Twickenham Riverside Redevelopment

Closed 3 Feb 2021

Opened 6 Jan 2021

Results updated 18 Mar 2021

Thank you to all those who took part in the consultation.

You can read the feedback report here.

For more information please visit


In November 2019 Richmond Council announced that Hopkins Architects were the winners of the Royal Institute of British Architects Design Competition for Twickenham Riverside.

Since their appointment in early 2020, Hopkins and the design team have been developing the concept design to ensure that it meets the brief, is compliant with planning policy and meets the requirements of key statutory stakeholders such as the Environment Agency. We would now like to seek your views on the proposal.

Please find the consultation boards below. Please read through the boards before filling out the questionnaire.

Council introduction boards 

 Design boards (high resolution):

The designs boards can also be viewed together in a low resolution here

Have your say
Once you have read through the boards please give us your views using the online survey link below.
If you require a paper copy or need the consultation materials in another format please contact or call 020 8891 7897.

There will be two virtual presentations from the architect, with an opportunity for the public to ask questions. Further information can be found here.

What happens next?
Following the consultation all feedback will be considered and the design further developed before a planning application is submitted later in 2021.




  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough