Hampton Square Consultation 2014

Closed 4 Apr 2014

Opened 28 Feb 2014

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

Consultation was undertaken with residents between 28 February 2014 and 4 April 2014. The purpose of the consultation was for the Council to find out what further improvements residents would like to see at Hampton Square.

Over 80% of respondents to the questionnaire are ‘satisfied/very satisfied’ with the improvements that have been made to Hampton Square so far with the most used facility in Hampton Square being the Sainsbury’s foodstore (90%), followed by the Boots Pharmacy (51%). 

Please see the attached report for the consultation results in detail. These results will be taken into account for the next set of decisions that will be made with regards to the development of Hampton Square. 










Hampton Square is an important local centre providing a range of services and facilities for local residents. The Square has recently benefitted from a London Borough of Richmond upon Thames investment of £800,000 as part of the Council’s Uplift Programme, which has greatly improved the local environment.

What is on offer at Hampton Square?

Hampton Square has a range of services and facilities including:

  • Sainsbury’s and Boots Pharmacy
  • Police station
  • Hampton Youth Project
  • Tangley Park Family Centre
  • Marling Court residential care home
  • The Hampton
  • Hampton on Thames Community Association
  • Tangley Park Nursery


What has been happening at Hampton Square?

In early 2013, the centre of Hampton Square received an £800,000 investment from the Council which included an illuminated water feature, seating, landscaping and space for community activities.

Monthly markets now take place at Hampton Square on the second Sunday of each month. There are also a range of local community events and activities.

Why your views matter

The Council wants to find out what further improvements the local community and visitors would like to see. Have your say by:

  • Completing the online survey below
  • Discussing your views with Council representatives at Hampton Square Market on Sunday 9 March 10am-4pm



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Visitors and tourists


  • Richmond Borough