East Sheen Primary School Expansion Pre-Planning Consultation Event

Closed 20 Oct 2015

Opened 16 Oct 2015


The Council has been working with schools to identify solutions to provide much needed additional primary school places in the Borough. On 14th January 2015 Cabinet agreed to implement the revised School Place Planning Strategy 2015 -2024 which included a recommendation for the expansion of East Sheen Primary School from a two form entry to a three form entry primary school. This expansion will assist in providing the additional permanent primary school places required in the area.

The Council is required to consult on this proposal for permanent expansion – a separate statutory consultation is under way on this and further details can be found here.

At the same time, architects Pick Everard have been working alongside the Local Authority and the school to develop plans for physical changes to the school to accommodate expansion to three forms of entry.

There will be a consultation event held at the school, the purpose of which will be to enable parents, carers and local residents to find out more about the proposals and for the Council to collect views of the proposed plans prior to a planning application being submitted. At this event the design drawings for the proposed expansion will be on display and members of the design team, Local Authority representatives and the Headteacher will be available to answer any questions.


  • East Sheen Primary School Expansion Pre-Planning Consultation Event

    From 20 Oct 2015 at 15:00 to 20 Oct 2015 at 19:30

    A consultation event will be held on Tuesday 20th October from 3.00.p.m. to 7.30.p.m. to enable parents and carers of children at the school, and local residents living nearby to find out more about the proposals and for us to collect views of the proposed plans prior to a planning application being submitted. At this event the design drawings will be on display and members of the design team, Local Authority representatives, and the Headteacher will be available to explain the proposals and answer questions.



  • Residents
  • Carers
  • Parents


  • Richmond Borough