Whitton Parking Study Consultation

Closed 14 Aug 2017

Opened 23 Jun 2017

Results updated 21 Nov 2017

Thank you to those who responded to the consultation.

For all updates and decisions please go to the Transport Planning web pages here.


The Council is undertaking a parking consultation in the Whitton area as part of a review of parking in the locality.

This “1st Stage” consultation follows consideration of comments, including petitions received by the Council from residents of six roads in this area (Brittannia Lane, Camellia Place, Constance Road, Mayfair Avenue, Melrose Avenue and Tranmere Road), concerning the difficulties they say they face in finding a parking space near to their home. It is understood that these difficulties are primarily caused by the parking of vehicles by non-residents (all day commuters and long stay parking).

We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses in this area (a map showing the consultation boundary is attached below) on whether they would wish to see a Community Parking Zone (CPZ) implemented; and, if so, what days and hours it should operate.

The consultation boundary comprises a number of roads in this area, including properties on the west side of the High Street, though no changes are being proposed in the High Street itself.

In order to satisfy the criteria for introducing a CPZ, consultation results must show that over 50% of the total households within the consultation boundary are in favour. If the results of this consultation show sufficient support for a CPZ, the Council will proceed to a “2nd” Stage consultation seeking feedback on specific proposals for a new CPZ.

If a CPZ is introduced in this area, residents, their visitors and businesses wishing to park on street will be required to purchase / display a valid parking permit. The costs of these permits are dependent on the hours of operation and the current costs are:-

Resident permits                           


2 or 4 hour CPZ

6.5 - 10 hour CPZ

10 hours or longer CPZ, 7 days a week


e.g. Mon-Fri 10am to Noon or Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm

e.g. Mon-Sat 10am to 4.30pm or Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6.30pm

e.g. Mon-Sun 8.30am to 6.30pm or Mon-Sun 8am to 10pm

1st permit

£48.50 per year

£82.50 per year

£109 per year

Business permits


2 or 4 hour CPZ

6.5 – 10 hour CPZ

10 hours or longer CPZ, 7 days a week


e.g. Mon-Fri 10am to Noon or Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm

e.g. Mon-Sat 10am to 4.30pm or Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6.30pm

e.g. Mon-Sun 8.30am to 6.30pm or Mon-Sun 8am to 10pm

1st permit

£155 per year

£262 per year

£349 per year

Subsequent permits purchased per household / business per year are approximately 50% more for the 2nd permit issued and approximately 50% more again for 3rd and subsequent permits issued per household / business.

Resident visitor permits

Resident visitor permits (scratchcards) cost £13.20 per book of ten permits.  These are half price to the over 60s. The permit must be validated for the relevant time period. One resident visitor permit, correctly validated, allows parking all day in a zone that operates for two or four hours. Two resident visitor permits correctly validated allow parking all day in a zone that operates for longer than four hours.

YOUR VIEWS ARE IMPORTANT TO US: If you or your business is within the consultation boundary, please complete the online survey below by Monday 14 August 2017. If you would like a paper copy of the document or the survey, or you live outside of the consultation boundary, please contact us at consultation@richmond.gov.uk or call us on 020 8891 1411.

All feedback to this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene along with all relevant traffic management and other highway factors, prior to a decision being made on the way forward.

For further information on this consultation please contact our Customer Service Centre on 020 8891 1411. Information on how CPZs work including all parking charges can be found on the Council website www.richmond.gov.uk/controlled_parking_zones



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough