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1027 results

  • Customer Satisfaction - Fly tip incidents, June 2008

    There are approximately 115 reported incidents of fly-tipping every month. 50 customers who had reported incidents of fly tipping were surveyed. 15 cases were from areas of relative disadvantage. Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Excellent, 4 being Good, 3 being Average, 2 being Below Average and 1being Poor). The customers were selected from the CRM system and equalities monitoring data was also collated. The survey was designed... More
    Opened 1 June 2008
  • Customer Satisfaction - Street cleansing and fly tipping, June 2008

    100 customers were surveyed to measure their opinion with the current Council standards for street cleansing services. 50 customers from areas of relative disadvantage and 50 from areas of non disadvantage were surveyed. They were selected at random from the CRM system and had not reported any street cleansing issues. Equalities monitoring data was also collated. Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Excellent, 4 being Good, 3 being... More
    Opened 1 June 2008
  • Customer Satisfaction - Street Cleansing, June 2008

    There are approximately 67 reported cases of Street Cleansing issues every month. 50 customers who had reported issues with Street Cleansing were surveyed. 15 of these cases logged were from areas of relative disadvantage. Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Excellent. 4 being Good, 3 being Average, 2 being Below Average and 1 being Poor). The customers were selected from the CRM system and equalities monitoring data was also collated. ... More
    Opened 1 June 2008
  • Customer Satisfaction - Special Collections service

    During May a total of 167 customers who had recently used the Special Collection service were surveyed. This represents approximately one week of bookings. The customers were selected from the CRM system, and all other case histories were ignored. Equalities monitoring data was also collated. The survey measures customer satisfaction in the following areas: 1. The special collection booking process 2. The standard of the collection 3. Comparison of satisfaction across areas... More
    Opened 1 May 2008
  • Customer Satisfaction - Recycling, April 2008

    The Customer Service Project team surveyed 200 residents by phone. Customers were randomly selected from the contact centre database (CRM). Any previous case history relating to why a resident had initially contacted us was ignored and this eliminated any element of bias. Equality monitoring data was also successfully collated. The survey measures customer satisfaction in the following areas: 1. Prior and post November 5 2008 recycling changes 2. Recycling containers 3.... More
    Opened 3 April 2008
  • Customer Satisfaction - Recycling, April 2008

    The Customer Service Project team surveyed 200 residents by phone. Customers were randomly selected from the contact centre database (CRM). Any previous case history relating to why a resident had initially contacted us was ignored and this eliminated any element of bias. Equality monitoring data was also successfully collated. The survey measures customer satisfaction in the following areas: 1. Prior and post November 5 2008 recycling changes 2. Recycling containers 3.... More
    Opened 3 April 2008
  • Trading Standards 2008-09

    We regularly conduct customer surveys in order to find out how satisfied customers are with what we have provided. The results are collated and analysed and then used to improve our service. The Trading Standards 2008-09 consultation consisted of: 1) Customer survey 2) Trader survey More
    Opened 1 April 2008
  • Building Control satisfaction survey 2008/09

    In order for the Building Control department to improve its services we are continually reviewing the service we provide to our customers. Your feedback is very important to us and will help us to continue improving our service. We instituted a process of customer surveys from January 2005 when a survey form was sent out with every: (1) Completion Certificate and targeted householders/home owners, and this is a continuous service. The other customer... More
    Opened 1 April 2008
  • Local Development Framework - Core Strategy

    The Core Strategy is a Development Plan Document (DPD) which is part of the Local Development Framework (LDF). It is the strategic policy document, which will determine the future planning policy for the Borough. It outlines the Vision, Spatial Strategy and 20 Core Planning Policies on topics such as climate change, housing, employment and retailing. The submission consultation was the last stage for the community to comment on the Core Strategy, when it was submitted to an... More
    Opened 20 March 2008
  • Memorial Services Survey

