Revised Community Plan Consultation

Closed 20 Nov 2015

Opened 30 Oct 2015


A community plan sets out a council's aspirations for the next five years and how it will achieve its vision. Richmond upon Thames’ vibrant community plays an active role in determining our community plan, which we call Putting People First. This plan was last refreshed in 2013, and this latest refresh is being carried out to ensure the priorities identified are the right ones for residents and partners, and the plan will cover the period 2015-2020. It has been developed with our partners across the borough which include the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade, Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group, Richmond CVS, Richmond Adult Community College, RHP & Richmond College among others.

We have determined key priorities for the borough which are based on: guidance from residents, our knowledge of the borough and how it might change in the future, and the available resources. Our joint work over the next five years will focus on the following key areas:

- involving and engaging local people and businesses

delivering cost effective services to meet local needs which will:

  • tackle inequality and create opportunities for children and young people
  • create a healthier borough
  • create a safer borough
  • support businesses, the voluntary and community sector and the arts
  • create a greener borough


- being accountable to local people by providing clear information about what we are doing and why

More detail is available under each area in the full plan below. We welcome comments on these priorities from our partners across voluntary and community groups, as well as private organisations and those who live, work and study in the borough.

Please read the plan below and give us your views by 20 November when the consultation closes.  

If you have any queries on the Community Plan please contact




  • Open to all


  • Richmond Borough