Play Upgrade, St. Luke’s Open Space, Kew

Closed 6 Jun 2016

Opened 16 May 2016

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

We would like to thank everyone who responded the consultation. We have now had time to analyse the results and have amended our proposals taking the feedback given by local residents into consideration.

As initially proposed, we still plan to remove the old flower bed and stumps at the rear of site, to provide more usable space for play. However, we will no longer install two toddler play cars in this space as per feedback. Instead we will install a small wooden trim trail along the back of the park in this space. This will include items such as balance logs and stepping logs, to make use of more natural-looking pieces of equipment. This is something that was highlighted by a number of respondents in the consultation.

The spinning bowl will be replaced by an all-inclusive roundabout. Although the spinning bowl has been highlighted as a popular piece of equipment in the play area, an all-inclusive roundabout will enable multiple children to enjoy this piece of equipment at the same time.

The whole site will be overlaid with new safety surfacing with graphics and wooden play panels will be mounted to the wall as initially proposed.

Also, a number of respondents highlighted safety concerns and asked that the positioning of the entrance to the site be considered as part of this consultation. We have listened to these concerns and now plan to remove the side gate and brick up this area. We also plan to create a new pedestrian entrance to St. Luke’s from Sandycombe Road. These works will take place later in the year as it requires liaison with our Highways Department and ward councillors.

Finally, we would also like to thank everyone who provided suggestions to how the space adjacent to the space could be used in the future. We now plan to install picnic benches and a chess board table with seating. We hope to replant the area following further discussion with the Garden Association who originally installed the Gardens back in 1985.  We also hope to create a new enclosed garden/seating area for local residents and visitors to use with new planting to increase biodiversity in this popular corner of Kew.



As part of our continuing programme of play provision and improvements across the borough, the Parks Department are suggesting a series of improvements to the playground in St. Luke’s Open Space, Kew.  We are keen to improve and enhance the play experience that is currently provided in this well used play area by installing a number of new play items in the existing play area. Images of examples are provided in the attached documents.

The proposals are:

  • Remove the old retaining bed and stumps at rear of site to provide more usable space for play.  Due to safety surface requirements we may need to move existing benches into new locations within the play area
  • Overlay the whole site with new safety surface wetpour course with the addition of two graphics (to be decided)
  • Remove an existing spinning bowl which we will reuse in another site and replace with an all inclusive roundabout which allows multiple users and is wheelchair friendly
  • Install two toddler play car units
  • Install three rail mounted play panels


All existing play equipment will also be refurbished as required as part of the upgrade and the provision of benches and litter bins will be reviewed.

We are focusing on the existing play area but are happy to hear any suggestions for the open space adjacent and any aspirations users have for this space in the future if funding becomes available for an improvement project.

The aim of this consultation is to inform playground users and the wider public about our proposals, to establish whether the proposals are supported and to gather feedback.



  • Open to all