    The survey was conducted to see if the content of the Memorial Services were as people would like them. The first service was carried out in 2001 and there are now two services per year in the Chapels at Twickenham, Teddington and East Sheen cemeteries. 355 surveys were sent out. Results: Of the 355 surveys that were sent out, 116 were completed and returned. Almost half of the people who replied have been visiting the cemeteries for over 15 years. 89% of our... More
    Opened 1 February 2008
  • Older People's Commissioning Strategy 2008

    This consultation document has been produced to inform the London Borough of Richmond's commissioning intentions for Older People from 2008. Following this consultation a document will be published in the spring of 2008 setting out the Council's commissioning intentions for older people from 2008 onwards. As far as possible this document will dovetail with the PCT commissioning intentions.This consultation document will also be used to inform the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. More
    Opened 1 February 2008
  • Heathrow expansion 2008

    Public exhibitions Between 3 December 2007 and 27 February 2008, the Department for Transport (DfT) held public exhibitions in all local authorities around Heathrow Airport on the proposals to expand the airport and build a third runway. These exhibitions came to Richmond upon Thames on 7 December 2007 (Barnes) and 18 January 2008 (RACC, Richmond). In the same venue, Richmond Council also held exhibitions outlining opposition to the scheme and the potential impacts for residents.... More
    Opened 3 December 2007
  • Mystery Shopping for Customer Services 2007-08

    Mystery shopping provides evidence of an actual service provided and helps organisations know how well they perform against their Customer Care Standards. It is therefore regarded as a powerful tool to measure customer service. The mystery shopping exercise uses individuals trained to observe, experience and measure the customer service process, by acting as a prospective customer with realistic but made up questions or queries. Mystery shops are conducted by telephone, personal... More
    Opened 1 November 2007
  • Trading Standards 2007

    We regularly conduct customer surveys in order to find out how satisfied customers are with what we have provided. The results are collated and analysed and then used to improve our service. The Trading Standards 2007 consultation consisted of: 1) Customer survey 2) Trader survey More
    Opened 1 October 2007
  • Sheen Lane Centre - improvement scheme

    The Council is pleased to announce that it has been awarded funding from Transport for London (TfL) to make improvements to the open space within the Sheen Lane Centre. This area is East Sheen's largest urban public space, with a wide range of public facilities and the local community has been keen to make better use of the space for some time. The Mortlake with East Sheen Society approached the Council with an outline for a scheme to make improvements. The aim of the scheme... More
    Opened 21 August 2007
  • Lower Richmond Road Supplementary Planning Guidance

    The Council are seeking comments on draft planning guidance which outlines the approach the Council will expect developers to take in relation to any development in the area between Lower Richmond Road and Manor Grove, comprising Orchard Road, Garden Road and Market Road. The area is unique in the Borough in that it has direct access to the A316 and is already occupied by a number of industrial and storage uses and it is therefore considered that the area should be retained for... More
    Opened 13 August 2007
  • Draft statement of licensing policy

    The Council's draft Licensing Policy issued for consultation has been re-drafted following public consultation. This report outlines the requirement for the policy, the constraints on its content, the consultation exercise undertaken and the key changes made as a result of consultation responses. More
    Opened 1 July 2007
  • Controlled Drinking Zones

    Controlled Drinking Zones (CDZs) are areas designated by a council in which there has been nuisance, annoyance or disorder associated with the consumption of alcohol. Within these areas constables can request people to stop drinking alcohol in the designated public places and/or surrender their drink. If people refuse they can be fined up to £500. Subject to consultation, the draft orders are attached. More
    Opened 1 May 2007
  • Asylum Seeker Service - Customer Satisfaction Survey

    To measure client satisfaction with the services we provide and to provide quality assurance. An online customer satifaction questionnaire was provided through which service users can identify areas of satisfaction and provide feedback, which can be analysed and used to improve services. The questionnaire is available in a number of language formats. More
    Opened 1 April 2007
  • Voluntary Sector Funding Strategy

    The Council and the Richmond and Twickenham Primary Care Trust consulted on Voluntary Sector Funding Arrangements from 1 April 2008. The consultation closed on 14 May 2007. An invitation to participate was sent by email to local voluntary and community groups. A half day consultation event was also held on 8 May 2007. More
    Opened 1 April 2007
  • Review of polling districts and polling stations

