Zone KC CPZ Review
The Council is carrying out a review of the North Kew Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone KC, as part of a review of all Controlled Parking Zones in Kew - see attached map.
Over the years, the Council has received feedback from residents and businesses in Kew on how the CPZ in their specific area operates. This consultation seeks feedback from all properties in Kew on how the schemes are working and whether any changes should be made. This includes seeking views on whether the CPZ operational hours/days applied in each area are about right or need to be changed.
Specifically in Zone KC, we wish to review the operation of the Event Day Zone to see whether this should continue in operation or replaced with a longer fixed operational period which would apply into the evenings every day. Our reason for this is that the Event Day Zone requires considerable operational management throughout the year and the need for residents and visitors to be aware of when it is in operation. A fixed operational period should, in our view, be considered for the future as this may improve the overall operation of the scheme for everyone.
As part of the review of Zone KC, we are also proposing to amend the zone boundary of Zone KC and KA to add the small adjoining section of Kew Road (between Mortlake Road and Gloucester Court) to Zone KC along with the creation of a new sub-zone between Nos 292 and 322 Kew Road (Zone KD). This follows the submission of a petition from residents of Kew Road between Gloucester Court and No 292 who have experienced difficulties in parking near to their home. We will be looking at the provision of parking space in Zone KC to ensure that any displacement of parking demand is managed and does not create any difficulties for existing permit holders of Zone KC.
View the consultation letter here.
View the consultation area here.
Have your say
Please give us your views by clicking on the 'Online Survey' link below. If you are unable to complete the survey online and you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, please call 020 8871 8929 leaving your name and address and quoting reference ‘Kew CPZs Review’ and one will be posted out to you with a postage paid return envelope.
The Council would like to demonstrate that any changes to a CPZ have the support of residents so a good response is very important, although the Council will not base its decision on residents’ wishes alone. All feedback to this consultation will be considered by the Council along with all relevant traffic management and other highway factors, prior to a decision being made on the way forward.
Further information
For further information on this review please click here and generally on CPZs please click here. You can also call the Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411.
Give Us Your Views
- Kew
- Residents
- Businesses
- Landlords
- Richmond Borough
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