Proposal to develop Beach Volleyball Courts at Broom Road Recreation Ground

Closed 30 Nov 2013

Opened 1 Nov 2013

Results updated 8 Sep 2014

 A total of 217 valid responses were received to the online survey. In addition 101 letters were also submitted using a standard letter produced in the community to register their views and support for the proposals.

The results from the survey indicated that the majority of respondents (82%) agreed with the proposal to convert tennis courts into 3 volleyball courts. Of the respondents that did agree with the proposal the main additional uses of the courts they supported included:

  • free community use out of school hours (44%);
  • free community use out of school hours, beach tennis and play beach (17.3%)


A Cabinet meeting on 12 December 2013 approved the proposed conversion including:

  • the development of beach volleyball courts, subject to securing funding as outlined in Section 4 of the Cabinet Report. 
  • the beach volleyball courts will be managed by Teddington Sports Centre


The estimated cost of the conversion is £50,000.  The London Marathon Charitable Trust has agreed a grant of £25,000, with the balance raised as follows:

  • £10,000 from Parks Improvement Programme
  • £10,000 from Sport & Fitness revenue budget
  • £5,000 from Richmond Volleyball Club




The Council is proposing to convert the two tennis/netball courts in Broom Road, Teddington into 3 beach volleyball courts managed by Teddington Sports Centre who currently manage the community sports facilities at Teddington School.  The new courts would be available for community to play the sport and offer a range of other activities that include beach tennis and the potential for a children’s play beach during the summer.

The condition of the existing courts has been declining over the last few years and whilst some remedial works have been undertaken, their condition remains well below acceptable standards.

Beach volleyball is an Olympic Sport and as part of the legacy from the Olympic Games the national Governing Body, Volleyball England, is looking to develop a network of beach volleyball courts across the country.

There is strong support for a local beach volleyball facility from Richmond based clubs that include, Richmond Volleyball Club with 400 members, 200 of whom are under the age of 18, Teddington Volleyball Club and Teddington School for use by their students.

The Council will need to invest some capital towards the proposed new courts but it is anticipated that the majority of this funding can be attracted from external grants.  There is no external funding available for reconstructing these courts for tennis / netball and the Council does not have the funds required for the reconstruction work.

Your views are important to us and we invite you to complete and submit this questionnaire by 30th November 2013 when the consultation closes. 

If the consultation provides support for the beach volleyball proposal, the Council will apply to a number of grant giving bodies for funding.  Decisions are likely on these applications by early 2014 and the beach volleyball facility would be ready for use by Easter 2014.

If you require any more information please contact using the contact details provided.

Please read the background document for more detailed information before completing the questionnaire.



  • Residents
  • Black and minority ethnic groups
  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Community groups
  • Gay, lesbian and bisexual people
  • Men
  • Older people
  • Parents
  • People with disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with mental health issues
  • Service users
  • Staff
  • Transgender people
  • Visitors and tourists
  • Voluntary groups
  • Women
  • Young people
  • Members
  • Developers