Developing an Out of Hospital Care Strategy - Stage 2

Closed 10 Sep 2013

Opened 23 Aug 2013


Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames are undertaking a number of activities, such as this survey, to better understand the needs and views of our local community about care out of hospital.

 What is out of hospital care?

Out of hospital care is care and support provided in a range of settings including an individual's home, residential or nursing care home, community hospital, health centre, GP practice or acute hospital. Out of hospital care includes:

  • General practice (GP), including practice nursing and out-of-hours care
  • Community healthcare including health visiting, specialist nurse practitioners, community matrons, community physiotherapy, community paediatrics, podiatry and community pharmacy
  • Outpatient appointments delivered in the community, including community diagnostics
  • Rehabilitation and intermediate care 
  • Primary care contribution to public health initiatives such as screening, vaccination and continuing health promotion 
  • Jointly funded health and social care services

Between May and July 2013 we ran a number of engagement activities to give patients, carers and other stakeholders an opportunity to inform and shape our early thinking and proposals for out of hospital care. The feedback received has informed the draft strategy which is now available for further comment.

"Have Your Say"

Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire to give your views on the draft strategy. The findings from this survey will inform the final strategy before it is agreed. When the engagement activities have ended we will feed back what you've told us and how your views have helped us to develop our joint out of hospital care strategy. The results will be published on this webpage.

 Please read through the draft strategy document before completing the survey.

The survey closes at 5pm on 10th September.

 If you are unable to complete the survey online or need any further information please contact or 020 8734 3001.



  • Residents
  • Service users


  • Richmond Borough