Kew Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

Closed 7 Apr 2014

Opened 28 Feb 2014


The Council would like your views on the Kew draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Have your say by completing the online questionnaire by 7 April 2014.

The SPD provides a vision for your local area. It identifies key policies and helps to identify the ‘local character’ of the area and what features need to be retained.  Once adopted the SPD will help to maintain and enhance this local character.  The SPD will establish key design principles for new development and will be taken into account by the Council when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings.

The intention is that the SPD will form part of the Village Plan for Kew. Follow the link below to find out more about the village plan for the area and how to have your say on it.

Why your views matter

Local residents took part in a public event and walkabout that was held in Kew at the end of 2013. The information from these events and a questionnaire have been fed into the draft SPD. We would like your views on this document before it is finalised.  

Please read through the draft SPD document below before completing the online questionnaire by 7 April 2014.

In addition the Council is holding a ‘Drop-In’ session where you will be able to view and discuss both the Kew SPD and Village Plan Review. The drop-in session will be:

       When: 10:00am to 4:00pm on Saturday 22 March 2014

       Where: St Anne’s Church, Kew Green, TW9 3AA

What happens next

The consultation results and the final Kew SPD will be published on this page by the end of September 2014.



  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Community groups
  • Voluntary groups
  • Developers


  • Richmond Borough