Consultation on the Draft Carers Strategy 2013-2015

Closed 6 Dec 2013

Opened 18 Nov 2013


The Carers Strategy for 2013 to 2015 has been developed in partnership with local carers, the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group, The Carers Hub, Richmond Borough Mind, South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust, Hounslow and Richmond Community Health Trust, Richmond Wellbeing Service and members of the Carers Strategy Reference Group.

Nationally we are going through a period of fundamental change in the delivery of health and social care.  At the time of writing this strategy the Care Bill is being debated in Parliament and is expected to become law in 2014 and implemented from April 2015.  The Care Bill is intended to bring new rights to carers who meet the eligibility criteria.  This strategy will therefore be subject to revision in 2015 once the Care Bill and any associated funding is finalised to ensure it meets the requirements of the new legislation.  Richmond Council and Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group are committed to consulting carers on the changes once they are enshrined in legislation.

The strategy reflects the intentions of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which acknowledges the vital role of carers and the support they provide.  We know that anyone can become a carer; carers come from all walks of life, all cultures and can be of any age.  Most of us will look after an elderly relative, sick partner or disabled family member at some point in our lives. But whilst caring is part and parcel of life, without the right support, the personal costs of caring can be high.

This Carers Strategy sets out our vision statement and strategic aims for carers of people within the London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames.  The full strategy is available to read here.

The three priorities for this carers strategy are:

  • Advice Information and Support
  • Carers Health and Wellbeing
  • Carers as Expert Partners in Care

Strategic statements and commitments accompany each of the 3 priorities.  Please see here for the section outlining the three priorities.

We are keen to hear your views on the draft Carers Strategy and invite you to complete and submit the questionnaire on this consultation by Friday 6th December when the consultation closes.

Please look at either the full draft Carers Strategy or the section outlining the 3 priorities before completing the questionnaire.

If you would like more information please contact Jacqueline Clare, Richmond Joint Commissioning Collaborative or call 020 8831 6177.



  • Carers


  • Richmond Borough