Community Parking Zones (CPZs) (Zones B1, CB & Z3) - Consultation

Closed 29 Jan 2016

Opened 20 Nov 2015

Results updated 20 Oct 2017

This review was commissioned after a number of requests to extend the operational hours of the CPZ in Byfeld Gardens and Bracken Gardens were received from residents. These requests were due to reports and observations of levels of non-resident parking activity that has been taking place after 6.30pm when the CPZ operational hours terminate resulting in a lack of available parking space for residents.

Consultation with residents

1st Stage consultation – November 2015

We have undertaken a 1st stage consultation with residents and businesses of this area to seek their feedback on whether they would wish to see the CPZ operational hours in their road extended to 9.30pm every day.

Results and decision

  • 30 roads (or parts of roads) consulted, 1183 properties
  • 431 (36%) respondents
  • 149 (13%) in favour of extending the CPZ hours
  • 259 (22%) against extending the CPZ hours
  • 13 (1%) neutral/no view
  • 10 (0.5%) no response

Two of the roads showed sufficient support for an extension in CPZ Operational hours (over 50% of households) – in Byfeld Gardens and Bracken Gardens.

Please note that all percentage figures quoted above are derived from the number of households as per the Council’s policy on these consultations.


Proposals to extend the operational hours of Bracken Gardens and Byfeld Gardens to be progressed through further discussions/consultation with residents of those roads.

No other changes to CPZ Operational Hours (Zones B1, CB & Z3) to be progressed at this time as the results showed insufficient support in all other roads.



The Council is consulting residents and businesses in this area on parking following the opening of the Olympic Cinema in 2013.

Residents have expressed concerns about the traffic and parking conditions after 6.30pm when the existing parking controls terminate which include:

  • Lack of available parking space for residents
  • Inconsiderate parking resulting in congestion / access for emergency services
  • Damage to parked vehicles caused by poor manoeuvring
  • Illegal parking on double yellow lines


A number of residents in Bracken Gardens and Byfeld Gardens have asked for the operational hours of the parking controls in these two roads to be extended so that they terminate at 9.30pm and apply every day. Any changes in this area could affect other roads and so all other roads in Zone CB and some roads in Zone B1 have been included in this consultation – see the counsultation boundary map below.

An increase in the hours of operation would involve an increase in parking permit charges as specified in the letter to residents below. Please read the letter and view the map before completing the survey.

For your view to be counted please complete the survey by Friday 18 December 2015. Generally the Council requires support from a majority of households (over 50%) in an area to change the operational hours of a CPZ.

For further information on this consultation including requests for paper copies of the survey please visit the Civic Centre reception or call the Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411.  Information on how CPZs work including all parking charges can be found on the Council website

The results of this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene. If it is established that there is sufficient support to increase the operational hours of the CPZs in this area the Council will develop and consult on firmer proposals before implementation.

Should consultation on firmer proposals be undertaken, the Council will need to consider the formation of the zones in Barnes with the aim of retaining the same number of zones in the area. If, for example, the results show that over 50% of households in Byfeld Gardens and Bracken Gardens are in favour of extending the hours, consideration may be given to merging these two roads into one zone (Zone Z3).



  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough