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1066 results

  • Whitton and Hampton Library Drinks Machine Trial

    The Richmond Libraries Service is always looking at different ways to improve what it offers. This survey aims primarily to hear from users or people who live in the area of Whitton and Hampton libraries, about what services they use and the services and facilities they would like that are currently not available. One improvement you have told us you would like is to have a refreshment facility in the library. In response drinks machines are being installed in Whitton and Hampton... More
    Opened 7 April 2015
  • Parks Improvement Programme - Redesign of Champion’s Wharf

    As part of our commitment to continually improve our parks and open spaces, London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames Parks Department are proposing a complete redesign of Champion’s Wharf (excluding play beach) on Twickenham Riverside. The redesign follows on from the creation of the hugely popular play beach opened in 2013. The intention of the redesign is to create an attractive space connecting the Embankment with York House Gardens, offering a variety of elements including 10 new trees,... More
    Opened 18 March 2015
  • Draft Prevention Strategy Consultation

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Local Authority and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have developed their first integrated three year Prevention Strategy to improve the health and well-being of our population and to support people to remain independent. The Care Act (2014) emphasises the importance of a shift in service provision towards preventive services, with the aim of preventing, reducing and delaying the need for care and this strategy outlines our approach. This... More
    Opened 11 March 2015
  • Town Centre Opportunities Consultation 2015

    The purpose of the survey is to obtain the views and perspectives of older residents in the borough in order to gain a better understanding about how suitable they feel the borough’s town centres are to meet their needs and identify issues and opportunities for future improvement. This survey was first undertaken using paper questionnaires at the Full of Life Fair in 2014 with an on-line version available. Whilst the responses provided us with a good base for our initial analysis, we... More
    Opened 2 March 2015
  • Community Safety Survey - Crime Priorities for Richmond Borough

    This consultation provides an opportunity for you to help set the priorities for the Richmond Community Safety Partnership for April 2015 to March 2016. The Strategic Intelligence Assessment report looks at our performance on a range of crimes over the previous year and helps set the priorities for the coming year. The Community Safety Partnership has a duty to reduce crime and disorder, substance misuse, anti-social behaviour and reduce reoffending. The partnership is made up of... More
    Opened 23 February 2015
  • Mortlake Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document)

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Mortlake Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as set... More
    Opened 13 February 2015
  • Barnes Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document) Consultation

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Barnes Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as set... More
    Opened 13 February 2015
  • East Sheen Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document) Consultation

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the East Sheen Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as... More
    Opened 13 February 2015
  • House Extensions and External Alternations Supplementary Planning Guidance

    The Council has published the revised House Extensions and External Alterations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for public consultation from 9 February to 23 March 2015. This SPD updates the guidance from 2005, to reflect changes in the legislation and policy context. This SPD provides a clear set of guidelines, supported by illustrations, to demonstrate how changes to existing properties, such as side and rear extensions, and loft conversions, should be designed. It is primarily... More
    Opened 9 February 2015
  • Draft Refuse and Recycling Storage Requirements SPD

    The Council has published the draft Refuse and Recycling Storage Requirements Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for public consultation from 9 February to 23 March 2015. This SPD supersedes the existing ‘Recycling for New Developments’ Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG), which was adopted in 2004. The draft SPD provides up-to-date guidance on the provision, design and location of refuse and recycling storage for residential, commercial and mixed-use developments, as well as... More
    Opened 9 February 2015
  • Local Validation Checklist

    In line with national guidance, local planning authorities should publish a Local Validation Checklist (‘local list’) of their information requirements for applications. The Council is now consulting on a draft Local Validation Checklist, which contains the documents requested at national and local level that need to be submitted with an application in this borough in order for it to be validated. The submission of the right information is a significant factor in making timely... More
    Opened 9 February 2015
  • Consultation on Richmond’s Learning Disability Strategy “Our Big Plan”

    This survey is for People with Learning Disabilities and their carers. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group are developing a Learning Disability strategy (“Our Big Plan”). This plan is a draft document. The survey questions will help us find out what’s most important to you and what’s missing from The Big Plan. The answers to these questions will help us to plan your future. You can also come along to our Big Event - this is a... More
    Opened 27 January 2015
  • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

    Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames was designated as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) with responsibilities for managing local flood risk across the borough. The primary duties of a LLFA are to ensure that flood risks from surface water runoff, groundwater and ordinary watercourses are identified and managed appropriately. To meet this requirement a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) has been produced to ensure that... More
    Opened 26 January 2015
  • Community Roads & Pavements Fund 2015

    Help decide how £35,000 is spent in your local area – nominate now! In the All in One survey, residents highlighted the condition of roads and pavements among their top concerns. In response, the Council aims to make available £490,000 to pay specifically for community nominated improvements. The fourth round of funding is now open for residents to nominate more roads and pavements they feel are in need of extra work. This is in addition to the regular maintenance... More
    Opened 12 January 2015
  • Changes to charging arrangements

    The Care Act overhauls over 60 years of adult social care legislation in England and introduces a single legal framework. The Act consolidates existing best practice, as well as placing a number of new duties on Councils in supporting people with care and support needs (whether or not they receive any financial support from the Council towards their care) and their carers. The Council already meets many of the requirements under the Act, but there are some areas that require the Council to... More
    Opened 19 December 2014
  • Prevention Strategy Consultation

    Better health for everyone Richmond Council and Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group are developing a prevention strategy with the aim of enabling residents to keep healthy and well by encouraging them to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing. This could also prevent or delay the need for health or social care services. We want people to be able to: Stay healthy and independent Enjoy a good quality of life Participate fully as active... More
    Opened 15 December 2014
  • Orchard Road & Netherton Roads Parking Zone Review

    Welcome to the Orchard Road and Netherton Road Parking Review. Purpose of the consultation The Council implemented a Community Parking Zone (Zone S2) in Orchard Road, Netherton Road and St Margarets Road in April 2014 shaded dark green in the diagram. We would like to hear your views about how this scheme has worked since its implementation and whether there are any changes to it that we should consider. Your views are important to us and we invite you to submit your comments by... More
    Opened 12 December 2014
  • St Margarets South Community Parking Zone Consultation

    The Council is undertaking a review in St Margarets to improve parking for residents and businesses in the area and includes: Consultation to review the Community Parking Zone (CPZ) S2 implemented in April 2014 in the Orchard Road / Netherton Road area (shaded dark green in diagram in related ducment below) . Consulting residents of the Casillis Road / Heathcote Road area and all roads north and east of Zone S2 (shaded light green) to see if they would wish to see a CPZ... More
    Opened 12 December 2014
  • St Margarets North Community Parking Zone Consultation

    The Council has received a number of communications and petitions from residents in the St Margaret’s North area concerning the lack of available parking for residents due to daytime commuter parking. A review is being undertaken of the Community Parking Zone (CPZ) Zone S2 introduced in April 2014 in the Orchard Road / Netherton Road area of St Margarets (shaded dark green on the drawing in the related documents below). As part of the review, the Council is consulting residents in... More
    Opened 12 December 2014
  • Youth Question Time

    HAVE YOUR SAY! If you are under 18 and would like a chance to quiz the Leader of the Council and other senior local representatives who make decisions about you – come along to this event and have your say! THE PANEL LEADER OF THE COUNCIL Lord True COUNCILLOR PAUL HODGINS Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Schools CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF ACHIEVING FOR CHILDREN Nick Whitfield YOUTH PARLIAMENT MEMBER Jack Lewis DEPUTY YOUTH... More
    Opened 20 November 2014
  • Parks Improvement Programme II North Sheen Play Upgrade

    We are consulting with park users, local residents and visitors on proposals to improve and upgrade the two existing play areas within North Sheen Recreation Ground This park was originally part of an orchard belonging to the Popham Estate and was opened in June 1909. Extended in 1923, it now contains football pitches, a running track, two extensive playgrounds, a large dog-free grassed area and a pavilion set amongst trees and shrubs. The main attractions for children in the summer are... More
    Opened 13 November 2014
  • Libraries Wi-Fi Feedback Survey

    A free Wi-Fi service was introduced in Richmond borough libraries early in 2014. This survey is designed to gather feedback from library users, gauge satisfaction with the Wi-Fi service and alert us to any issues we need to address for the future. If you use Richmond upon Thames libraries we would like your views, whether or not you have used the new Wi-Fi service. Please complete the short survey below and submit before the closing date of 7th December 2014. More
    Opened 10 November 2014
  • West London Waste Plan – Publication of Proposed Main Modifications

    The six West London Boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hillingdon, Hounslow and Richmond upon Thames have prepared a joint West London Waste Plan, which was submitted to the Secretary of State on 30 July 2014 for independent examination in public. During the examination hearing sessions held between 7 October and 10 October 2014, the Inspector indicated that in order for the Plan to be “sound”, it should be modified in a number of areas. Before the Inspector will issue his final... More
    Opened 7 November 2014
  • Your Vision Your Mortlake

    This consultation is part of the Village Planning exercise for Mortlake. This short video explains what Village Planning is. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses and community groups and organisations to help with improving the Mortlake Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to protect and enhance your areas character and conservation areas ... More
    Opened 7 November 2014
  • Your Vision Your East Sheen

    This consultation is part of the Village Planning exercise for East Sheen. This short video explains what Village Planning is. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses and community groups and organisations to help with improving the East Sheen Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to protect and enhance your areas character and conservation areas... More
    Opened 7 November 2014
  • Your Vision Your Barnes

    This consultation is part of the Village Planning exercise for Barnes. This short video explains what Village Planning is. London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses and community groups and organisations to help with improving the Barnes Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to protect and enhance your areas character and conservation areas ... More
    Opened 7 November 2014
  • Hospital Bridge Road junction Powder Mill Lane and Percy Road, Whitton Proposed junction changes

    Following a number of complaints in recent years, a review of the existing road layout has been undertaken. One of the key issues raised is that right turning traffic from Powder Mill Lane (PML) into Hospital Bridge Rd (HBR) (towards the A316) blocks traffic travelling ahead into Percy Road. This results in excessive queuing on Powder Mill lane during peak hours. A further issue is that of narrow traffic lanes approaching the signals from the A316. In the last three years, there have also... More
    Opened 27 October 2014
  • Public consultation: Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment for Richmond

    Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board is under a statutory obligation to draft, consult upon and publish a pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) in accordance with the National Health Service (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013. The PNA is designed to assess the current provision of pharmaceutical services, have regard to any specified future circumstance where the current position may materially change and identify any current and future gaps in pharmaceutical... More
    Opened 22 October 2014
  • Carers Survey 2014/15

    The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has asked all local authorities to undertake a Carers Survey in 2014-15. This survey is being run for the second time and was developed to learn more about whether services received by carers are helping them in their caring role and in their life outside of caring, and about their perception of services provided to the person they care for. Richmond Council will be contacting a sample of people who are, or were, a carer during the... More
    Opened 20 October 2014
  • Woodlands Management Plan Consultation

    The Council has been successful in obtaining a Woodland Improvement grant from the Forestry Commission for restoring named woodlands within the borough back to an excellent woodland condition. The works will be undertaken over a 5 year period starting from the autumn 2014. In order to inform and direct these works, the Council is required to produce a Woodland Management Plan. The plan needs to follow the Forestry Commussion template as per the document attached below. The sites... More
    Opened 15 October 2014
1066 results. Page 24 of 36