Consultation on a borough-wide 20mph speed limit

Closed 21 Dec 2018

Opened 24 Sep 2018

Results updated 26 Feb 2019

Thank you to everyone who participated in the consultation.

The results report can be found here.

For more information and updates, please visit the Council's 20mph webpage.




There is currently great interest across the country in introducing 20mph speed limits and it is a subject that is often raised by residents in this Borough.

Residents have said they want their streets to be safer, to reduce the risk of accidents and make roads more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians.

We are proposing to reduce the speed limit on all roads in the borough, excluding the A316 and A205 (which are under Transport for London red-route control). This will replace the existing policy under which 20mph zones are implemented on a zone by zone basis.

At this stage there are no proposals for further traffic calming measures, such as speed cameras or speed humps, and in updating signage the Council will take the opportunity to review and rationalise existing signage.

Key benefits

  • Aid the Council’s wider aim to improve air quality
  • Reduce vehicle speeds on our roads, particularly on those with a record of vehicles exceeding the speed limit
  • Reduce the number and severity of accidents
  • Create environments which are more conducive to walking and cycling
  • Lead to an overall improvement in the liveability of neighbourhoods
  • Create a more consistent landscape of 20mph across London in line with neighbouring boroughs
  • Reduce the need for physical traffic calming measures


The present consultation and traffic surveys are being funded from existing Council budgets. If the scheme is taken forward to delivery, further funding will be sought from both internal budgets and third-party funding sources such as a Transport for London grant. There will be no extra charges passed onto residents to pay for this.

Have your say

We want your views on the Council’s proposals to reduce the speed limit on all roads (except the A316 and A205) to 20mph. 

Working with residents to deliver 20mph speed limits was a key manifesto commitment of the new administration. All residents will have received the consultation document through their letterbox, which sets out our proposals in more detail, including the key evidence we have taken into consideration and also a frequently asked question section. You can also see the consultation document here and at the bottom of this page.

There will be a series of Community Conversation engagement events throughout October, November and December which will include the opportunity to discuss the proposals. The dates and locations of these events are listed at the bottom of the page.

You can access the online survey below. If you would like a paper copy of the survey, please contact us at or call on 020 8487 5296. There are also a limited number of paper copies in local libraries, at the Civic Centre and at the Community Conversation events.

Please be advised that the consultation closes on 21 December 2018.

Next Steps

All survey responses will be fed into a report that will be sent to Cabinet in 2019. Outcomes will be published at




  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough