1066 results
Future Planning Framework for the Old Deer Park
The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses, community groups and organisations to help create planning guidelines for the Old Deer Park Conservation Area. The development of a specific Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Old Deer Park will help to ensure that any prospective developments on these sites are sensitive to the historic attributes of the Park whilst supporting the important recreational/sporting/community activities within... MoreOpened 8 December 2017 -
Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Plan Consultation
The Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Forum has prepared a draft Neighbourhood Development Plan for the area in consultation with the local community. The draft Plan sets out a vision and objectives to help shape the future of the area alongside planning policies, and it is now subject to public consultation. The draft Plan, including all its supporting documentation is available to view and download on the Ham and Petersham Neighbourhood Planning webpage here . If you wish to make... MoreOpened 6 December 2017 -
East Twickenham Town Centre Improvements
The Council is consulting on proposed highways improvements on Richmond Road between the junctions of Cambridge Park and Morley Road. The proposed changes will provide street scene enhancements with the upgrading of tired footways and the removal of unnecessary street clutter. The Council has secured funding from Transport for London to carry out local improvements to this area. The key features of the proposed scheme are detailed below and are shown on the consultation plan here and... MoreOpened 6 December 2017 -
Proposed Changes to Wandsworth Council's Adult Social Care Charging Policy
Why are we proposing changes to the Charging Policy? All people in receipt of social care and support are financially assessed to determine the contribution they can reasonably afford to pay towards the cost of their care and support. National legislation, including the Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance, provide the framework within which local authorities can decide their policies. Recently there have been changes which impact this, including policies from central... MoreOpened 6 December 2017 -
Public consultation on potential new conservation areas (Barnes, Mortlake)
Following the adoption of the Council’s Village Planning Guidance SPDs for the Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen village areas, where suggestions were put forward through the public consultation process for a number of areas to be recommended as new or extensions to existing Conservation Areas, the Council has carried out a detailed assessment of each of the proposed areas. The results of the detailed assessments demonstrate that the following areas are of sufficient special historic... MoreOpened 6 December 2017 -
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Wandsworth
What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)? Wandsworth Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has a statutory responsibility to publish a pharmaceutical needs assessment; which aims to identify whether current pharmaceutical service provision meets the needs of the population and whether there are any gaps to service delivery. The PNA is used by local area Pharmaceutical Services Regulations Committees (PSRC) to make decisions on new pharmacy applications and change of services or... MoreOpened 4 December 2017 -
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Richmond
What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)? Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) has a statutory responsibility to publish a pharmaceutical needs assessment; which aims to identify whether current pharmaceutical service provision meets the needs of the population and whether there are any gaps to service delivery. The PNA is used by local area Pharmaceutical Services Regulations Committees (PSRC) to make decisions on new pharmacy applications and change of services or... MoreOpened 24 November 2017 -
Proposal to erect a statue of Virginia Woolf in Richmond
Arts and education charity Aurora Metro has launched a heritage project to create the first ever life-sized, full figure statue of the famous writer Virginia Woolf. The Charity is seeking to raise £50,000 through crowd-funding and proposes to site the artwork on the terraces at Richmond upon Thames Riverside (subject to planning). Richmond Council would like your views on the proposal. Please read the information below and use the online survey to tell... MoreOpened 13 November 2017 -
Brighter Borough For All Survey
Brighter Borough for All brings together everything that Wandsworth Council is doing to make the borough an even better place to live. We would like you to help shape our future plans and priorities by telling us what you think. We will be reporting back on what you have told us and what we are doing once the current survey has finished. MoreOpened 13 November 2017 -
St. Richard's School Playing Field Consultation
Richmond Council and Richmond Housing Partnership (RHP) have been working in partnership with local residents and stakeholders to develop a vision for the future of Ham Close. A consultation held in autumn 2016 asked for feedback on the principle of a redevelopment. Residents and the wider community had their say on indicative new development proposals, which would replace the current 192 homes for existing residents, as well as creating new properties including new affordable homes... MoreOpened 9 November 2017 -
King George's Park Survey
The Council is creating a Management and Maintenance Plan for King George's Park in Wandsworth, to establish its future care and ensure local people continue to benefit from the park. We are running a survey to help us understand the value that people attach to the park, how they use it and any changes they would like to see. The more responses we receive, the better the plan will reflect local people's wishes. Have your say Please give us your views about the park by... MoreOpened 6 November 2017 -
Community Independent Living Services - GP Questionnaire
Richmond Council is reviewing the Community Independent Living Services (CILS). These are funded by the Council to provide support for people with health and social care needs and are currently organised into two partnerships: Go Local and Community Partnership. The services provided include: Social groups and lunch clubs for older people Support for people needing information and advice Peer support and self-help groups Befriending schemes and other... MoreOpened 30 October 2017 -
Kew Gardens Station - Pedestrian Accessibility Improvements
The Council has received many complaints about the poor layout directly outside Kew Gardens Station. The main issue raised is that visitors are often confused about which route to take to get to Kew Gardens. The most direct route through the car park provides no protection for pedestrians and is often flooded due to poor surface water drainage. Concerns have also been raised that drivers leaving the car park sometimes drive the wrong way down Station Approach, potentially coming into... MoreOpened 23 October 2017 -
Parks Satisfaction Survey 2017
The Richmond Council Parks Satisfaction Survey 2017 aims to assess overall satisfaction with local parks and highlight any areas for improvement. It will help us understand what residents would like to see, and inform spending on park improvements to reflect the views and life style choices of local residents, current and potential park users. We welcome your views and invite you to complete the online survey below by Monday 13th November 2017 when the exercise closes. If you would like a... MoreOpened 17 October 2017 -
Bikehangar Consultation 2017
Richmond Council is asking for the views of local residents as part of a consultation on the installation of Bikehangars in the borough. The Council is committed to encouraging residents to cycle and providing facilities to support cyclists. Bikehangars are secure parking units which provide secure undercover on-street parking for 6 bicycles, in about half the space a car would occupy. Once hangars are installed, local residents can apply for a space on a first come, first served basis. ... MoreOpened 16 October 2017 -
St Luke’s Open Space, Kew – Proposed Improvements to the Community Garden
As part of our continuing programme to improve our parks and open spaces across the borough, the Parks Department are suggesting a series of enhancements to the community garden at St. Luke’s Open Space, Kew. We are keen to improve the accessibility of the garden, to upgrade the planting scheme throughout the site and to provide further enhancements to the garden. A detailed drawing illustrating the proposals can be found at the bottom of the page. A summary of our proposals is as... MoreOpened 11 October 2017 -
Twickenham Rediscovered Survey - October 2017
Since 2015 there have been four rounds of formal public consultation and an ongoing dialogue with local community groups. This period of consultation will be the last before we submit a Planning Application later this year. There will be a further period of statutory consultation as part of the planning process; however this is your opportunity to give feedback prior to Planning. We will use your feedback to help inform the development of material for the Planning Application submission.... MoreOpened 9 October 2017 -
Village Planning Fund
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tax collected by Richmond upon Thames Council and paid by developers. In Richmond, a portion of the total tax collected in an area will be spent on local priorities. This is the neighbourhood portion of CIL; the Village Planning Fund. The Village Planning Fund was open for applications from 14 June to 14 August 2017. A total of 35 applications were received and of these 18 fully met the required criteria and are now subject to public... MoreOpened 2 October 2017 -
Richmond Annual Residents Survey 2017
The Annual Residents Survey 2017 will run from 2 October to 4 November. The Council is committed to listening to residents and taking their views into account when making decisions. The Annual Residents Survey is a face to face survey which asks a random sample of around a thousand local people about a number of important issues. The results from the Residents Survey are a very important source of information as they help the Council to understand what is important to... MoreOpened 2 October 2017 -
Richmond Clean and Green Streets Survey
