1066 results
Fishponds Playing Fields
The council carried out an initial consultation in October 2018 to help us understand whether you visited the playing fields, what activities you took part in, and your views on a proposal to provide natural play equipment on the site. We found from the consultation that: 43% of those who responded had never visited the playing fields before 89% agreed with the proposal to give public access to the playing fields when... MoreOpened 25 October 2019 -
Parks Satisfaction Survey 2019
The Richmond Council Parks Satisfaction Survey takes place every two years and aims to assess overall satisfaction with local parks and highlight any areas for improvement. It provides us with an understanding of what residents would like to see. In turn, this informs spending on park improvements to reflect the views and lifestyle choices of local residents, current and potential park users. We welcome your views and invite you to complete the online survey below. If you... MoreOpened 22 October 2019 -
Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2019 - Adults
The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website www.richmond.gov.uk/RISE . There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run... MoreOpened 21 October 2019 -
Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2019 - Young People
The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website www.richmond.gov.uk/RISE . There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run... MoreOpened 21 October 2019 -
Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise Consultation 2019 - Parents and Carers
The Sports Development Team developed RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) in 2008. RISE aims to highlight the wide range of inclusive and disability-specific sports available in the borough. There are a variety of regular activities and events run under the RISE banner. To find out what RISE activities and events are available please visit the website www.richmond.gov.uk/RISE . There are also other inclusive and disability specific activities that run... MoreOpened 21 October 2019 -
West Drive/North Drive – Alterations to parking and improvements to informal pedestrian crossing
In response to residents’ concerns regarding parked vehicles reducing the width of the carriageway and obstructing sightlines in West Drive and North Drive, the council proposes the following alterations: Introduction of double yellow lines on the bend where West Drive meets North Drive Introduction of double yellow lines at the junction of North Drive with Aldrington Road Removal of one parking space on the approach to the informal pedestrian crossing in... MoreOpened 21 October 2019 -
Twickenham Library refurbishment consultation
As part of our continued commitment to invest in our local libraries, the Council is planning to refurbish Twickenham Library in the near future. In addition to updating and redecorating, we would like to use this opportunity to review the existing layout and use of the space, to make sure we are creating the best environment for current and future library users. We would like to invite library users and the local community (whether you currently use the... MoreOpened 7 October 2019 -
West Hill Area Traffic Management Scheme
UPDATE 24 SEPTEMBER 2019 The Council is extending the trial of the West Hill Area Traffic Management Scheme for an additional six months as early indication shows a 22% traffic reduction leaving the A3 at Tibbet’s Corner and accessing residential roads. The reason for the extension is to enable further monitoring of the impact of the current restrictions at Withycombe Road and the northern arm of Inner Park Road as essential gas work on Augustus Road has meant it has not been possible... MoreOpened 28 September 2019 -
Resident Participation and Consultation Strategy
The Council would like to hear your views on its draft Resident Participation and Consultation Strategy. The draft Strategy sets out the different ways that residents can get involved with the Housing and Regeneration Department. The aim of the Strategy is to offer a range of participation activities which allow residents to be involved at the level of their choosing, including those who do not want to be involved in the more formal structures. The... MoreOpened 24 September 2019 -
Carlisle Park Tree Works
The Council will be carrying out tree work to reduce the height of the cypress trees lining the south eastern boundary of Carlisle Park, the majority of which border Wensleydale Gardens. The work is necessary to prevent what was initially intended to be a screening hedge, from growing to a larger size which would be detrimental to the condition and amenity that is provided by the established single lime avenue. Richmond Council recognises the importance of vegetation in providing a... MoreOpened 24 September 2019 -
Richmond Residents Survey 2019
The 2019 Richmond Residents Survey will run from 30 September to 27 October. The Council is committed to listening to residents and taking their views into account when making decisions. The Residents Survey is a face to face survey which asks a random sample of around a thousand local people about a number of important issues. The results from the Residents Survey are a very important source of information as they help the Council to understand what is important to... MoreOpened 23 September 2019 -
Raleigh Road Recreation Ground
As part of Richmond Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Parks Team are seeking the views of residents about a proposed upgrade to the play equipment at Raleigh Road Recreation Ground. Our aim is to add value to this community park by providing equipment and stimulation for children with disabilities and special education needs (SEND). We are proposing to make the play space integrated, enabling disabled and able-bodied children to... MoreOpened 16 September 2019 -
Sheen Common - Proposed Play Area and Nature Trail
As part of Richmond Council’s commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Parks Team have been working with Friends of Sheen Common to develop a proposal for a small natural play area and nature trail in Sheen Common. The proposal consists of two main elements. The first is for natural play equipment in an area of woodland to the south of the football pitch and west of the pavilion. The suggestion is for a small number of natural play structures. The equipment... MoreOpened 13 September 2019 -
North East Surrey Crematorium ashes lawn consultation
North East Surrey Crematorium opened in 1958 and since then over 100,000 services have taken place there. The crematorium grounds include a Garden of Remembrance where many sets of ashes are interred, a large proportion of which are buried in the main ashes lawn. Having been in use for over sixty years, the main ashes lawn is now approaching capacity and the crematorium needs to consider ways we can continue to inter ashes within the area. One... MoreOpened 11 September 2019 -
Richmond Climate Change Strategy and Air Quality Action Plan
Climate Change is the major challenge facing our society today. Tackling it will require action at global, national and local level. Richmond Council recognises that we all have a voice. We all have a stake in the future of our planet. That’s why we are inviting you to have your say on our draft Climate Change Strategy and Air Quality Action Plan. The Climate Change Strategy sets out how the Council aims to work to reduce its own carbon footprint. It is split into key themes:... MoreOpened 6 September 2019 -
Climate change and air quality questionnaire for young people
Climate Change is a major challenge facing our planet. We are already seeing the effects e verywhere. Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is melting, leading to rising sea levels. The frequency and strength of storms is increasing, leaving destruction in their wake. And rainfall patterns are shifting, causing devastating droughts and floods. Tackling this will require action at global, national and local level. Richmond Council recognises that we... MoreOpened 6 September 2019 -
Twickenham Riverside Development
Let’s find a design which delivers the future of Twickenham Riverside. The Royal Institute for British Architects (RIBA) is supporting the Council in running a Design Competition to find an architect who can create the future vision for the riverside site. Five architect-led teams have been creating concept designs and now we want to know what you think! The Design Brief can be read here . Timeline of Drop-in Exhibitions: Drop-in... MoreOpened 4 September 2019 -
Consultation on the addition of properties to the Council's Building of Townscape Merit list
Further to the decision taken by the then Council’s Strategic Cabinet Member for Environment, Business and Community on 1 st April 2019, the buildings listed here have been considered to be potentially worthy of being included in our local list of Buildings of Townscape Merit (BTMs). This consultation is to give owners of the buildings which will potentially be included in the BTM list an opportunity to make comments that they would like to be taken into consideration.... MoreOpened 23 August 2019 -
Violence against women and girls consultation
We are inviting your views to help us develop a new strategy to address violence against women and girls. It will aim to tackle domestic violence and abuse, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, so-called ‘honour-based’ violence, forced marriage and stalking and harassment. Whilst the new strategy will have a broad heading of Violence against Women and Girls, it will also consider how to prevent these crime types against male victims. These are serious crimes which... MoreOpened 5 August 2019 -
Violence Against Women and Girls Consultation
We are inviting your views to help us develop a new strategy to address violence against women and girls. It will aim to tackle domestic violence and abuse, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, so-called ‘honour-based’ violence, forced marriage and stalking and harassment. Whilst the new strategy will have a broad heading of Violence against Women and Girls, it will also consider how to prevent these crime types against male victims. These are serious crimes which... MoreOpened 5 August 2019 -
Proposed Low Traffic Neighbourhood in East Sheen
The Council is keen to engage with the community to establish what long term traffic changes (if any) would be supported to improve the East Sheen neighbourhood. In recent years, the area has suffered from an increase in traffic using local residential roads between Richmond Park (Sheen Gate) and the Upper Richmond Road West (South Circular). Following a local petition that triggered our intervention criteria, some initial traffic restrictions were introduced on an... MoreOpened 2 August 2019 -
Richmond Day Care Charges
Introduction The Council is proposing a change to charges for the Council’s day care services for people assessed to pay the maximum charge. This change would affect people who fund their own care and support services. To ensure we keep people informed about this possible change and take all feedback into account when making a decision about the service, we are launching a consultation about our proposal. This information tells you: Why we are having to make changes ... MoreOpened 2 August 2019 -
Thessaly Road, SW8 consultation on proposed access and environment enhancements
Wandsworth Council would like to hear your views on proposed improvements for pedestrians and cyclists along Thessaly Road, enhancing access and the local environment. As motorised vehicle movements are relatively low on Thessaly Road, the proposals aim to provide safer infrastructure for more vulnerable road users. The proposed introduction of raised, controlled crossing points would benefit pedestrians, particularly school children visiting local community facilities and St... MoreOpened 26 July 2019 -
Happy Streets Festival
Many thanks for attending the Happy Streets Festival on and around Thessaly Road in Nine Elms on 13 July 2019. In order to help us understand what worked well about the event, what might need improving in future years, and to help us with planning for other events in the area, please fill in the survey below. If you would like a paper copy of the survey, please contact us at consult@wandsworth.gov.uk . MoreOpened 25 July 2019 -
Consultation on Statement of Community Involvement (Planning Matters)
The Council would like to hear your views on the updated Statement of Community Involvement (Planning Matters), which sets out in detail how the Council will engage with the community and other stakeholders when producing planning policies and making decisions on planning applications. It has been revised to take account of current legislation, and to ensure it reflects modern plan-making processes. To read the document and give us your views please click on the... MoreOpened 22 July 2019 -
Consultation on Draft Local Validation Checklist
The Council would like to hear your views on the updated Draft Local Validation Checklist, which sets out the information required to be provided with planning applications when submitted. It has been updated primarily to reflect changes resulting from the adoption of the Council’s Local Plan in July 2018 and from recent changes to planning legislation. Please note: T his document is currently only in draft form, and should you wish to submit a planning application,... MoreOpened 22 July 2019 -
Play and sports facilities in Nine Elms
We would like your views on how we can improve the sports and play facilities for everyone in the communities of Carey Gardens, Patmore Estate and Savona Estate. Wandsworth Council is investing in better local facilities or equipment with £300,000 secured from the Battersea Power Station development of affordable homes at Sleaford Street. The funds are available under certain conditions, for example the facilities must be installed in a one-off capital investment rather than... MoreOpened 13 July 2019 -
Garratt Park Playground - Phase 2 Consultation
During an initial round of consultation in summer 2018, we asked for your views about how you use the park and playground . Based on the results of the first round of consultation, three playground refurbishment designs have been developed. We would now like to hear your views to help decide on the final design for the refurbished playground. The style and height of any new equipment has to be sympathetic to the area and it will have to be... MoreOpened 8 July 2019 -
East Twickenham Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)
The Council is carrying out a consultation as part of a review of the East Twickenham Controlled Parking Zone, Zone F. This consultation is being undertaken primarily following the granting of planning permission of the Old Ryde House site in Richmond Road comprising the construction of a new Lidl Store and school. Whilst occupiers or persons associated with this development will not be eligible for parking permits, it is appreciated that such developments can have a... MoreOpened 4 July 2019 -
Twilley Street & Furmage Street Proposed Cycle Permeability & Traffic Calming Improvement Scheme
We would like to inform you about the implementation of new a cycle contraflow scheme and traffic calming measures in both Twilley Street and Furmage Street. The objective of the scheme is to enable cyclists to bypass the traffic signal junction at Garratt Lane / Kimber Road / Swaffield Road and to reduce the speed and volume of vehicles using these residential streets. Please click here to view a map illustrating the proposals. Key measures include: ... MoreOpened 1 July 2019
1066 results.
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