Tree Friends Hampton, Orchard Project

Closed 4 Aug 2014

Opened 7 Jul 2014

Results updated 9 Sep 2014

The consultation on whether or not to allow Tree Friends Hampton to plant a small orchard within Beveree Nature Conservation Site ran from 7 Jul 2014 to 4 Aug 2014. The results show a majority (73%) are in favour of this project and several suggestions were made in terms of the species of to be planted. Please see that attached summary report. The council are meeting with the Tree Friends in the next few weeks to agree a maintenance programme and conditions, with the aim of starting works next month. For more details on how to get involved please contact



The Council is consulting on whether to allow a local volunteer group, Tree Friends Hampton, to establish a small orchard within Beveree Nature Conservation Site.  The group would carry out all the required works with minimal support from the Council where appropriate.

Please see the attached site map highlighting the position of the proposed orchard and also the initial planting plan from Tree Friends Hampton. There are more details on the types of trees they are proposing within the survey that follows.

This public consultation is part of the initial phase of involving the local community in this project. Should there be support for the orchard, Tree Friends Hampton would like to actively encourage members of the community to participate in this project with a view to the future, establishing a regular maintenance schedule. 

Please see the attached documents and complete the short survey.




  • Residents