Teddington Parking Review (Addresses Outside Zone T)

Closed 14 Aug 2015

Opened 26 Jun 2015




Proposals have been formally advertised (Traffic Management Orders) on 21 October 2016 to:

  • Implement a new CPZ (Zone T1) in Teddington to include Arlington Road, Cambridge Road (part), Chatsworth Place, Claremont Road, Teddington Park, Teddington Park Road, and Woodville Close. The new zone will operate between 10am and 4.30pm, Mon-Fri
  • Extend the operational hours of the Teddington (Zone T) in Waldegrave Road so that it operates 10am and 4.30pm, Mon-Fri


You can make a representations, either in favour or against the proposals, until Friday 11 November 2016.


To do this please go to: 




The Council is undertaking a parking consultation in Teddington as part of a review of parking in the area.

The review  seeks feedback from residents and businesses in the area both within the existing Teddington Community Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone T, and outside this zone on how parking should be managed in Teddington – see the red boundary on the drawing in the related documents below.

This consultation seeks the views primarily of residents situated outside Zone T but within the red boundary on whether they would wish to see a CPZ implemented in their area.

This follows a number of requests for a CPZ received by the Council from residents in this area due to daytime commuter / non-residential parking activity which can result in a lack of available parking spaces for the community.

Any new CPZ implemented could be in the form of an extension to Zone T or a new and separate CPZ that could operate for different hours.

If a CPZ is introduced then residents wishing to park on street will be required to purchase a permit. The costs of these permits are dependent on the hours of operation and the current costs are:-

                                   Quarter Day CPZ      Half Day CPZ       Full Day CPZ

Resident permits      (2 or 4 Hour)             (6.5 hours)            (10.5 hours)                   

1st permit issued         £44 per year             £75 per year         £99 per year

Business permits

1st permit issued         £141 per year           £237 per year       £317 per year

Subsequent permits purchased per household per year are around 50% more for the 2nd permit issued and around 50% more again for 3rd and subsequent permits issued per household.

Resident visitor permits cost £12 per book of ten half-day permits.  These are half price to the over 60s.

Information on how CPZs work including all parking charges can be found at the link in the related documents below. 

Residents and businesses situated within Zone T are being consulted on whether they would wish to see the Zone’s operational hours increased to either four hours or longer.  This follows requests received by the Council.

Please complete and submit this survey by Friday 14 August  2015 when the survey closes.

Your views are important to us and we would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.  Generally the Council seeks to have support from a majority of households (over 50%) in an area before implementing a new CPZ or CPZ extension.

The results of this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene. If it is established that there is sufficient support for a CPZ, the Council will develop and promote firmer proposals.

 If you have any comments or queries, please feel free to call the Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411.






  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough