Hamilton Road / Colne Road Area, Twickenham Parking Review

Closed 9 Sep 2016

Opened 11 Jul 2016

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

For results and updated information please go to http://www.richmond.gov.uk/colne_road_parking_review


The Council is undertaking a parking consultation in the green shaded area shown on the attached map as part of a review of parking in the locality.

We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses in this area on whether they would wish to see a Community Parking Zone (CPZ) implemented and, if implemented, what days and hours it should operate.

This consultation follows a number of requests for a CPZ (including petitions) received by the Council from residents in this area.

These requests primarily concern daytime commuter / non-residential parking activity. Comments have also been expressed by a number of residents about the increased levels of parking demand in the evenings and during major events held at both Twickenham Stadium and at the Twickenham Stoop Stadium along with the possible impact of newly-built residential and commercial developments in the area.  All these issues can have a negative impact on the available parking in the area for residents and their visitors.

If a CPZ is introduced in this area residents, their visitors and businesses wishing to park on street will be required to purchase / display a valid parking permit. The costs of these permits are dependent on the hours of operation and the current costs are:-


                                            Quarter Day CPZ           Half Day CPZ      All Day CPZ

Resident permits              (2 or 4 hours)                 (6.5 hours)          (10.5 hours)         

1st permit issued                   £44 per year                £75 per year         £99 per year


Business permits

1st permit issued                   £141 per year              £237 per year      £317 per year


Subsequent permits purchased per household per year are approximately 50% more for the 2nd permit issued and approximately 50% more again for 3rd and subsequent permits issued per household.

Resident visitor permits cost £12 per book of ten half-day permits.  These are half price to the over 60s.

Please note that the above costs are the current charges and it is proposed to increase them by approximately 10% in November 2016.

Information on how CPZs work can be found on the Council website at www.richmond.gov.uk/controlled_parking_zones

For your view to be counted please return your postal questionnaire or complete the online version below by 9 September 2016. Generally the Council requires support from a majority of households (over 50%) in an area to implement a new CPZ.

Your views are important to us and we would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.

The results of this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene. If it is established that there is sufficient support for a CPZ, the Council will develop and promote firmer proposals.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough