River Crane and Meadway improvements

Closed 19 Nov 2009

Opened 30 Oct 2009


The Council is proposing to implement safety, cycling and pedestrian improvements at the junction of Meadway and River Crane path, as part of overall improvements to the River Crane Cycle Route. The scheme will be funded by Transport for London through the Cycling on Greenways Programme. The proposals are shown on drawing 2224.PR.GL.001 and include:




- Installation of 9m long raised table, creating a flush crossing point.


- Removal of existing traffic island and speed cushions.


- Improvements to the Kneller Gardens entrance including resurfacing and replacing concrete bollards with timber bollards.




The aim of the scheme is to improve driver awareness of the junction and provide improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians in the area. Views and comments on the proposals were sought via questionnaire.


 Comments to be considered and a decision made on how to proceed by the Cabinet Member for Traffic, Transport and Parking.



  • Residents