Stanley Road, East Sheen Parking Consultation

Closed 31 Jul 2015

Opened 3 Jul 2015

Results updated 13 Nov 2015

There were 44 responses online. 28 agreed to footway parking. 26 agreed to yellow lines. 

The main comments received  were that:

  • Parking is a nightmare, this will make it worse
  • Footways already too narrow
  • Cars keep being hit by delivery vehicles
  • There are no access issues in this road


The proposals have been reviewed and amended in light of the comments made.  Where the footway parking exemption is designated, a minimum footway width of 0.8m will be maintained.

Revised proposals will now be implemented by way of an Experimental Traffic Order.  For details of this follow this link to view Stanley Road Appendix B. 





The Council is undertaking a parking consultation seeking feedback from residents in Stanley Road on proposals to implement a footway parking exemption and double yellow lines (please see the attached drawing).  Footway parking exemptions allow vehicles to park partly on the footway and double yellow lines restrict parking at any time in those areas to keep the road clear.

These proposals follow a number of requests, including a petition, received by the Council from residents to improve access for vehicles in Stanley Road along its northern section between Nos 1 and 35.   Vehicles parked in this section of Stanley Road can considerably reduce the width of the carriageway presenting difficulties for vehicles, especially the emergency services.

The footway parking exemption is being proposed to improve access whilst, at the same time, retaining as much parking space as possible.  Due to the narrow width of the footway, it will not be possible to leave a desired width of 1.2 metres on the footway for pedestrians.  We are, however, looking at providing pedestrian dropped kerbs at key points in order that pedestrians can cross to the other side of the road to continue their journey and ensure that those with disabilities and/or with pushchairs are inconvenienced as little as possible.

The width of Stanley Road is in places insufficient to allow vehicles (especially large vehicles) to safely pass through.  The double yellow lines are proposed in sections to prevent parking and maintain access.

Your views are important to us and we would welcome any comments you may have on this matter.  Please complete and submit the questionnaire by Friday 31 July 2015 when the consultation closes.

The results of this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Streetscene in order for a decision to be made on the way forward. 



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Richmond Borough