Mortlake Green Playground Improvement - Update

Closed 26 Mar 2017

Opened 6 Mar 2017

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

Thank you to all those who took part in the consultation. The Parks team have met with representatives from the local school who had raised concerns around the proposals and have agreed to make amendments to the plans. As a result of these discussions the Parks team are looking to launch a further consultation in the near future.


Following a review of the comments received during the previous play consultation, Richmond Council are proposing a number of additional play and fitness items on Mortlake Green. With the Section 106 funding that is earmarked to spend on such improvements, the Council would like to propose the following additions within the existing play area and outside the playground perimeter fencing.

Within the existing play area the proposal is to:

  • Install a new play train – this will be installed on new safety surface in the space between the cradle swings and the rocking horse. 
  • Replace the spinning dish with a motorbike and side car spring rocker or something similar.
  • Remove two lesser used items (the spinning pole and sea-saw) and relocate an existing bench to accommodate a new space net and safety surface.
  • Install two activity panels along the brick wall. 
  • Install a variety of games and activity markings onto the tarmac surface of the playground including hopscotch board, alphabet grid, compass point and clock with numerals.

Outside of the existing play area the proposal is to:

  • Install a timber framed bird’s nest basket swing with grass matting between two trees that are adjacent to the play area, towards Mortlake Station.
  • Replace the basketball board and hoop with a number of new outdoor fitness items that are both static and moving. Examples of such items are: a chest press, ski stepper, pull up bars, body twist and parallel bars etc.

Photographic examples of the play and fitness items are attached below.

As part of the upgrade, all existing play equipment will be refurbished as required and a review of the provision of bins and seating within the whole of Mortlake Green will also be undertaken.

The aim of this consultation is to inform playground users and the wider public about our proposals, to establish whether the proposals are supported and to gather feedback.   

We are keen to hear your views - please complete the online survey below.

If you require a paper copy of the poster or questionnaire please contact the Parks team on or 0208 891 1411.



  • Open to all