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1027 results

  • Quietway 1 Public Consultation

    The previous Mayor of London’s Vision for Cycling (2013), a 10-year plan to deliver cycling improvements across London with spending set to total £913m by 2022, announced that a cross-London network of high-quality guided cycle routes would be implemented. This was two-fold; high capacity Superhighways, mostly on main roads, for fast commuters, and slightly slower Quietways on low-traffic side streets, for those wanting a more relaxed journey, providing two clearly branded routes,... More
    Closed 20 January 2017
  • Local Plan - Publication Consultation

    We are now consulting on the Council’s final version of the Local Plan, which sets out a 15-year vision, strategy and planning policies to guide future development in the borough. It looks ahead to 2033 and identifies where the main developments will take place, and how places within the borough will change, or be protected from change, over that period. The public consultation is from 4 January 2017 for 6 weeks. The views of the community are at the heart of the Publication Local... More
    Closed 15 February 2017
  • Mortlake Green Playground Improvement - Update

    Following a review of the comments received during the previous play consultation , Richmond Council are proposing a number of additional play and fitness items on Mortlake Green. With the Section 106 funding that is earmarked to spend on such improvements, the Council would like to propose the following additions within the existing play area and outside the playground perimeter fencing. Within the existing play area the proposal is to: Install a new play train – this will... More
    Closed 26 March 2017
  • Priory Road, Hampton – Proposed Waiting Restrictions and Parking Arrangements

    The Council is re-consulting on a proposal to introduce “no waiting at any time” restrictions in the junction areas along the section of Priory Road between the junctions with Percy Road and Tudor Road, as well as introducing a short section of limited 30 minute parking outside of the shops at nos. 39-41 Priory Road. As part of these proposals the opportunity is also being taken to formalise the advisory “School-Keep Clear” marking outside of Aston Pierpoint Nursery. The plan below... More
    Closed 31 March 2017
  • Your Vision Your Strawberry Hill Survey

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like Strawberry Hill residents, businesses and community groups to help with improving the Strawberry Hill Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to maintain and enhance your areas character Aspirations for your community that contribute to its character and feel to make it a desirable place to live such as strengthening opportunities... More
    Closed 31 March 2017
  • Your Vision Your Twickenham Survey

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like Twickenham residents, businesses and community groups to help with improving the Twickenham Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to maintain and enhance your areas character Aspirations for your community that contribute to its character and feel to make it a desirable place to live such as strengthening opportunities to get... More
    Closed 31 March 2017
  • Community Pavement Repair Fund 2017

    Nominate pavements for repair Residents concerned about the condition of pavements in their local area can now nominate them for repair until 31 March 2017. In our local Residents Survey, people highlighted that the condition of pavements was among their top concerns. In response, the Council has made available £500k (£35k per village) in 2017/18 specifically to pay for community nominated improvements. This round of funding is now open for residents to nominate pavements they feel... More
    Closed 31 March 2017
  • Public Spaces Protection Orders

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames would like to consult residents on introducing Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) to help the police and Council tackle anti-social behaviour on public land. A PSPO is a new measure, created by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, that replaces some existing legislation and introduces wider discretionary powers to deal with any particular nuisance or problem that is detrimental to the local community’s quality of life. They seek... More
    Closed 12 April 2017
  • Food Waste Recycling Consultation

    Richmond Council is trying to improve food waste recycling in the borough, and we want to hear your views on how we should go about doing this. The collection of food waste directly produces energy and bio fertiliser, helping to maintain a clean and green environment. Whether you currently recycle your food waste or not, we we would like to hear your views. Please complete the online survey below by 12 April when the consultation closes. If you need a paper copy of the questionnaire... More
    Closed 12 April 2017
  • Richmond College / Richmond upon Thames School Sports Building

    Residents are invited to have their say on the detailed designs of a new Sports Building that will be at the heart of the new Richmond Education and Enterprise Campus. Building work is already well underway on the creation of new buildings for The Richmond upon Thames School (RTS) and purpose-built accommodation for Clarendon Special Needs School. Work on Richmond upon Thames College’s new main building will start later this year followed by the construction of Haymarket’s new... More
    Closed 10 May 2017
  • Star & Garter Hill, Richmond – Proposed Highway Improvements

    As part of the development works which have been undertaken in the area, the Council has secured funding to improve the footway and carriageway in the immediate vicinity of Star & Garter Hill / Richmond Gate. The improvements works are planned to take place in July and will include: resurfacing the footway and carriageway, upgrading the existing traffic islands / refuges, implementing a new footway that joins up to Richmond Park, and general improvements to the signage and street furniture.... More
    Closed 15 May 2017
  • Public Consultation on Revised Statement of Licensing Policy

    The Council, as the Licensing Authority under the Licensing Act 2003, is now undertaking a consultation process to review and update its Statement of Licensing Policy. As such, we would like to hear views from local busineses, local residents and responsible authorities on these proposals. There are four Licensing Objectives for the Licensing Act 2003, which are: Prevention of crime and disorder Public safety Prevention of public nuisance Protection of... More
    Closed 29 May 2017
  • Talk Richmond

    Talk Richmond is an innovative online community through which members can contribute to the development of Council services, campaigns and communications. Why join Talk Richmond? The community is a platform for members to influence Council campaigns, such as isolation and loneliness among older people, our annual Full of Life fair and the development of Twickenham. This new initiative also allows members to engage in live discussions and suggest their own topics for discussions, with... More
    Closed 31 May 2017
  • Hospital Bridge Road Service Road – review of double yellow lines

    The Council is seeking your views on the recently installed double yellow lines adjacent to the grassed area along the service road outside properties 223-259 Hospital Bridge Road. These yellow lines were introduced as an emergency measure to remove parking from opposite the BT poles following vehicle strikes and resultant property damage. A map showing the proposed yellow lines is attached below. Since the markings were installed, the council has received... More
    Closed 16 June 2017
  • Mortlake Green Playground Improvement - Final Consultation

    Following a review of the comments received during the previous play consultation , Richmond Council are proposing the following amendments to our design for Mortlake Green. As the majority of respondents felt strongly that the basketball hoop was a valuable asset to the green, the Council has decided it should remain in situ. The spinning dish will also be retained as users have informed us that this item is well used by younger children. With the Section 106 funding that has been... More
    Closed 30 June 2017
  • Richmond upon Thames Community Safety Survey 2017

    This consultation provides an opportunity for you to help shape the priorities for the Richmond Community Safety Partnership for 2017-2018. The Strategic Intelligence Assessment report looks at our performance on a range of crimes over the previous year and helps set the priorities for the coming year. The Community Safety Partnership has a duty to reduce crime and disorder, substance misuse, anti-social behaviour and reduce reoffending. The partnership is made up of the Council,... More
    Closed 10 July 2017
  • Twickenham Rediscovered Consultation June – July 2017

    Twickenham Rediscovered aims to create a new ‘heart’ for the town, one that celebrates its riverside location. By regenerating the area we aim to fulfil the vision of residents as articulated in the Twickenham Area Action Plan (TAAP). In 2014 the Council purchased 1, 1A, 1B King Street and 2/4 Water Lane to help facilitate this. Since the purchase of the site the Council has embarked on a series of consultations with residents, businesses and local community groups to ensure we... More
    Closed 11 July 2017
  • Hanworth Road / Uxbridge Road – Proposed Junction Improvements

    For some time, residents have expressed concerns about congestion at the junction of Hanworth Road / Uxbridge Road. This is due to the restricted width of the road approaching the junction. This means vehicles waiting to turn right into Uxbridge Road, hold up left turning vehicles behind them. In response to this, the Council is considering two options to address the issue: Option 1 This proposal (shown on the map attached below) would widen the road adding an extra lane on the... More
    Closed 14 July 2017
  • Draft Strawberry Hill Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Strawberry Hill Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the... More
    Closed 28 July 2017
  • Draft Twickenham Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning Document

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Twickenham Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future,... More
    Closed 28 July 2017
  • Whitton Parking Study Consultation

