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1027 results

  • Draft Richmond Health and Care Plan 2019-21

    NHS organisations have worked together with Richmond Council and voluntary organisations in the borough of Richmond, to review the local community’s health and care needs to develop a Health and Care Plan for the borough. The emerging draft Health and Care Plan is a two-year plan for 2019-21 which focuses on actions which no single organisation can achieve alone: where health, social care and the voluntary sector working together will have maximum impact. This... More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • Revised Tenancy Strategy 2019

    Richmond upon Thames Council is required by legislation to develop and publish clear and accessible policies including a Tenancy Strategy which sets out the expectation the Council has of registered providers with respect to: the kinds of tenancies they grant; the circumstances in which they will grant a tenancy of a particular kind (e.g. 'secure' or Flexible Fixed Term Tenancies); the lengths of the tenancies they grant; and ... More
    Closed 27 May 2019
  • Wandsworth Byelaws Fixed Penalty Notices

    Wandsworth Council has approached London Councils with a proposal to introduce fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for byelaw offences in parks and open spaces that are covered by Wandsworth Byelaws (see list of where this would apply below). At the moment these byelaws are enforced by prosecution. This consultation asks about introducing FPNs for byelaw offences in these parks and open spaces instead. The byelaws are enforced by Wandsworth Council’s Parks & Events Police and are used to... More
    Closed 26 May 2019
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Point Consultation 2019

    Update: The closing date for this consultation has been extended to 3rd May. Conventional vehicles are recognised as a major contributor to air pollution, therefore the introduction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure is a priority for the Council to support more sustainable travel and cleaner air. This is detailed in the Council's Electric Vehicle Recharging Strategy . Electric vehicles provide a low-emission solution to driving in the city, and the... More
    Closed 3 May 2019
  • Proposed Restructuring of Wandsworth’s Autism Spectrum Disorder Advisory Services

    Background The Council would like to hear your views on our proposed changes to create an enhanced single Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Advisory Service. These proposals have been drawn up in response to our previous consultation in January 2018, where we asked families for their experiences of the ASD Assessment process and the services and support they had accessed. We received 96 responses to our consultation and further explored... More
    Closed 28 April 2019
  • Adult Social Services Transport Assistance Consultation

    The Council is proposing to implement a new Adult Social Services Transport Assistance Policy from September 2019. This policy would replace the existing arrangements for the assessment and provision of travel assistance and support in adult social care. The aim of the policy is to ensure a fair and consistent approach to the provision of transport and travel assistance and meeting the needs of those who need support. Introducing this policy would help us to support people to live and... More
    Closed 26 April 2019
  • Consultation on Proposed Main Modification in respect of the Local Green Space (LGS) designation at Udney Park Playing Fields, Teddington

    Following the application to the High Court, a Court Order has quashed paragraph 5.2.8 in the Local Plan, which relates to the designation of land as Local Green Space (LGS). The Court Order requires the Council to publish the Inspector’s recommended change to paragraph 5.2.8, as well as the associated addendum to the sustainability appraisal as a proposed Main Modification to the submitted Local Plan and carry out a 6 week consultation. Full details of the modification, including... More
    Closed 5 April 2019
  • Elmbourne and Dr. Johnson Avenue, Phase 1

    In response to concerns and petitions received from local residents, the Council is keen to progress well supported traffic calming measures on Dr Johnson Avenue, Elmbourne Road and Hillbury Road to reduce speed and volumes of through traffic. Please find attached at the bottom of the page a drawing illustrating the group of traffic calming measures. The Council is to implement the following Phase 1 measures immediately listed below which have strong historical support and will use... More
    Closed 31 March 2019
  • Tree sculpture in Moormead Park - children's survey

    We would like your ideas about our plan to make a sculpture from an old tree trunk in Moormead Park. At the moment the tree trunk looks like this: An artist has had an idea to make the tree into a sculpture which could look like this: We would like to know if you think the tree trunk should be made into a sculpture, and if so, whether you like the idea the artist has come up with. More
    Closed 31 March 2019
  • Tree Sculpture in Moormead Park

    We would like your views on a proposal to create a sculpture using a semi-mature Norway maple tree. The tree was felled in the winter of 2018 due to its declined condition and the fact it was beyond natural recovery. The tree stem and trunk were retained as it presented an opportunity to re-use the timber and re-purpose the tree within the park. The stem and trunk are adjacent to the play area in the park and the image below shows what it currently looks like: ... More
    Closed 31 March 2019
  • Proposed Magdalen Road ‘Lorry ban’

    The Council is proposing to introduce a ban for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) using Magdalen Road as a cut-through. This ban will operate at all times and will affect all lorries over 7.5 tonnes and coaches, except those with legitimate business in the area, such as for loading or unloading of deliveries or coaches to local schools. As you may already be aware, residents living on residential roads between Magdalen Road and Burntwood Lane were recently consulted on a proposal to... More
    Closed 24 March 2019
  • Fred Wells Gardens Improvements

    On behalf of Wandsworth Council, Enable Leisure and Culture has secured £316,500 to fund improvements to Fred Wells Gardens in the near future and we would now like to hear your views. Background Funding has been secured through the following channels: £220,000 from Wandsworth Council’s Local Fund in June 2017 £80,000 to fund play space enhancements from developers at 12-14 Lombard Street and £16,500 from other... More
    Closed 24 March 2019
  • Revised Tenancy and Rent Strategy and Tenancy Policy

    Wandsworth Council is required by legislation to develop and publish clear and accessible policies including a Tenancy and Rent Strategy and Tenancy Policy which the Council has had in place since 2012 and 2013 respectively. These documents set out: the kinds of tenancies we will grant; the circumstances in which we will grant a tenancy of a particular kind (e.g. 'secure' or Flexible Fixed Term Tenancies); the lengths of the terms we grant; ... More
    Closed 18 March 2019
  • Chivalry Road Playground, Phase 2 Consultation

    During an initial round of consultation in February to March 2018 , we asked for your views on a range of different types of equipment for Chivalry Road Playground. W e would now like to hear your views to help decide on the final design for the refurbished playground. Based on the results of the first round of consultation, three designs have been developed. You can find out more about the designs below: Option A... More
    Closed 10 March 2019
  • Local Plan - Consultation on Proposed Main Modification in respect of the Other Open Land of Townscape Importance (OOLTI) boundary at St Michael’s Convent, Ham Common

    Following the application to the High Court, a Court Order has removed the designation of the southern part of the garden as OOLTI at the St Michael’s Convent site, Ham Common. The Order requires the Council to publish this change as a proposed Main Modification and carry out a 6 week consultation. Full details of the modification, including the schedule of the proposed change and a map of the land subject to the Court Order, are set out in the Local Plan – Consultation on Proposed... More
    Closed 1 March 2019
  • Falcon Park Landscaping Improvements

    On behalf of Wandsworth Council, Enable Leisure and Culture has secured £182,500 from the Wandsworth Local Fund to make improvements at Falcon Park. During the initial round of consultation held in 2015, people were asked their thoughts on a proposal to re-landscape the park’s access and install play equipment at the northern entrance of the park. Based on the results of the first round of consultation, three designs have been developed. You... More
    Closed 10 February 2019
  • Wandsworth Local Plan Review

    The Local Plan consists of a series of documents which set out the spatial vision for Wandsworth, our strategy for delivery of this vision, detailed policies for managing development in the borough and development sites where change is anticipated in the borough. Keeping the Local Plan up to date is a priority for the Council. Local policies and site allocations need to remain up to date and are supported by the best possible evidence in order to be effective and robust. The need to keep... More
    Closed 6 February 2019
  • Wandsworth Licensing Policy Consultation

    We are reviewing our Statement of Licensing Policy and want to know what you think about alcohol and late night licensing in Wandsworth. We want the borough to have a thriving night time economy which brings people and businesses to the area but at the same time we need to protect the rights of residents to be safe and to enjoy reasonable peace and quiet in their homes. The Council’s Licensing Policy helps determine how we achieve this. Background to the consultation ... More
    Closed 1 February 2019
  • Richmond Local Implementation Plan Consultation

    What is the Local Implementation Plan? The Mayor of London published his Transport Strategy in March 2018. Under the Greater London Authority Act 1999, each London borough council must produce a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) saying how it will deliver this strategy at the local level. This is the third round of LIPs, with one being produced for each Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) to date. The Council has now produced a draft third LIP, which you can access... More
    Closed 11 January 2019
  • Wandsworth Local Implementation Plan Consultation

    What is the Local Implementation Plan? The Mayor of London published his Transport Strategy in March 2018. Under the Greater London Authority Act 1999, each London borough council must produce a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) saying how it will deliver this strategy at the local level. This is the third round of LIPs, with one being produced for each Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) to date. The Council has now produced a draft third LIP, which you can... More
    Closed 11 January 2019
  • A call for evidence – your views on the idea of a new pedestrian and cycling bridge in the borough

