Budget Consultation 2009

Closed 30 Nov 2009

Opened 15 Oct 2009


Every year, the Council consults residents from across the borough on their budget setting priorities for the next financial year. The consultation was carried out in two parts: a postal survey was sent to 1000+ members of LBRuT's Citizens' Panel and an evening workshop was held at Richmond Business School. Participants were presented with a range of service areas and asked to identify their priorities. They were also asked for their views on Council spending and where savings could be made in the future.

What happens next

The findings from both the survey and the workshop suggest that the highest priority service areas for residents include:

Crime and anti-social behaviour

Social services for older and vulnerable adults


Refuse collection


The findings have been considered by lead financial officers at the Council. A report that outlines Finance and Corporate Services' recommendations on the Revenue Budget Strategy and Council Tax 2010/11 is being considered by Cabinet at its February 2010 meeting. The findings are also being considered across the Council and will be used to inform service planning and delivery.



  • Residents


  • Richmond Borough