    The Council is undertaking a parking consultation in the Whitton area as part of a review of parking in the locality. This “1 st Stage” consultation follows consideration of comments, including petitions received by the Council from residents of six roads in this area (Brittannia Lane, Camellia Place, Constance Road, Mayfair Avenue, Melrose Avenue and Tranmere Road), concerning the difficulties they say they face in finding a parking space near to their home. It is understood that... More
    Closed 14 August 2017
  • Proposed 20mph Zone Consultation

    As part of a borough-wide initiative, Hounslow Council has committed to introduce 20mph speed limits and zones on all residential and some main roads within Hounslow borough. Officers at Hounslow Council have suggested that, for completeness, the following ‘no through’ roads within the London Borough of Richmond boundary should also be included within the neighbouring zone. These roads are: Grasmere Avenue Wills Crescent Old Manor Drive Whitton Manor... More
    Closed 29 September 2017
  • Clifden Road / Copthall Gardens – Local Safety Scheme

    We are inviting residents and stakeholders to participate in our consultation on proposed changes to the Clifden Road / Copthall Gardens junction. These proposals have been developed following the recent expansion of the Richard Reynolds School and are intended to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. The key features of the proposed scheme are detailed below and are shown on the consultation plan attached below; Remove the circular island on Clifden Road. ... More
    Closed 2 October 2017
  • Community Independent Living Services Questionnaire

    The Council is reviewing the Community Independent Living Services. These are groups of voluntary organisations which are funded by the Council to provide support for people with health and social care needs. This includes older people, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities, people with physical disabilities and sensory impairments, and people with long term health conditions. The aim of the Community Independent Living Services is to promote health and... More
    Closed 5 October 2017
  • Suffolk Road Recreation Ground Consultation

    The Council and Friends of Suffolk Road Recreation Ground are proposing to create a new dog free area along the right hand side of the park as you enter from Suffolk Road. In this area the Council plans to create a new play area that includes a mixture of natural and traditional play and includes a small sandpit. In the future a sensory garden is proposed within the dog free area with close proximity to Walnut Close, including a new access point from the estate allowing ease of access for... More
    Closed 10 October 2017
  • Twickenham Rediscovered Survey - October 2017

    Since 2015 there have been four rounds of formal public consultation and an ongoing dialogue with local community groups. This period of consultation will be the last before we submit a Planning Application later this year. There will be a further period of statutory consultation as part of the planning process; however this is your opportunity to give feedback prior to Planning. We will use your feedback to help inform the development of material for the Planning Application submission.... More
    Closed 30 October 2017
  • Air Quality Action Plan 2017

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames accepts that poor air quality in the borough is a major cause of concern for our residents, businesses and visitors. As such, we are committed to tackling this problem as a priority for the borough. We have produced a new Air Quality Action Plan that builds on existing successes and develops new actions to improve air quality. A copy of the new plan is attached below. As part of the process for... More
    Closed 30 October 2017
  • Village Planning Fund

    The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tax collected by Richmond upon Thames Council and paid by developers. In Richmond, a portion of the total tax collected in an area will be spent on local priorities. This is the neighbourhood portion of CIL; the Village Planning Fund. The Village Planning Fund was open for applications from 14 June to 14 August 2017. A total of 35 applications were received and of these 18 fully met the required criteria and are now subject to public... More
    Closed 30 October 2017
  • St Luke’s Open Space, Kew – Proposed Improvements to the Community Garden

    As part of our continuing programme to improve our parks and open spaces across the borough, the Parks Department are suggesting a series of enhancements to the community garden at St. Luke’s Open Space, Kew. We are keen to improve the accessibility of the garden, to upgrade the planting scheme throughout the site and to provide further enhancements to the garden. A detailed drawing illustrating the proposals can be found at the bottom of the page. A summary of our proposals is as... More
    Closed 1 November 2017
  • Hampton Hill High Street - Changes to the Road Layout and Parking

    The Council has been carrying out a number of improvements to the High Street in Hampton Hill as part of the High Street Uplift scheme. As part of these major refurbishment works, the carriageway is being resurfaced from March 19 th and following this, we will be implementing a new layout for parking and restrictions in April. This revised layout seeks to provide a balance of short term (turnover) parking bays and loading bays for the local shops and businesses along with unrestricted... More
    Closed 3 November 2017
1027 results. Page 17 of 35