    Since 2010 there have been a number of community proposals for a new pedestrian and cycling bridge over the River Thames, particularly one that would link Twickenham with Ham. Over the years there has been much public discussion as to whether or not these proposals would be feasible. Last year, following extensive public consultation and engagement, the new Local Plan was adopted for the borough. The Local Plan is a strategy that s ets out the priorities... More
    Closed 4 January 2019
  • Consultation on a borough-wide 20mph speed limit

    There is currently great interest across the country in introducing 20mph speed limits and it is a subject that is often raised by residents in this Borough. Residents have said they want their streets to be safer, to reduce the risk of accidents and make roads more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians. We are proposing to reduce the speed limit on all roads in the borough, excluding the A316 and A205 (which are under Transport for London red-route control). This will replace the... More
    Closed 21 December 2018
  • Tooting town centre pedestrian improvements

    Transport for London (TfL) is consulting on pedestrian improvements in Tooting town centre and would like your views. TfL have been working with Wandsworth Council to develop a scheme to increase walking levels in Tooting town centre and reduce pedestrian casualties, using an innovative and wide-ranging set of pedestrian safety and urban realm improvements. The proposals form part of the Mayor of London’s plan for Healthy Streets - a long-term vision to encourage more Londoners... More
    Closed 10 December 2018
  • Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2019/20

    Since the introduction of the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) Scheme, the Council has made a number of changes which have limited the amount that applicants can receive under the scheme. In particular, in 2016/17, the Council introduced a 5% minimum contribution towards Council Tax, meaning that some residents who had never had to pay Council Tax before received bills. In 2017/18, the minimum contribution was increased to 15%. The Council also froze the limits for assessing... More
    Closed 10 December 2018
  • Consultation on a Public Spaces Protection Order for the Rosslyn Road area

    We are seeking your feedback on a local issue which may be affecting you - the activities of pro-life organisations who protest or keep vigil outside the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) Clinic on Rosslyn Road. There is evidence that there have been protests/vigils outside the clinic on and off over the last ten years. From September 2013, the frequency and scope of the protests/vigils has increased to the extent that they have been almost daily . The protestors/vigil... More
    Closed 9 December 2018
  • Public consultation: extension of six existing Conservation Areas and designation of nine new Conservation Areas

    During 2014-2017, the Council undertook a comprehensive public consultation programme as part of the development of Village Planning Guidance SPDs. Suggestions were put forward through the consultation for a number of areas to be recommended as new Conservation Areas or for extensions to existing Conservation Areas. Following an assessment of each of the areas, it was recommended that the following areas are of sufficient special historic and/or architectural interest and are... More
    Closed 3 December 2018
  • Children's Centres Reorganisation Consultation

    The Council would like to hear your views on proposed changes and improvements to our early learning provision at our Children’s Centres. The proposals build on the Council’s recently agreed THRIVE Wandsworth Strategy . To access subtitles for the video, please click on the “Closed Captions” icon on the bottom right of the video player. To change the language please, click on the “cog” icon. The THRIVE Strategy aims to ensure children are given a great start... More
    Closed 3 December 2018
  • Fishponds Consultation

    Following the successful trial of opening up the site for local families to use, we now want to hear how we could make better use of Fishponds Playing Fields and identify the types of activities and sports you would like to see, including your views on a proposal to provide natural play equipment on the site. Current provision The playing fields are booked by schools and local clubs for sport and are open to the local community when these bookings take place.... More
    Closed 2 December 2018
  • Fishponds Consultation

    Following the successful trial of opening up the site for local families to use, we now want to hear how we could make better use of Fishponds Playing Fields and identify the types of activities and sports you would like to see, including your views on a proposal to provide natural play equipment on the site. Current provision The playing fields are booked by schools and local clubs for sport and are open to the local community when these bookings take place.... More
    Closed 2 December 2018
  • Barnes Green, Railings Replacement

    As part of our commitment to improve parks and open spaces, we are proposing to replace a damaged line of fencing that runs along the Station Road side of Barnes Green with new fencing, as the fence has reached the end of its life and is beyond repair. We would like to consult on three fence option types, these are: Powder coated bow top (approximately 1200mm high) Single post and rail (approximately 600mm high) Vertical railings (approximately... More
    Closed 27 November 2018
1027 results. Page 15 of 35