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1002 results

  • Furzedown Primary School Street

    We would like to gather views on the proposal to introduce a ‘School Street’ for Furzedown Primary School (as detailed on the plan here ) . It would involve a timed road closure of Beclands Road between Freshwater Road and Southcroft Road to motor traffic during school opening and closing times (term time only). What is a School Street? A School Street is designed to reduce the number of vehicles around the school, providing a safer environment for children... More
    Closed 7 February 2020
  • Earlsfield Primary School Street

    We would like to gather views on the proposal to introduce a ‘School Street’ for Earlsfield Primary School (as detailed on the plan here ). It would involve a timed road closure of Tranmere Road between Magdalen Road and Waynflete Street to motor traffic during school opening and closing times (term time only). What is a School Street? A School Street is designed to reduce the number of vehicles around the school, providing a safer environment for children... More
    Closed 7 February 2020
  • Penwortham Primary School Street

    UPDATE 16 January - We are aware that there is a concern for some people about the school entrances on Pretoria Road; please be assured that the council will be considering this feedback along with the data on levels of support for the School Streets scheme in the area. We would like to gather views on the proposal to introduce a ‘School Street’ for Penwortham Primary School (as detailed on the plan here ). It would involve a timed road closure of Penwortham Road... More
    Closed 7 February 2020
  • Hillbrook Primary School Street

    We would like to gather views on the proposal to introduce a ‘School Street’ for Hillbrook Primary School (as detailed on the plan here ) . It would involve a timed road closure of Hillbrook Road between Blakenham Road and Brudenell Road to motor traffic during school opening and closing times (term time only). What is a School Street? A School Street is designed to reduce the number of vehicles around the school, providing a safer environment for... More
    Closed 7 February 2020
  • Grimwood Road Recreation Ground - proposed changes to playground

    As part of Richmond Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Parks Team are seeking the views of residents about a proposed upgrade to the play equipment at Grimwood Road Recreation Ground. For this playground, we are proposing to replace three or four of the existing springers with a number of new pieces of equipment. These include: A ground trampoline A spinning carousel A seesaw A play jeep ... More
    Closed 7 February 2020
  • Light Up Nine Elms Feedback Survey

    Thank you for attending Light Up Nine Elms between 13-21 December 2019. Please use this survey to let the organisers know what you thought of the event, as well as what other arts and cultural activities you would like to take place in the Nine Elms area in the future. Please be advised this survey closes on Friday 31 January 2020 . More
    Closed 31 January 2020
  • Draft Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The draft Planning Obligations SPD provides further detailed guidance to support the adopted Local Plan policies with regard to the planning obligations that are sought from developers to mitigate the impact of developments in the form of Section 106 agreements. This update to the existing SPD (2014), which can be seen here , is to reflect new or updated requirements in the Local Plan for planning obligations in relation to Local Employment Agreements, affordable workspace, trees, air... More
    Closed 27 January 2020
  • Draft Kneller Hall Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The Council is disappointed at the decision by the Ministry of Defence to sell Kneller Hall in Whitton, however through the One Public Estate programme the Council has been working in partnership with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). Following informal consultation earlier in the year, the draft SPD sets out a future planning framework for the site. It provides strategic level development principles and parameters, with further design guidance for the sub areas within the... More
    Closed 27 January 2020
  • Draft Transport Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The draft Transport SPD provides further detailed guidance to support the adopted Local Plan policies, to promote safe and sustainable transport choices. Have your say: We would welcome your views - please click on the link below to read the draft SPD and take part in the consultation. More
    Closed 27 January 2020
  • Draft Sustainable Construction Checklist Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

    The draft Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD describes the key principles of sustainable design and construction and forms part of the assessment for planning applications for new build, conversions and extensions. This update to the existing SPD (2016) also reflects the Council’s recent climate emergency declaration and the ambition to seek the highest standards of design and construction to improve the environmental performance of developments. Have your say: ... More
    Closed 27 January 2020
  • Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum Re-designation Consultation

    The Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum was designated in January 2014. This designation lasts for five years and expired on 16 January 2019. The forum has applied to the Council to be formally redesignated in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Localism Act 2011 and the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Re-designation will enable the Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum to continue to monitor the Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Plan... More
    Closed 27 January 2020
  • Hampton Parking Study Consultation

    We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses in this area on whether they would wish to see a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) introduced and, if so, what days and hours it should operate. If there is support to introduce a new CPZ in at least two adjoining roads in this area, the Council will consider developing firmer proposals. Details of the current parking charges were provided in the letter sent out to residents. We are also reviewing the provision of parking... More
    Closed 10 January 2020
  • Governor Services Clerking Service survey 2019/2020

    We are inviting Governors (in particular Heads, Chairs & Committee Chairs) and School Business Managers, to give us their views about the Wandsworth clerking service and training offer. The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete and your input would be greatly appreciated to help us improve the quality of service that we provide to schools. More
    Closed 7 January 2020
  • Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2019 - Adults

    The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website . There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run... More
    Closed 31 December 2019
  • Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2019 - Young People

    The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website . There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run... More
    Closed 31 December 2019
  • Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2019 - Parents and Carers

    The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website . There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run... More
    Closed 31 December 2019
  • Richmond Active Travel Strategy

    Now is a key time to change the way people travel within Richmond borough. In July 2019, Richmond Council declared a climate emergency. As part of this declaration, the Council resolves to be recognised as the greenest London borough and to become carbon neutral by 2030. Changing how people travel will be a pivotal part of achieving this goal – we need more people using clean, sustainable modes, and the Active Travel Strategy has been developed to detail the course the Council will... More
    Closed 20 December 2019
  • Richmond Digital Strategy Consultation

    This council is committed to becoming an engaging, open and innovative council - one that has better local schools, is safer and greener, one that is fair and more affordable for all. We are clear that an increasingly digital approach will help us deliver better, more efficient services for our residents. As the world becomes increasingly connected and more services become digital, we are also determined that no one gets left behind. For this council,... More
    Closed 19 December 2019
  • Consultation on admissions arrangements for the academic year 2021-2022

    Richmond Council is consulting on proposed admission arrangements for community schools and the co-ordinated primary, secondary and in-year admissions schemes for 2021-2022 . There are no proposed change to the admissions criteria for community schools in 2021-2022. The only significant change to the admissions schemes is to the dates in the Pan London timetables for the co-ordinated primary and secondary schemes for the academic year 2021-2022. You... More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • Draft Air Quality SPD Consultation

    The Council has prepared a draft Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to address common air quality issues affecting the borough and assist in providing a consistent approach to new development. The primary aim of the SPD is to supplement existing Local Plan Policies which seek to improve air quality in the borough. We would welcome your views - please click on the link below to read the draft SPD and take part in the consultation. More
    Closed 13 December 2019
  • Wandsworth Residents Survey 2019

    The 2019 Wandsworth Residents Survey will run from 28 October to 8 December. The Council is committed to listening to residents and taking their views into account when making decisions. The Residents Survey is a face to face survey which asks a random sample of around 1,500 local people about a number of important issues. The results from the Residents Survey are a very important source of information as they help the Council to understand what is important to residents. They feed... More
    Closed 8 December 2019
  • Graveney Pocket Park Consultation

    As many of you will be aware there is a lack of accessible green space in Tooting and Graveney. The council believes the provision of green spaces in this increasingly developed area will provide more wellbeing opportunities and help to improve community integration, community pride and social action. Presently there is an area of public land on Mellison Road opposite the junction with Himley Road occupied by a large fenced planter that could be put to good use as an... More
    Closed 7 December 2019
  • Proposed 20mph speed limit on Rectory Lane (SW17)

    Further to the successful boroughwide 20mph implementation on residential roads, the Council is now considering a selection of classified roads that are suitable for a 20mph speed limit. A 20mph speed limit is being considered on Rectory Lane, excluded from the original borough wide 20mph limit due to its “B” road status. The presence of existing traffic calming and low mean speeds make the introduction of a 20mph limit appropriate subject to the application of additional... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Proposed 20mph speed limit on Silverthorne Road (SW8)

    Further to the successful boroughwide 20mph implementation on residential roads, the Council is now considering a selection of classified roads that are suitable for a 20mph speed limit. A 20mph speed limit is being considered on Silverthorne Road, excluded from the original borough wide 20mph limit due to its “B” road status. The presence of existing traffic calming and low mean speeds make the introduction of a 20mph limit appropriate subject to the application of... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Proposed 20mph speed limit on Bellevue Road (SW17)

    Further to the successful boroughwide 20mph implementation on residential roads, the Council is now considering a selection of classified roads that are suitable for a 20mph speed limit. A 20mph speed limit is being considered on Bellevue Road following a petition from local residents and businesses; and is supported by your local ward councillors. The Council has investigated the traffic conditions and believes that Bellevue Road would be a suitable candidate for a 20mph speed... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Proposed 20mph speed limit on Northcote Road (SW11)

    Further to the successful boroughwide 20mph implementation on residential roads, the Council is now considering a selection of classified roads that are suitable for a 20mph speed limit. A 20mph speed limit is being considered on Northcote Road following a petition and the application of additional criteria. This criteria includes: an existing recorded mean speed at or below 24mph (recorded via traffic surveys) no further additional traffic calming... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Proposed 20mph speed limit on Bolingbroke Grove (SW11)

    Further to the successful boroughwide 20mph implementation on residential roads, the Council is now considering a selection of classified roads that are suitable for a 20mph speed limit. Following a petition and the application of additional criteria (see criteria below), a 20mph speed limit is being considered on the stretch of Bolingbroke Grove that is currently designated 30mph (from the junction of Broomwood Road to Nightingale Lane). The existing 20mph restriction from... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Fishponds Playing Fields

    The council carried out an initial consultation in October 2018 to help us understand whether you visited the playing fields, what activities you took part in, and your views on a proposal to provide natural play equipment on the site. We found from the consultation that: 43% of those who responded had never visited the playing fields before 89% agreed with the proposal to give public access to the playing fields when... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • West Drive/North Drive – Alterations to parking and improvements to informal pedestrian crossing

    In response to residents’ concerns regarding parked vehicles reducing the width of the carriageway and obstructing sightlines in West Drive and North Drive, the council proposes the following alterations: Introduction of double yellow lines on the bend where West Drive meets North Drive Introduction of double yellow lines at the junction of North Drive with Aldrington Road Removal of one parking space on the approach to the informal pedestrian crossing in... More
    Closed 2 December 2019
  • Second Cross Road Area Parking Consultation 2

    Thank you to all those who provided feedback to the preliminary design of the CPZ for Chestnut Road, Second Cross Road and Third Cross Road. As you will recall, the majority of respondents to the original consultation, carried out in February / March 2019, supported the extension of Zone Z5 to this area (89 out of 155 respondents - 57%). However, following completion of the initial design for this scheme, in June 2019 it was proposed to revise the controls with Chestnut Road... More
    Closed 15 November 2019
1002 results. Page 12 of 34