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1027 results

  • Consumer Protection customer street survey

    We regularly conduct customer surveys in order to find out how satisfied customers are with what we have provided. The results are collated and analysed and then used in order to improve areas of service where our performance has not been satisfactory. More
    Opened 15 December 2009
  • Back Lane Traffic and Landscape improvements

    Following on from previous work undertaken by the Council in the Ham Area, Back Lane was identified as a street that would benefit from traffic and urban design improvements, funded by Transport for London. The proposals are shown on drawing no 2217/PR/GL/007 and 2217/PR/GL/008, key features include: Construct new footway, connecting Lock Road footway with eastern Back Lane Footway Raised road area along Back Lane shop frontage Raised table adjacent 'The... More
    Opened 1 December 2009
  • Determined Admission Arrangements for 2011/12

    To consult on arrangements for admission to the borough's community schools for 2011/12 entry. This includes coordinated primary and secondary schemes. The consultation is in respect of: - proposed oversubscription criteria for community nursery, primary and secondary schools; - a co-ordinated inter-LA primary school admissions scheme; - a co-ordinated inter-LA secondary school admissions scheme; and - a co-ordinated in-year admissions scheme. See the Consultation Document... More
    Opened 30 November 2009
  • Thames Landscape Strategy review

    A stakeholder consultation was held on the Thames Landscape Strategy review. Following the consultation, all comments will be collated into a 'schedule of comments'. For each point raised, TLS (Thames Landscape Strategy) officer comments and recommendations will be documented into a schedule table. This will be presented to the TLS Partner Officer Steering Committee, who will consider the proposed recommendations. The outcomes will be used to inform the Thames London Strategy 2010-20... More
    Opened 2 November 2009
  • Green Flag Awards - Management Plans

    The awards represent the National Standards for Parks and Open Spaces in England and Wales. More information is available at the link below. Each site must have a management plan in order to enter the Green Flag Award scheme. Consultation was carried out with the community on management plans for ten sites across the borough. More
    Opened 1 November 2009
  • Customer Satisfaction - Waste and Recycling, March 2010

    To measure customers' experience of contacting the Council regarding Waste and Recycling and Street Services options. How the automated telephone survey works: - When the call comes through on the telephony options (IVR), the customer is provided with a recorded message asking them to participate in a survey. - If they select to take part, the system captures their contact telephone number & confirms this with the caller. - The call will then come through to the Customer Service... More
    Opened 1 November 2009
  • River Crane and Meadway improvements

    The Council is proposing to implement safety, cycling and pedestrian improvements at the junction of Meadway and River Crane path, as part of overall improvements to the River Crane Cycle Route. The scheme will be funded by Transport for London through the Cycling on Greenways Programme. The proposals are shown on drawing 2224.PR.GL.001 and include: - Installation of 9m long raised table, creating a flush crossing point. - Removal of existing traffic island and speed... More
    Opened 30 October 2009
  • Hampton Hill Library opening hours

    To survey library users and non-users for their preferences on opening hours and to find out why some people weren't currently using the library. The survey was available in the library, on the website and was also conducted on the street, to capture the views on non-users. There were five sessions on the street by the site of the new library for two weeks (26 October - 6 November 2009, half term). Different periods were covered between 9am and 3.30pm. More
    Opened 26 October 2009
  • Richmond Transport Services

    To gain views on the referral process to services, quality of service and how needs are being met. The consultation is being conducted by a feedback form sent to service users. More
    Opened 25 October 2009
  • Budget Consultation 2009

    Every year, the Council consults residents from across the borough on their budget setting priorities for the next financial year. The consultation was carried out in two parts: a postal survey was sent to 1000+ members of LBRuT's Citizens' Panel and an evening workshop was held at Richmond Business School. Participants were presented with a range of service areas and asked to identify their priorities. They were also asked for their views on Council spending and where savings could be made in... More
    Opened 15 October 2009
  • Visitor Survey 2009

    The aim of the survey was to better understand the type of visitors who travel to the borough, what they do when they are there and how much they spend. Questions included main purpose of visit, frequency of visits, transport and accommodation used, expenditure and likes and dislikes. The Interviewers were stationed at: - Richmond Station - Richmond Riverside - Richmond Park Gate - Bushy Park Gate (Hampton Court) - Kew Gardens entrance - Kew Gardens Tube ... More
    Opened 8 October 2009
  • Customer Satisfaction - Council Tax Call Centre, October 2009

    To measure customer satisfaction on Council Tax & Benefit calls post integration with the Corporate Contact Centre. How the automated telephone survey works: - When the call comes through on the telephony options (IVR), the customer is provided with a recorded message asking them to participate in a survey. - If they select to take part, the system captures their contact telephone number & confirms this with the caller. - The call will then come through to the Customer... More
    Opened 1 October 2009
  • Customer Satisfaction - Fly tip incidents, Oct-Nov 2009

    As an ongoing focus to improve customer satisfaction; Customer Service carried out surveys on incidents raised in areas of relative disadvantage. All customers who raised incidents in the October and November 2009 were surveyed. Customers were asked to rate their level of satisfaction using a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being Excellent, 4 being Good, 3 being Average, 2 being Below Average and 1 being Poor). More
    Opened 1 October 2009
  • Improving the education of primary age children with SEN

    Improving the education of children with special educational needs (SEN) is a key priority in the Children and Young Peoples Plan. It is part of an investment programme to provide better resources for all children in Richmond borough. The consultation leaflet (see below) sets out proposals to improve the provision for children with SEN in Richmond upon Thames mainstream primary schools. We are proposing that we will provide more specialist help for those children with the greatest... More
    Opened 23 September 2009
  • "Shaping the Future of Care Together"

    The Government is proposing to change the way care support is funded in England and Richmond Council wants to hear the views of local people at a consultation event on Thursday 1 October. The "Shaping the Future of Care Together" Green Paper focuses on adapting the way the current care system is funded so that it can cope with longer life expectancy and changing social demands, as well as making it fairer, more flexible and easier to understand. Consultation activities include: -... More
    Opened 18 September 2009
  • Mental Health Joint Commissioning Strategies for Working Age Adults and Older People

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and NHS Richmond are putting together two joint 5 year Mental Health Commissioning Strategies for Working Age Adults and Older People. Service users, carers and other local partners are being involved from the beginning of the development process both to gather intelligence on local needs and existing services, and to gain feedback and further develop strategic commissioning intensions, and finally the full strategy. More
    Opened 1 September 2009
  • Consultation on new Executive Arrangements

    Under provisions of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 the Council had to choose a new form of Executive Arrangements before 31 December 2009 with the new arrangements coming into effect after the 2010 elections. The Council indicated its preferred option as the Leader and Cabinet model and resolved on 14 July 2009 to put this forward for public consultation. Consultation was undertaken using the Council's website, community noticeboards, listing in the... More
    Opened 17 August 2009
  • End of Life Care Strategy

    In July 2008 the Department of Health published its first End of Life Care Strategy. This strategy recognised that although many patients receive excellent care at the end of life, delivered both by the statutory and voluntary sectors some do not. The aim of the national End of Life Care Strategy is to enable adult patients to have choice about where they live and die and provide them with the support to make this possible. Developing a local End of Life Care Strategy We are working... More
    Opened 1 July 2009
  • Mystery Shopping for Customer Services 2009-10

    Mystery shopping provides evidence of an actual service provided and helps organisations know how well they perform against their Customer Care Standards. It is therefore regarded as a powerful tool to measure customer service. The mystery shopping exercise uses individuals trained to observe, experience and measure the customer service process, by acting as a prospective customer with realistic but made up questions or queries. Mystery shops are conducted by telephone, personal visits,... More
    Opened 1 July 2009
  • Proposed ward name changes

    This consultation came about following legislation on Community Involvement, Engagement and Representation. The consultation exercise was in response to requests to rename the following wards: Hampton Wick Ward to Hampton Wick and South Teddington Ward Fulwell and Hampton Hill Ward to Hampton Hill and North West Teddington Ward. The consultation was conducted via an online consultation form, and was publicised via: posters on community noticeboards and at libraries;... More
    Opened 1 July 2009
  • Gambling Policy 2010 - 2013

    Gain insight into views of proposed Gambling Policy 2010 - 2013 for London Borough of Richmond. More
    Opened 1 July 2009
  • Accessible Transport consultation

    To gain an understanding of the awareness of and access to services available; the Application and Assessment process and satisfaction with services in general. The consultation was conducted by sending feedback forms to 1,400 users of the service. More
    Opened 30 June 2009
  • Development Management DPD

    The LDF Core Strategy was adopted in April 2009. This further stage of the consultation is about the Development Management Plan (DPD), which includes over 60 detailed policies building on the core strategy. These policies will be used as a basis for deciding on all planning applications. We identified the issues for the Development Management DPD covering a range of topics. In a number of areas we carried out focused consultation through a series of public workshops in June and... More
    Opened 16 June 2009
  • Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy Consultation

    The Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy sets out the Local Authority's plans for the provision of support to people with learning disabilities in the borough for the next five years. Carers, service users and other local partners were consulted on these plans to gain their intelligence and feedback on the proposed strategies before finalising. More
    Opened 9 June 2009
  • Heathfield Library Project

    Informal consultation took place on the proposed relocation of Heathfield Library. The relocation would make way for the proposed new health and social care facility for Heathfield and Whitton. The Council consulted on proposed plans to move the library to the Heathfield School site on Powder Mill Lane, which is more central to the ward. This would initially be a temporary but high quality building with a view to a permanent library being provided as part of any development of Heathfield... More
    Opened 2 June 2009
  • Customer Satisfaction - Council Tax Call Centre, June 2009

    An automated telephone survey to measure customer satisfaction on Council Tax & Benefit calls. How the automated telephone survey works: When the call comes through on the telephony options (IVR), the customer is provided with a recorded message asking them to participate in a survey. If they select to take part, the system captures their contact telephone number & confirms this with the caller. The call then went through to the Customer Service Adviser (CSA) as... More
    Opened 1 June 2009
  • Playbuilders Year 1

    Communities were consulted on the development of natural play areas across the borough, with a focus on consulting 8-13 year olds. The 11 play areas under discussion included: Murray Park, Whitton Broom Road Recreation Ground, Teddington Kneller Gardens, Twickenham Castelnau Recreation Ground, Barnes Ham Village Green Sandy Lane Recreation Ground, Ham Hampton Common Raleigh Road Recreation Ground, Kew Heathfield... More
    Opened 1 May 2009
  • Community Meals Service

    To consult on the choice of Meals Service. A letter was sent to all users of the service and a consultation event held in February 2009, where attendees took part in a tasting session. More
    Opened 1 May 2009
  • Customer Satisfaction - Civic Centre customers, April 2009

    A survey of the services provided by the Customer Services team asking the following questions: Reasons for customers visiting the civic centre and the purpose of their visit. Whether their enquiry was dealt with fully. Customer's satisfaction which how their query was dealt with. Equalities monitoring. More
    Opened 25 April 2009
  • Academies programme - Hampton Community College and Whitton School

    The Council and sponsors sought the views of parents and all stakeholders on the proposed closure of Hampton Community College (HCC) and Whitton School and their replacement with academies. The Council and the sponsors sought the initial views of parents of students at the directly affected schools and parents of children at local feeder schools. Parents and and other stakeholder were also invited to give their views on the detailed design of the academies: what buildings, curriculum,... More
    Opened 23 April 2009
1027 results. Page 32 of 35