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1009 results

  • Draft Sustainable Construction Checklist Supplementary Planning Document

    This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is an update of the existing Sustainable Construction Checklist, which provides guidance and details on the Council's requirements with regard to sustainable design and construction. This update is proposed in order to bring the SPD up to date to reflect national, regional and local policy changes since its adoption in August 2006, and to simplify and speed up the process in assessing and complying with the checklist. The draft SPD was subject to... More
    Closed 28 March 2011
  • West London Waste Plan - Proposed Sites and Policies Document

    Consultation was carried out on the West London Waste Plan (WLWP), Proposed Sites and Policies document. The "Proposed Sites and Policies Consultation Document" includes a set of sites which are thought to offer potential for future waste management proposals, together with a set of draft policies which will be jointly used by the six boroughs to determine future planning applications for waste facilities up to 2025. The document is part of the Local Development Framework. CAG... More
    Closed 25 March 2011
  • Stag Brewery Draft Planning Brief 2011

    The Council prepared a draft Planning Brief for the Stag Brewery site which was subject to public consultation from 4 February - 18 March 2011. The final version, taking account of consultation responses, will have the status of a 'material consideration' in the event of any planning applications for the development of the site when brewing ceases. The Brief sets out clearly the acceptable land uses, heights and other design considerations for each part of the area. The Planning Brief... More
    Closed 18 March 2011
  • Changes to SEN Transport Service 2011

    Richmond Council is consulting with users and their families on its proposed changes to SEN (Special Educational Needs) transport services in the borough, including the introduction of community pick-up points. The consultation will be piloted at More House School and will seek views on proposals to reduce the number of vehicles that currently provide school transport. The service will move from individual homes towards a community point pick-up service. Parents at More House School... More
    Closed 18 March 2011
  • Local Implementation Plan (consultation phase 2)

    In May 2010, the Mayor of London published the Mayor's Transport Strategy (MTS2 - see link under background documents). The Strategy sets out the objectives within which all London boroughs have to work for the next three years. The borough's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) sets out the Council's plans for delivering the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy from 2011 onwards. It will be a statutory document, used for Transport Planning purposes for the next 3 years. We initially... More
    Closed 15 March 2011
  • All in One Business Survey 2011

    This survey was carried out to help us further understand business needs in the context of local communities. It has been designed to complement the 'All in One' survey sent to every household and give us a more comprehensive picture of local business needs. Why are we doing this? Businesses are an important part of the fabric of their communities, providing employment and services, whilst contributing to the very character of the places they trade from. They may often have a... More
    Closed 28 February 2011
  • Proposed closure of Heathfield Library

    Heathfield Library is to close on 17 March 2011 because the existing library site in Percy Road has been sold to the NHS Local Investment Finance Trust to enable the development of a new health centre for the Heathfield and Whitton areas. The decision to sell the site was taken by the Council on 7 July 2008. The Council's initial proposal was to re-locate the library to a temporary building on the site of Heathfield Junior School in Powder Mill Lane, until such times as a... More
    Closed 23 February 2011
  • Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2010

    The Childcare Sufficiency Assessment (CSA) is designed to identify gaps in the childcare market, so that we can plan how to support the market to ensure sufficient childcare provision. An initial assessment of supply and demand is carried out, followed by consultation with the following groups: - Parents/carers - Children and young people - Childcare providers - Local employers. Consultation with parents, carers, children and young people A telephone survey commenced on... More
    Closed 18 February 2011
  • Redevelopment of Twickenham Academy 2011

    Whitton School reopened as Twickenham Academy last year. As part of the conversion of the school to an Academy, the Council has been awarded a grant from central government to rebuild the school. The school, its sponsors, and the Council have worked on plans for the new Academy for several months and have developed a detailed design. Consultation event A design consultation event was arranged for Monday 7 February 2011 (5pm - 7pm, Twickenham Academy, Percy Road, Twickenham, TW2... More
    Closed 7 February 2011
  • School Admission Arrangements 2012/13 entry

    The Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 1999 and the Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2002 require the LA to consult with admission authorities within our 'relevant area' and with our neighbouring LAs on the proposed admission arrangements prior to making a determination. The relevant area is defined as within the administrative boundary of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. ... More
    Closed 28 January 2011
  • Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise 2010

    The Sports Development Team consulted with adults, young people and parents and carers of children with disabilities in the borough to find out about their participation in sporting activities. We carried out the research to find out what activities people are currently participating in, what they would like to participate in and associated information in order to form the development of the forward plan, which will help to inform the future of inclusive and disability sports. ... More
    Closed 31 December 2010
  • Designation of Buildings of Townscape Merit

    We are consulting owners/householders to seek their views on buildings becoming 'Buildings of Townscape Merit'. Owners/householders who are affected have been written to directly to ask for their comments. More
    Closed 17 December 2010
  • Adult Social Care Consultation 2010

    Background to the consultation, including why we consulted, is available in the Consultation Document and questionnaire (link below). Further information is also available on the Adult Social Care Consultation webpage (link below). Our proposals The three key changes we are proposing around Adult Social Care are: - Changes to the Self Directed Support Contributions Policy (the way the Council charges for Adult Social Care), so that where people are able to afford it, they contribute... More
    Closed 10 December 2010
  • All in One Household Survey 2010

    'Your borough, Your say' The All in One was a major pledge of the administration to be carried out in 2010. Its purpose has been to find out peoples' priorities for the areas where they live and to better understand how residents would like to be involved in shaping and delivering local services. Further details are available at the All in One webpage. More
    Closed 10 December 2010
  • Development Management DPD - publication

    This is a six week public consultation on the Council's final version of the Development Management DPD and Proposals Map Changes. Following this publication consultation, the Development Management DPD including the Proposals Map will be formally submitted to the Inspectorate for Examination by an independent Inspector. If the DM DPD is found "sound", it will be formally adopted later in 2011. More
    Closed 6 December 2010
  • Church Road playground improvements

    The children's play area at Church Road, Teddington, is to receive an upgrade from Richmond Council, once neighbours and children on the local school council decide how they would like the site to look and what equipment they want. It is part of a £200,000 scheme to upgrade seven play areas across the borough. A meeting was held at St Mary's and St Peter's Primary School on 2 December 2010 with children, Councillors and play manufacturer representatives. The children reviewed the... More
    Closed 2 December 2010
  • Playbuilders Year 2 - Crane Park

    In the past, the Department of Education has given the borough funding to develop natural play areas across the borough. One project has been identified this year and the borough will receive funding in the amount of £75,000 to develop a natural play area in Crane Park, near the Shot Tower. This would be put towards enhancing existing features and creating new ones. The site will have open access and will be free of charge. Consultation with the local community is being undertaken to develop... More
    Closed 30 November 2010
  • Hampton Hill Library - pre planning consultation 2010

    Hampton Hill Library has re-located to a new site in the High Street, Hampton Hill. The former library site (Windmill Road) will be sold and, to add to its value, it is proposed that planning consent to turn it into a residential site is obtained and included in the sale. An exhibition on the proposals was held at the former library site on Tuesday 2 November, where Council officers and the architect were available to explain the proposals and answer questions. It was publicised in... More
    Closed 16 November 2010
  • Orleans Infants School Improvement Works - pre planning consultation 2010

    The Council has Central Government funding available to expand the communal areas at Orleans Infant School. This expansion is very much needed, given the higher number of children on site due to additional classes currently at the school, and will have an immediate benefit for children and parents. Architects, from a company called DLA, have been working closely with the school, governors and Council to develop the design, which is nearing the point where a planning application will be... More
    Closed 15 November 2010
  • Barefoot Consultation - Future of Stag Brewery and related areas

    The Council is working to develop a planning brief with the aim of ensuring that any future redevelopment of the Stag Brewery site in Mortlake reflects the wishes of the local community whilst at the same time providing a commercially viable and deliverable scheme. A specialist firm has been appointed to provide some options indicating how the site and the immediate surroundings could be redeveloped. We want to proceed openly and with the community in trying to secure the best... More
    Closed 12 November 2010
  • Lowther Primary School Expansion - pre planning consultation 2010

    Demand for school places in Richmond upon Thames primary schools is high and increasing. As part of the Council's strategy to meet this demand, it is proposed to expand Lowther Primary School in Stillingfleet Road, Barnes, from a one form to two form of entry primary school. Architects have been working closely with the school, governors and Council to develop the design which is nearing the point where a planning application will be submitted. Consultation event The local... More
    Closed 10 November 2010
  • Richmond Town Centre Station Area improvements

    In 2006/07 the Council undertook widespread consultation to assess the level of support for the TfL funded Richmond Town Centre enhancements scheme. The results were favourable, and the section between Hill Street and the Quadrant has now been completed. The Council has now developed detailed proposals for the area outside of the station and on Kew Road. There are two different scheme options and this phase 2 consultation is to find out which of these two scheme options has most... More
    Closed 8 November 2010
  • Whitton Town Centre Improvements 2010

    The Council carried out this public consultation following confirmation of funding to make improvements in Whitton Town Centre. The upgraded street scene will improve conditions for pedestrians in the High Street between Nelson Road and Jubilee Avenue, and include the area around the library. Funding has been allocated from the Council with possible further contributions from the Heathrow Community Grant awards scheme. Further information about the proposals is available at the below... More
    Closed 8 November 2010
  • Changes in Parking Charges 2010

    The Council invited the public to comment on its proposals to alter the car parking charges within the borough. It is proposed to remove the emissions-based criteria for all parking charges. Parking permits Charges for resident and business permits will be set at a flat rate according to your community parking zone. Band A (engine CO2 emissions of 100g/Km or less) vehicles will still qualify for free permits. The refund process will be simplified and the 2-year permit duration will... More
    Closed 29 October 2010
  • Library Service Review 2010

    Libraries are a valued community service in Richmond upon Thames. Last year there were more than 1.4 million visits to our 13 libraries; however, the way that people are using our libraries has changed - fewer books are being borrowed and people are increasingly choosing to access library services online. We want to make sure that we are providing the right library services for residents but we will need to do that in the context of the current financial climate. The Council is faced with a... More
    Closed 26 October 2010
  • Legal Services Survey (Richmond upon Thames and Merton)

    The Legal Services of Merton and Richmond Council are currently investigating the possibility of setting up a shared legal service. As part of this process, Legal Services are keen to ensure that any future shared service delivers the highest standard of legal support and the best possible customer service. To assist in this process, Legal Services are capturing the present perception of staff about how the service currently operates, its strengths and weaknesses. The results will be... More
    Closed 22 October 2010
  • New Adult Social Care web pages - 'Your Support Your Way'

    The aim of the new web pages is to make our entire information accessible, user friendly and easy to find. The web pages are a self service tool, where people can find their own information and advice. People can also fill in an online 'contact me' form and a simple self-assessment form stating their current situation, so that we can get in touch with the detailed information they have asked for. We will be testing the new pages, titled 'Your Support Your Way', with service users,... More
    Closed 21 October 2010
  • Darell Primary School - pre planning consultation 2010

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is seeking to improve accommodation for special educational needs (SEN) at primary schools in the borough. The Council has appointed Jacobs to develop proposals to move the SEN unit to the ground floor and remodel the administration areas at Darell Primary School. Jacobs has been working closely with the school and governors to develop the design which is nearing the point where a planning application will be submitted. Consultation event ... More
    Closed 19 October 2010
  • Young People and Parents substance misuse survey 2010

    This is a consultation with existing and potential service users of Young People Drugs and Alcohol Service and their families to identify needs. The findings will be used to inform service needs analysis, planning and commissioning. Three surveys form this consultation, including a survey of providers, users and parents/carers. They were sent by post and also available online. The deadline for responses was extended from 1 October to Monday 18 October, to allow time for further... More
    Closed 18 October 2010
  • Land Charges Survey

    This was a survey of solicitors across the borough to gain a deeper understanding of this market and the key factors influencing it. The survey was run in conjunction with twelve other authorities across South London as a joint market research exercise. More
    Closed 17 October 2010
1009 results. Page 29 of 34