More
    Opened 23 October 2020
  • Church Street Twickenham - Introduction of pedestrian zone

    In June, the Council introduced a temporary pedestrian zone in Church Street, between its junctions with King Street and Church Lane, operating between 10am and midnight every day. This pedestrian zone was implemented to facilitate the 2-metre social distancing spacing required as part of the COVID-19 measures and on the understanding that many businesses in Church Street supported it. As you will be aware, alfresco dining has been in place in Church Street for a number of... More
    Opened 19 October 2020
  • Wandsworth’s Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy 2021 to 2026

    Earlier this year the Council and South West London CCG consulted people about their priorities for Wandsworth’s Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy. We met with a lot of people and heard their views. In March, as part of that consultation, we published a draft strategy and asked people for their views about it. Unfortunately work on the strategy had to be suspended for several months because of COVID-19. We are now seeking views on the final draft... More
    Opened 15 October 2020
  • Westbridge Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 15 October 2020
  • Belleville Wix Academy - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Jack and Jill Pre Prep School, Zone 10 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • St John the Baptist CE Junior School, Zone 11 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 16 May to 30 June 2021. UPDATED 10 TH NOVEMBER: Changes to this School Streets scheme have been made on 10 th November. A new plan of this School Street can be viewed here . A School Street is where a road... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • St Mary's CE Primary School, Zone 13 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • The Russell Primary School, Zone 14 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Trafalgar Infant and Junior Schools, Zone 15 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Hampton Hill Junior School, Zone 9 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Falconbrook Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Granard Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Honeywell Schools - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Sacred Heart Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • St Anselm’s Catholic Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Roehampton Cof E Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • New play and sports facilities in Nine Elms

    Wandsworth Council is investing in improvements to eight play areas for residents of Carey Gardens, Patmore Estate, Savona Estate and other residents who live in the area to enjoy. This programme of improvements is part of the Council's use of funding from nearby developments to invest in local transport and roads, new parks, leisure, health and school facilities, and opening up the Thames river path. During consultation events in 2019 you told us what new... More
    Opened 12 October 2020
  • Wandsworth Local Area Special Educational Needs and Disability ‘Big Plan’ 2020-2024

    We want to get your help with an important plan called our ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy.’ Strategy means ‘a big plan’ which tells everyone what we will do in Wandsworth to make sure you have what you need at home, at school and in the community. We want to hear from you. We have designed this short survey for you to read through and complete either by yourself, with friends, or with an adult, for example a parent,... More
    Opened 8 October 2020
  • Hampton Infants School and Nursery, Zone 6 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
  • Holy Trinity CE Primary, Zone 7 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
  • The Richmond upon Thames School, Zone 8 - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Richmond was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to reduce vehicular traffic during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. There are... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
  • Broadwater Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
  • Sellincourt Primary School - School Streets Scheme

    During the national lockdown in January/February 2021 the operation of School Street schemes in Wandsworth was paused. To give people time to experience the scheme and give us their views, t he closing date for this consultation has been extended from 12 April to 30 June 2021. A School Street is where a road with a school temporarily closes to become a pedestrian and cycle zone-only during the school's opening and closing times, to enhance the safety of school children. ... More
    Opened 5 October 2020
1066 results. Page 11 of 36