Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2010

Closed 18 Feb 2011

Opened 15 Sep 2010


The Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is designed to identify gaps in the childcare market, so that we can plan how to support the market to ensure sufficient childcare provision. An initial assessment of supply and demand is carried out, followed by consultation with the following groups:

- Parents/carers

- Children and young people

- Childcare providers

- Local employers.


Consultation with parents, carers, children and young people

A telephone survey commenced on 15 September, targeting a random sample of parents and carers across the borough. The survey asked questions about childcare needs and usage and asked for views on provision in Richmond upon Thames. In addition, a series of targeted focus groups were carried out with 'hard to reach' groups. We consulted young children through a select number of providers and used existing research with young people conducted by the Extended Schools team.


Childcare provider survey

Consultation with childcare providers was carried out from 24 September - 21 October via an online survey. The survey asked providers to give details of their current provision and rate different aspects of childcare provision.



A survey of employers conducted by GOL was included in the research. As one of the largest employers in the borough, the Council was also consulted on their provision for staff with childcare responsibilities.

What happens next

 total of 510 telephone surveys with parents / carers were completed. 30% said they were currently using or had accessed childcare over the previous 12 months and were generally very positive towards the services they had accessed (89% of users were satisfied with their childcare and 93% of users felt that provision was of a high quality). There were three focus groups conducted with low income families (11 attendees); young parents (six attendees) and families of black and minority ethnic origin (six attendees). This allowed for an in-depth discussion on the issues and concerns regarding childcare provision amongst these groups. There were 54 responses to the survey of childcare providers, the findings from which were incorporated into the analysis of supply by Cordis Bright.

What has happened as a result?

The findings from these consultations have been considered and addressed as part of a gap analysis and action planning exercise. The gap analysis identifies gaps in the childcare market in Richmond upon Thames, for example, by comparing provision across different geographical areas or by age group. An Action Plan was then developed to identify how the Council will address these gaps.


Both the Gap Analysis and the Action Plan were available to view in draft form and comment on online.



  • Businesses
  • Carers
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Service users
  • Staff


  • Richmond Borough