Talk Richmond

Closed 31 May 2017

Opened 15 Nov 2016


Talk Richmond is an innovative online community through which members can contribute to the development of Council services, campaigns and communications.

Why join Talk Richmond?

The community is a platform for members to influence Council campaigns, such as isolation and loneliness among older people, our annual Full of Life fair and the development of Twickenham.

This new initiative also allows members to engage in live discussions and suggest their own topics for discussions, with main activities being led and encouraged by the Council.

The community has been running for nearly six months and, in this short period, the council together with Talk Richmond members have managed to achieve a lot. Members of the community helped to:

  • Shape Community Pavement Repair Fund scheme
  • Design posters for various campaigns
  • Discover new avenues for digital communication (such as Streetlife)

The Council strongly believe in co-creating campaigns and services with the residents and is now looking for new members to join the online community.

Who can join?

Talk Richmond is open to anyone who lives, works or studies in the borough.

Where possible, the community will seek to be demographically and geographically representative of the borough.

To ensure that the community is representative of the borough, applications to register interest will be held in an online holding area whilst being reviewed.

What will members be asked to do?

Members will be asked take part in up to two weekly activities and share their views, images or videos.

An example activity might be discussing the design of a new poster or brochure, where comments will be taken in consideration before this gets distributed.

How is it different from other forms of Council communications?

Talk Richmond seeks to gather more in-depth resident views on various topics through a range of different activities. It is designed to merge the best from both online community forums and public consultations to provide a genuine two-way dialogue.

It is a closed, private community of interested residents tasked with developing services, communications and engagement in the borough and finding solutions to issues together with the Council.

It does not replace, or by-pass, existing ways to contact Council services or to make complaints. If participants raise an issue that could be resolved quicker by contacting the service direct, we will ask participants to do so.

Have your say

If you would like to take part in Talk Richmond discussions, please visit the Talk Richmond webpage using the link below.

If you have any queries please email


  • Talk Richmond

    From 15 Nov 2016 at 09:00 to 31 Jan 2017 at 09:00

    Talk Richmond is an innovative online community through which members can contribute to the development of Council services, campaigns and communications.

    For more information visit



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough