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1066 results

  • Richmond Coronavirus Survey for Businesses

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted businesses across the UK. Richmond Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of how the pandemic is impacting businesses and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. We want to hear about what you need in the short, medium and long term, so please complete this survey to let us know how this... More
    Opened 29 June 2020
  • Wandsworth Coronavirus Survey for Businesses

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted businesses across the UK. Wandsworth Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of how the pandemic is impacting businesses and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. We want to hear about what you need in the short, medium and long term, so please complete this survey to let us know how this... More
    Opened 29 June 2020
  • Wandsworth Residents Coronavirus Survey

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted the lives of people within the UK. Wandsworth Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of the impacts and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. Please take the time to respond to this brief online survey - your feedback will help us to understand your needs and concerns during this time and inform... More
    Opened 29 June 2020
  • Richmond Residents Coronavirus Survey

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly impacted the lives of people within the UK. Richmond Council is working hard to support local residents and businesses during this unprecedented time. To help us build a better picture of the impacts and target support where it is most needed, we would like to hear your views. Please take the time to respond to this brief online survey - your feedback will help us to understand your needs and concerns during this time and inform... More
    Opened 29 June 2020
  • Trial barrier to prevent through traffic in Oakmead Road and Ravenstone Street, SW12

    Following receipt of petitions from residents at Oakmead Road and Ravenstone Street requesting through traffic to be stopped on these roads, the Council has approved the introduction of a barrier on Oakmead Road near the junction of Bedford Hill. The barrier will allow access to pedestrians and cyclists only. Space will be created near the barrier for vehicles needing to reverse along Oakmead Road. The proposal aims to reduce traffic volumes and improve road safety in these... More
    Opened 22 June 2020
  • Twickenham Riverside Development - Parking and Servicing Consultation

    You may be aware that the Council is planning to redevelop Twickenham Riverside. Following feedback from residents , in 2019 the Council ran a Design Competition to find a new architect and concept design for the site, which includes the stretch of The Embankment between Wharf Lane and Water Lane. By making the best use of the whole site, the redevelopment plans aim to open up the river, provide open space for all to enjoy, prioritise people over... More
    Opened 15 June 2020
  • Wandsworth Open Space Survey

    We are asking residents, businesses and interested parties for their opinions on public open space in the borough. Public open space provides opportunities for sport and recreation, socialising, tourism and wildlife, making an important contribution to the health and wellbeing of communities, ecosystems and economies. Wandsworth has a variety of public open spaces, from allotments to small local play areas and larger parks such as Battersea Park. However, we need up-to-date... More
    Opened 10 June 2020
  • Lytton Grove Area Traffic Management Scheme

    Following receipt of a petition from Lytton Grove residents expressing concerns over perceived high traffic volumes, excessive speed and the number of accidents on this road, Wandsworth Council's Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee has approved a trial of banned right turns out of Lytton Grove. The proposed measures aim to reduce the volume of traffic and improve road safety between the A219 Putney Hill and the A3 West Hill. A plan of the proposed changes can be seen here . ... More
    Opened 3 June 2020
  • Wandsworth Public Spaces Protection Order Consultation

    *THIS CONSULTATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO 5 JULY* What are PSPOs? Public Space Protection Orders are an element of legislation introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 to tackle anti-social behaviour in a flexible and responsive way. A PSPO prohibits specific activities within a defined area and is intended to deal with particular nuisances or problems that are detrimental to the local community’s quality of life,... More
    Opened 18 May 2020
  • Richmond Riverside Footpath Consultation

    The Council is proposing to implement a restricted parking zone on Richmond Riverside between Water Lane and Buccleugh Gardens – you can see the plan here . Richmond Riverside is considered by many as an idyllic beauty spot. This stretch of towpath is flanked by a series of pocket parks which add to the ‘arcadian’ feel of the area and due to its accessibility and closeness to the town centre it attracts hundreds of visitors every day. The restricted zone,... More
    Opened 11 March 2020
  • Richmond Bikehangars Consultation 2020

    UPDATE: THE CLOSING DATE OF THIS CONSULTATION HAS BEEN EXTENDED. Cycling is a sustainable, healthy and affordable means of travel. An increase in cycling will help us to reduce greenhouse gases and pollutants that cause poor air quality and are bad for our health and the environment. Many residents, particularly those who live in terraced streets and flats, find it difficult to keep bicycles at home due to lack of storage space. The Council has received over 250 requests... More
    Opened 11 March 2020
  • Proposed cycle contraflow scheme Harbut Road (SW11)

    The Council would like to inform you of a proposal to implement a cycle contraflow trial on a 60m stretch of Harbut Road. The objective is to improve the flow for cyclists by providing a more direct route for cyclists to join the existing cycle network at the end of Nantes Close. A plan of the proposed changes can be seen here , and are detailed below: Install new cycle signage and mark the carriageway with cycle symbols, directional arrows, slow and give-way... More
    Opened 10 March 2020
  • Learning Disability Strategy Survey

    UPDATE: Due to Coronavirus restrictions the focus groups on 3rd and 6th April have now been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please give us your views over the phone or online using the guidance below. “Building Foundations – Changing Lives” This draft strategy sets out the priorities for improving outcomes for people with a learning disability in Wandsworth over the next five years and beyond. The strategy is a collaboration... More
    Opened 6 March 2020
  • Learning Disability Strategy Survey (Easy Read Version)

    This is our new learning disability strategy (our Plan). This Strategy is the plan for how leaders in Wandsworth are going to spend money on making the lives of people with a learning disability better. This plan is for years from 2020 to 2025. Vision A v i s i on i s a g o a l f o r h o w w e w a n t t h i n g s t o be f or p e o p l e wi t h a l e a r n i ng d i sa b ili t y i n Wandsworth . ... More
    Opened 6 March 2020
  • Wandsworth Bikehangars Consultation 2020

    In July 2019, Wandsworth Council declared a climate emergency. The Council’s ambitious Climate Change Action Plan was published in January 2020 and challenges everyone who lives and works in Wandsworth to reduce their carbon footprint and make Wandsworth the greenest inner London borough. Changing how people travel will be a pivotal part of achieving this goal – we need more people to use clean, sustainable modes of travel such as walking and cycling around the borough. Cycling... More
    Opened 3 March 2020
  • Battersea Church Road: Consultation on proposed traffic restrictions

    Following the receipt of a petition from residents on Battersea Church Road expressing concerns over the volume and speed of traffic on this road, Wandsworth Council's Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee recently approved a public consultation on options to help combat undesirable traffic conditions and improve the safety and environment of this road. Recent survey data has shown Battersea Church Road is used by approximately 10,000 vehicles a day with over 100... More
    Opened 2 March 2020
  • Carlisle Park: Proposed outdoor gym and relocation of small play area

    As part of the Council’s continued commitment to improve our parks and open spaces, the Council and Friends of Carlisle Park are proposing to make changes to the Carlisle Park playgrounds and create a new outdoor fitness space for park users. The proposal involves moving the existing toddler play equipment into the main play area, installing it close to existing equipment aimed at children of a similar age. The proposed locations are shown on this map and the toddler... More
    Opened 2 March 2020
  • Adult Social Care Transport Assistance Consultation

    The Council is proposing to make changes to the assessment and provision of transport assistance in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Why are these changes happening? The Care Act 2014 presented a shift in focus towards prevention and supporting people to stay as independent as possible. The Act requires the Council to consider people’s own strengths and capabilities and what support might be available from their wider support network or their local... More
    Opened 28 February 2020
  • Local Plan Direction of Travel Consultation

    It is less than two years since the Council adopted the present Local Plan, but much has happened since. In response to the accelerating pace of climate change the Council has adopted a Climate Emergency Strategy with a range of actions, some of which have a direct bearing on Local Plan policies. There has also been a revision of the National Planning Policy Framework and a new London Plan is in its final stages before adoption with, amongst other things, increased... More
    Opened 24 February 2020
  • Call for Sites 2020

    The Council is required by Government guidance to issue a call for sites and broad locations for development as part of the preparation of the new Local Plan . This is to identify as many potential opportunities as possible, aimed at as wide an audience as possible so that those not normally involved in property development have the opportunity to contribute. There is a call for sites and broad locations alongside the Local Plan consultation , so that we will have a better... More
    Opened 24 February 2020
  • Elleray Hall - A New Social Centre For Teddington

    For the past 45 years, Elleray Hall has been a place where local people can take part in a range of activities run by Elleray Community Association. The services remain an integral part of the Council’s support for older people. However, the building in which they are based is increasingly difficult and expensive to maintain. Thousands of pounds is spent every year heating the non-energy efficient building. In 2018, Richmond Council held a consultation on proposals for a... More
    Opened 29 January 2020
  • Mail Centre Takeover Feedback Survey

    Thank you for attending The Mail Centre Takeover , Nine Elms. Please use this survey to let the organisers know what you thought of the event, as well as what other arts and cultural activities you would like to take place in the Nine Elms area in the future. Please be advised this survey closes on Wednesday 26 February 2020 . More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Southfield Gardens Controlled Parking Zone (Z4) Review

    In 2004, the Council implemented the Southfield Gardens Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone Z4, operating 10.30am to 2.30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding July and August). The Council is now reviewing this CPZ as part of a wider review of parking in the Teddington/Strawberry Hill areas – see plan here . We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses within the CPZ on its operation including whether you are happy with retaining the existing operational... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Elleray Road Controlled Parking Zone (Z1) Review

    In 1998, the Council implemented the Elleray Road Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone Z1. In 2015, the Council extended the CPZ’s operational days/hours, from Monday to Saturday 8.30am to 6.30pm, to 8.30am to 10pm Monday to Sunday (including bank holidays). The Council is now reviewing this CPZ as part of a wider review of parking in the Teddington/Strawberry Hill areas – see plan here . We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses within... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Teddington CPZ Review Consultation (Christchurch Avenue and Nos 3-9 Station Rd)

    In 2008, the Council implemented the Teddington Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone T operating Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 10.30am. Since its implementation, the Council has received feedback on the CPZ from residents, including requests for its operational days/hours to be increased and for roads outside its boundary to be incorporated into the CPZ. In recent years, the operational days/hours have been increased in part of the CPZ in Christchurch Avenue,... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Ferry Road Controlled Parking Zone (Z2) Review

    In 1998, the Council implemented the Ferry Road Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone Z2, operating 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Sunday. The Council is now reviewing this CPZ as part of a wider review of parking in the Teddington/Strawberry Hill areas – see plan here . We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses within the CPZ on its operation including whether you are happy with retaining the existing operational days/hours or whether you would like these... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Waldegrave Road Controlled Parking Zone Review

    In 2008, the Council implemented the Teddington Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone T operating Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 10.30am. Since its implementation, the Council has received feedback on the CPZ from residents, including requests for its operational days/hours to be increased and for roads outside its boundary to be incorporated into the CPZ. In recent years, the operational days/hours have been increased in part of the CPZ in Christchurch Avenue,... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Vicarage Road Controlled Parking Zone Review

    In 1995, the Council implemented the Vicarage Road Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone M1, operating 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Sunday (excluding bank holidays). The Council is now reviewing this CPZ again as part of a wider review of parking in the Teddington/Strawberry Hill areas – see plan here . We are now seeking feedback from residents and businesses within the CPZ on its operation including whether you are happy with retaining the existing operational... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Teddington/Strawberry Hill Parking Study

    The Council is undertaking a parking review in the Teddington / Strawberry Hill area. In recent years, the Council has implemented new Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs) in Strawberry Hill (Zone SH) and in the North Teddington area (Zone T1) and has made some changes to the existing Teddington CPZ (Zone T). Residents of some roads in the area not currently within a CPZ have submitted petitions requesting parking controls. A CPZ can alleviate the difficulties... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
  • Waldgrave Gardens (between Waldegrave Rd and Tower Rd) CPZ Review

    The South Twickenham Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone E, operates 8.30am to 10.30am, Monday to Friday. However, in the section of Waldegrave Gardens (between Waldegrave Road and Tower Road), it operates 10.30am to 2.30pm, Mon-Fri. The Council is now reviewing this CPZ as part of a wider review of parking in the Teddington/Strawberry Hill areas, – see plan here . We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses within the CPZ on its operation... More
    Opened 24 January 2020
1066 results. Page 13 of 36