North Richmond Parking Review - Consultation

Closed 29 Jan 2016

Opened 20 Nov 2015

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

This review was commissioned after a number of requests (including petitions) for a Community Parking Zone (CPZ) were received from residents of this area. These requests were due to reports and observations of levels of non-resident parking activity resulting in a lack of available parking space for residents.

As part of the review we have consulted with affected residents and businesses and parking beat surveys have been undertaken, the latter to gain an idea of the parking conditions in this area.

Consultation with residents

1st stage consultation – November 2015

We have undertaken a 1st stage consultation with residents and businesses of this area to seek their feedback on whether they would wish to see a new CPZ implemented.

Results and Decision

  • 20 roads (or parts of roads) consulted, 1189 properties
  • 502 (42%) respondents
  • 240 (20%) in favour of a CPZ
  • 235 (19%) against a CPZ
  • 24 (2%) neutral / no view
  • 3 (0.1%) no response

Two of the roads showed sufficient support for a CPZ (over 50% of households) – in Shalstone Road and Manor Park.

Please note that all percentage figures quoted above are derived from the number of households as per the Council’s policy on these consultations.

During the consultation period, the Council received a petition of 65 signatures from residents of Kings Farm Avenue and Carrington Road against any form of parking controls.


Proposals to extend Zone J (Townshend CPZ) to Manor Park to be progressed through formal consultation. Some adjacent properties in Manor Road to be included for eligibility to apply for parking permits.

No other CPZ extensions or new CPZs to be implemented in the area at this time.

The support for a CPZ in Shalstone Road has been noted. However, as this road is not contiguous with an existing scheme and that the Council does not implement one street CPZs no such proposals are not to be taken forward at this time.




The Council is undertaking a parking consultation in the area shown on the consultation map below as part of a review of parking in the locality.

We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses in this area on whether they would wish to see a Community Parking Zone (CPZ) implemented. This consultation follows a number of requests for a CPZ (including petitions) received by the Council from residents in this area.

These requests primarily concern daytime commuter / non-residential parking activity and the erection of and newly-built residential and commercial developments in the Market Road / Garden Road area.  All these issues can have a negative impact on the available parking in an area.

If a CPZ is introduced in this area residents, their visitors and businesses wishing to park on street will be required to purchase / display a valid parking permit. The costs of these permits are dependent on the hours of operation and the current costs are detailed in the letter to residents below.

Please complete the online survey below by Friday 18 December 2015. Further information on this consultation or requests for paper copies of the survey can be requested by calling the Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411 or by visiting the Civic Centre reception. Information on how CPZs work including all parking charges can be found on the Council website at

Your views are important to us and we would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.  Generally the Council seeks to have support from a majority of households (over 50%) in an area before implementing a new CPZ.

The results of this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene. If it is established that there is sufficient support for a CPZ, the Council will develop and promote firmer proposals.



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough