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1066 results

  • A305 Twickenham Road and Staines Road (Apex Corner to Sixth Cross Road): Proposed 20mph and complementary speed reduction measures

    Reducing vehicle speeds has been proven to have a positive impact on road safety. Research by the Transport Research Laboratory has shown that a 1mph reduction in average speed equates to a 5% reduction in accidents. In 2020, the Council implemented a 20mph speed limit on the majority of roads in Richmond but a small number of roads were retained at 30mph, including this section of Staines Road and Twickenham Road . Following a detailed analysis of speeds across the... More
    Opened 9 October 2023
  • Wandsworth Residents Survey 2023

    The 2023 Wandsworth Residents Survey will run from 4 October to the end of November. The Council is committed to listening to residents and taking their views into account when making decisions. The Residents Survey is a face to face survey which asks a random sample of around a thousand local people about a number of important issues. The results from the Residents Survey are a very important source of information as they help the Council to understand what is important to... More
    Opened 4 October 2023
  • Proposed School Safety Measures on Oldfield Road

    The Council would like to hear your views on a proposal to introduce a section of northbound one-way working on Oldfield Road, Hampton, between a point just north of the entrance to the industrial units extending to just north of the railway bridge. Over recent years, and particularly since the opening of St Mary’s School, the Council has received concerns regarding potential conflict between pedestrians walking on Oldfield Road and vehicles, which are currently permitted... More
    Opened 2 October 2023
  • Oak Avenue - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing

    Please note the closing date has now been extended to Sunday 5th November. Richmond Council would like to hear your views on a proposal to introduce a new signalised pedestrian crossing on Oak Avenue, Hampton. The Council received a petition to install a new pedestrian crossing on Oak Avenue in the vicinity of Old Farm Road and South Road. In response, traffic surveys were undertaken to determine whether there was sufficient justification. Although... More
    Opened 22 September 2023
  • Tooting Common Play Area Survey

    Tooting Common Lakeside Playground Wandsworth Council plan to spend £384,000 on refurbishing Tooting Common Lakeside Playground and we want to hear from you! The Plan The project will see us design a new, bigger playground for children age 0-12. It will provide accessible equipment and opportunities to develop fine motor skills, as well as encouraging active lifestyles. There will also be the opportunity for child-led nature play and learning. All new equipment,... More
    Opened 19 September 2023
  • Conservation Area Appraisals within Richmond: Barnes Green and Kew Green

    We are currently undertaking a boroughwide programme of reviewing existing Conservation Area Appraisals to ensure they are reflective of their current character and appearance. What is a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan? Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural and historic interest, the character and appearance of which is worth of preserving or enhancing. This character is derived from the area as a whole rather than the... More
    Opened 18 September 2023
  • Richmond Residents Survey 2023

    The 2023 Richmond Residents Survey will run from 18 September to the end of October. The Council is committed to listening to residents and taking their views into account when making decisions. The Residents Survey is a face to face survey which asks a random sample of around a thousand local people about a number of important issues. The results from the Residents Survey are a very important source of information as they help the Council to understand what is important to... More
    Opened 18 September 2023
  • Consultation on proposed greening in Powder Mill Lane / Hanworth Lane, Whitton

    Richmond Council wants the environment of its town and district centres to be attractive to both residents and visitors. We want people to enjoy spending more time in these centres by making them greener and with more space for pedestrians; this would also help traders and the local economy. The Council has identified some local centres for investment and is providing funding through a Public Realm Improvement Fund (PRIF) programme. One of these areas is in Heathfield... More
    Opened 18 September 2023
  • Proposed School Safety Measures in Kings Road, Richmond

    Please note the closing date has now been extended to Friday 20th October. The Council would like to hear your views on a proposal for Kings Road, aimed at improving road safety around both Kings House School sites. Various issues have been raised within their School Travel Plan including: Vehicle speed and traffic volume Parking in unsuitable locations, such as on the existing school keep clear marking, across private driveways or... More
    Opened 11 September 2023
  • Normanhurst Drive CPZ Consultation

    The Council is consulting residents about whether or not they would support adding Normanhurst Drive to the St Margarets North Controlled Parking (Zone S2). In September 2015 the Council implemented the St Margarets North CPZ. The zone operates 10am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday with Orchard Road, Netherton Road, Ailsa Avenue, Gordon Avenue and the adjacent section of St Margarets Road within its boundary; see map here . The zone was implemented... More
    Opened 18 August 2023
  • Youth Engagement in Parks and Open Spaces

    PLEASE NOTE THE CLOSING DATE FOR THIS CONSULTATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 15 OCTOBER. The Parks Team is consulting on how young people use and engage in Parks and Open spaces in the borough. The aim of this is to gain a better better understanding as to how young people use Parks and Open Spaces in the borough currently and what improvements we could make to Parks and open spaces to make them more accessible to young people. As part of the consultation t he Parks Team... More
    Opened 11 August 2023
  • 18 Steps to Health and Wellbeing: Richmond Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2029

    Local organisations responsible for health, including Richmond Council, voluntary and community groups and the NHS, are updating plans for meeting local health and wellbeing needs over the next five years. A new strategy will set out how these different organisations will work together to best meet the needs of local people. We are asking you to share your views so we can make sure the actions proposed are bold enough to make a difference for local communities . ... More
    Opened 11 August 2023
  • 19 Steps to Health and Wellbeing: Wandsworth Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2029

    Local organisations responsible for health, including Wandsworth Council and the NHS, are updating plans for meeting local health and wellbeing needs over the next five years. A new strategy will set out how these different organisations will work together to best meet the needs of local people. We are asking you to share your views so we can make sure the actions proposed are bold enough to make a difference for local communities . The draft... More
    Opened 1 August 2023
  • Proposal to create a new Nature Conservation site at Oldfield Road Meadow, Hampton

    The Oldfield Road Meadow site is an area of grassland with mature boundary trees approximately 0.6 ha in size, located to the South of St Mary’s School Hampton, and to the north of Upper Sunbury Road. The Council Parks Team’s vision is to develop a new nature conservation area, as the site has the basic characteristics in order to achieve this, with a relatively varied grassland sward and existing mature trees. The name ‘Oldfield Road Meadow’ is a working title... More
    Opened 25 July 2023
  • Local Validation Checklist 2023

    In line with national guidance, local planning authorities should publish a Local Validation Checklist (‘local list’) of their information requirements for applications. The Council is now consulting on a draft Local Validation Checklist for Wandsworth, which contains the documents requested at national, regional and local level that need to be submitted with an application in this borough in order for it to be validated. The submission of the right information is a... More
    Opened 20 July 2023
  • Draft Wandsworth Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2023-2028

    The Council would like to hear your views on the draft Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2023-2028 – New direction for housing in Wandsworth. The draft strategy sets out the Borough’s plans for housing and homelessness services for the period 2023-2028. The strategy sets out how we will help our residents meet their housing needs and ambitions. It covers how we will work to improve social and private sector housing in the Borough, prevent homelessness and support... More
    Opened 19 July 2023
  • Proposed changes in Bigg's Row

    As part of Wandsworth’s Walking and Cycling Strategy , the Council is proposing contra-flow cycle measures along Bigg’s Row. A conta-flow cycle lane offers cyclists a separate lane allowing them to cycle in either direction on the road. The objective is to improve the layout on one-way streets by providing a more direct route for cyclists to join existing cycle networks. The Putney Area Wide Cycle Strategy also has measures specifically to help access in and around the High... More
    Opened 17 July 2023
  • Proposed changes in Putney Bridge Road

    As part of Wandsworth’s Walking and Cycling Strategy , the Council is proposing contra-flow measures along Putney Bridge Road. A conta-flow cycle lane offers cyclists a separate lane allowing them to cycle in either direction on the road. The objective is to improve the layout on one-way streets by providing a more direct route for cyclists to join existing cycle networks. The Putney Area Wide Cycle Strategy also has measures specifically to help access in and around the High... More
    Opened 17 July 2023
  • Proposed changes in Weimar Street

    As part of Wandsworth’s Walking and Cycling Strategy , the Council is proposing contra-flow cycle measures along Weimar Street. A conta-flow cycle lane offers cyclists a separate lane allowing them to cycle in either direction on the road. The objective is to improve the layout on one-way streets by providing a more direct route for cyclists to join existing cycle networks. The Putney Area Wide Cycle Strategy also has measures specifically to help access in and around the High... More
    Opened 17 July 2023
  • Wandsworth Bikehangars Consultation 2023

    Wandsworth Council is seeking views on the introduction of up to 110 additional bikehangars throughout the borough. There are currently 118 bikehangars in Wandsworth, all of which are fully occupied with waiting lists for spaces. The introduction of additional bikehangars will help to alleviate some of the demand for the existing units while also improving geographic coverage. What is a bikehangar? A bikehangar is an on-street cycle parking apparatus that securely houses... More
    Opened 11 July 2023
  • Housing Service Standards 2023

    The Council would like to hear your views on our proposed new housing service standards. Our current standards Our current housing service standards are a series of commitments and service targets which set out what tenants, leaseholders or housing applicants can expect from the borough's Housing and Regeneration Department. We report on how we meet these standards in our Annual Report to Residents . Proposed new standards Our new standards will follow the... More
    Opened 11 July 2023
  • Consultation on proposed greening in Broad Street, Teddington

    Please note: the closing date for this consultation has now been extended to 31st August 2023. Richmond Council wants the environment of its town and district centres to be attractive to both residents and visitors. We want people to enjoy spending more time in these centres by making them greener and with more space for pedestrians; this would also help traders and the local economy. The Council has identified some local centres for investment and is... More
    Opened 3 July 2023
  • Popes Grove, Twickenham (Zone E) Consultation

    In 2022, the Council received a petition from residents of Popes Grove between its junction with Popes Avenue and the railway bridge. The petition requested that the operational hours of Zone E in this section of Popes Grove be increased from 8.30am-10.30am, to 10am-4.30pm to bring them in line with the operational hours of the adjacent Strawberry Hill CPZ (Zone SH). It is understood that the reason for this petition is to deter non-resident parking that currently occurs... More
    Opened 28 June 2023
  • A310 30mph Speed Limit Review

    A310 (between Heath Road/Cross Deep and Hampton Wick Railway Bridge) Reducing vehicle speeds has been proven to have a positive impact on road safety. Research by the Transport Research Laboratory has shown that a 1mph reduction in average speed equates to a 5% reduction in accidents. In 2020, the Council implemented a 20mph speed limit on the majority of roads in Richmond but a small number of roads were retained at 30mph. Following detailed analysis of speeds... More
    Opened 27 June 2023
  • Windmill Road, Hampton Hill – Traffic Management Improvement Measures

    In Summer 2022, the Council undertook a consultation on parking layout changes along part of Windmill Road. Due to the concerns raised it was agreed to place the scheme on hold pending a decision on the future of the experimental Burtons Road traffic reduction scheme. The Burtons Road scheme became permanent in January and so the Council now wish to progress road safety and traffic management measures for Windmill Road. Taking into consideration comments... More
    Opened 27 June 2023
  • Staines Road, Twickenham – 30mph Speed Limit Review

    Further to a recent resident engagement on traffic and parking proposals for Staines Road between Fifth Cross Road and Sixth Cross Road, the Council has listened to the feedback received and is now proposing to introduce measures. Double yellow lines at all side road junctions will be progressed under an Experimental Traffic Management Order (ETMO) where formal consultation is undertaken during the first six months of operation where residents views will be sought.... More
    Opened 27 June 2023
  • Wandsworth School Streets - St Michael's

    A School Street is where a road or section of a road near a school temporarily closes to motor traffic to become a pedestrian and cycle zone at the start and end of the school day. There are many benefits of Schools Streets including keeping the area outside the school gates free of congestion, reducing idling vehicles and improving air quality, encouraging active travel to school, creating a pleasant and calm atmosphere at the start and end of the school day and, of course, improving... More
    Opened 19 June 2023
  • Hampton Court Road – Proposed Cycle and Pedestrian Safety Improvements

    Richmond Council would like to hear your views on proposals for cycle and pedestrian improvements adjacent to Hampton Court Palace, between the Palace roundabout and a point just east of Chestnut Avenue (Bushy Park). The Council introduced a temporary layout in 2020 for the cycle lane and bus stop adjacent to Hampton Court Green, which included changes to the road markings and parking bay layout up to Chestnut Avenue. These changes were intended to provide for improved cycle access at a... More
    Opened 19 June 2023
  • East Sheen Parking Review 2023

    The Council contacted residents in April 2023 to communicate the Council’s decision to propose a new controlled parking zone (CPZ) in the following areas of East Sheen: Area of roads comprising Wallorton Gardens, Gilpin Avenue, Park Avenue, East Sheen Avenue; and Muirdown Avenue and Shrewsbury Avenue The new CPZ will operate 10am to Noon, Monday to Friday. In view of the displacement (‘knock on’) effect new parking controls... More
    Opened 16 June 2023
  • Furzedown Recreation Ground Consultation

    £684,459 has been secured from Wandsworth Council to refurbish Furzedown Recreation Ground and we want to hear from you! We want to hear all of your thoughts and ideas. Why is Furzedown Recreation Ground important to you? What do you like to do here and what improvements would you love the opportunity for? We want to know. Please click here to see photos of the existing site. The Plan This refurbishment will include a new bespoke landscape... More
    Opened 14 June 2023
1066 results. Page 5 of 36