    The Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006 require the authority to review all its polling districts and polling places within 12 months of the Regulations coming into force (1 January 2007). In the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames the polling district is also designated as the polling place. This report recommends some adjustments to polling districts in five wards. Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983... More
    Opened 1 April 2007
  • Teddington Library Refurbishment

    To find out what users of the library thought of the range of present stock, new services, facilities and available help in finding books. We were overwhelmed with the response to the Teddington Library refurbishment consultation and wish to thank everyone who took part. We received 811 Questionnaires filled in by Library users, 647 in Teddington and 143 on line. 65 non users also filled in a questionnaire, 34 in Teddington and 31 on line. 215 suggestion cards were filled in for our... More
    Opened 1 March 2007
  • Richmond Town Centre - enhancement proposals

    The consultation involved a manned exhibition in the middle of Richmond Town Centre from Saturday 3 March - Sunday 11 March, until 7pm. The scheme was on display and officers were present to answer questions. Views were also captured via a comments form. The exhibition was then transferred to Richmond Reference Library and Twickenham Civic Centre from 12 - 23 March. A questionnaire was sent to 5000 businesses and residents in the South Richmond ward, with a leaflet explaining the... More
    Opened 26 February 2007
  • Terrace Gardens parks improvements

    This consultation was carried out with the local community to work with them in overseeing the restoration of the Terrace Gardens site. The site improvement project was a success, resulting in Terrace Gardens winning the London in Bloom 'Best park or public garden' in London, 2009. The Friends of Terrace Gardens Group was also set up. More
    Opened 1 January 2007
  • Emission based charging for parking permits

    Formal public consultation on the Council's proposal to base charges for parking permits on vehicle emissions commenced on 17 November 2006 and finished on 15 December 2006. A questionnaire was sent to a representative sample of 3,500 households and 1,300 businesses across the borough to seek views on the proposals. In addition, a letter and an information leaflet was sent to all household within Controlled Parking Zones. More
    Opened 17 November 2006
  • Consultation on Dog Control Orders

    At a meeting of the Cabinet on 19 June 2006 it was agreed that the proposal for the making of Dog Control Orders under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 should go out to consultation, as required by the Act. The Cabinet delegated authority to the Director of Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to agree the detailed implementation of Dog Control Orders under the Clean Neighbourhoods Act 2005 following consultation. A poster campaign was... More
    Opened 29 September 2006
  • Environmental Health Survey 2006-07

    We regularly conduct customer surveys in order to find out how satisfied customers are with what we have provided. The results are collated and analysed and then used in order to improve areas of service where our performance has not been satisfactory. The Environmental Health Survey consisted of: 1) Customer satisfaction survey 2) Business satisfaction survey More
    Opened 1 April 2006
  • Trading Standards 2006-07

    We regularly conduct customer surveys in order to find out how satisfied customers are with what we have provided. The results are collated and analysed and then used to improve our service. The Trading Standards 2006-07 consultation consisted of: 1) Customer survey 2) Trader survey. More
    Opened 1 April 2006
  • Waste, Recycling and Street Scene Enforcement

    In February 2006 a group of residents and service users participated in a Waste, Recycling and Street Scene Enforcement Focus Group held in Twickenham to give feedback on the services provided in these areas with a view to shaping future services provided by the Council. Feedback was given specifically on the following Council services: toilet scheme, graffiti, commercial waste, recycling service, and communications and marketing. More
    Opened 20 February 2006
  • Aircraft Noise Survey 2005

    In response to the Government's consultation to increase the number of night flights to Heathrow, a 'Night Flights and Other Issues Survey' was available from August - September 2005. It was available on the Council's website and in all public libraries throughout the borough. In addition to the survey, a public meeting was held in Twickenham on 5 September 2005 at York House, 7pm start. Residents were invited to attend and give their views. More
    Opened 1 August 2005
1027 results. Page 34 of 35