The Council is expanding and exploring its efforts to tackle fly tipping and to draw together education and enforcement initiatives. We want to hear from residents to understand what you consider to be flytipping and the main barriers to disposing your unwanted items. The survey will gain residents’ views and to help us identify ways that we can prevent flytipping and littering and improve street cleanliness. You can access the online survey below, but if you would like a paper copy,... MoreOpened 29 September 2017 -
Suffolk Road Recreation Ground Consultation
The Council and Friends of Suffolk Road Recreation Ground are proposing to create a new dog free area along the right hand side of the park as you enter from Suffolk Road. In this area the Council plans to create a new play area that includes a mixture of natural and traditional play and includes a small sandpit. In the future a sensory garden is proposed within the dog free area with close proximity to Walnut Close, including a new access point from the estate allowing ease of access for... MoreOpened 19 September 2017 -
Air Quality Action Plan 2017
The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames accepts that poor air quality in the borough is a major cause of concern for our residents, businesses and visitors. As such, we are committed to tackling this problem as a priority for the borough. We have produced a new Air Quality Action Plan that builds on existing successes and develops new actions to improve air quality. A copy of the new plan is attached below. As part of the process for... MoreOpened 18 September 2017 -
Community Independent Living Services Questionnaire
The Council is reviewing the Community Independent Living Services. These are groups of voluntary organisations which are funded by the Council to provide support for people with health and social care needs. This includes older people, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities, people with physical disabilities and sensory impairments, and people with long term health conditions. The aim of the Community Independent Living Services is to promote health and... MoreOpened 5 September 2017 -
Clifden Road / Copthall Gardens – Local Safety Scheme
We are inviting residents and stakeholders to participate in our consultation on proposed changes to the Clifden Road / Copthall Gardens junction. These proposals have been developed following the recent expansion of the Richard Reynolds School and are intended to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. The key features of the proposed scheme are detailed below and are shown on the consultation plan attached below; Remove the circular island on Clifden Road. ... MoreOpened 4 September 2017 -
Proposed 20mph Zone Consultation
As part of a borough-wide initiative, Hounslow Council has committed to introduce 20mph speed limits and zones on all residential and some main roads within Hounslow borough. Officers at Hounslow Council have suggested that, for completeness, the following ‘no through’ roads within the London Borough of Richmond boundary should also be included within the neighbouring zone. These roads are: Grasmere Avenue Wills Crescent Old Manor Drive Whitton Manor... MoreOpened 31 August 2017 -
Hanworth Road / Uxbridge Road – Proposed Junction Improvements
For some time, residents have expressed concerns about congestion at the junction of Hanworth Road / Uxbridge Road. This is due to the restricted width of the road approaching the junction. This means vehicles waiting to turn right into Uxbridge Road, hold up left turning vehicles behind them. In response to this, the Council is considering two options to address the issue: Option 1 This proposal (shown on the map attached below) would widen the road adding an extra lane on the... MoreOpened 19 June 2017 -
Draft Strawberry Hill Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document
The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Strawberry Hill Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the... MoreOpened 16 June 2017 -
Draft Twickenham Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document
The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Twickenham Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future,... MoreOpened 16 June 2017 -
Twickenham Rediscovered Consultation June – July 2017
Twickenham Rediscovered aims to create a new ‘heart’ for the town, one that celebrates its riverside location. By regenerating the area we aim to fulfil the vision of residents as articulated in the Twickenham Area Action Plan (TAAP). In 2014 the Council purchased 1, 1A, 1B King Street and 2/4 Water Lane to help facilitate this. Since the purchase of the site the Council has embarked on a series of consultations with residents, businesses and local community groups to ensure we... MoreOpened 13 June 2017 -
Richmond upon Thames Community Safety Survey 2017
This consultation provides an opportunity for you to help shape the priorities for the Richmond Community Safety Partnership for 2017-2018. The Strategic Intelligence Assessment report looks at our performance on a range of crimes over the previous year and helps set the priorities for the coming year. The Community Safety Partnership has a duty to reduce crime and disorder, substance misuse, anti-social behaviour and reduce reoffending. The partnership is made up of the Council,... MoreOpened 12 June 2017
1066 results.
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