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1009 results

  • Developing an evidence base for Richmond Council's Tenancy Strategy

    There have been many recent changes in the way housing is organised nationally. For example, Housing Associations now have the power to issue fixed term tenancies, rather than lifetime tenancies. As set out in the Localism Act (2011), the Government requires that each Local Authority develops a Tenancy Strategy by November 2012. This Strategy will give guidance to local providers of social housing regarding the various changes that have been passed in law. Before developing this Strategy,... More
    Closed 10 July 2012
  • Heathfield Nursery and Infant School and Heathfield Junior School: development of school site - expansion to four forms of entry

    Richmond Council would like to consult with residents and other local groups with an interest in the schools regarding a building scheme proposed by the Council's appointed architects, Jacobs, for the development of the school site to accommodate four forms of entry. The proposed scheme includes the building of a new one storey classroom with elevations facing onto Powdermill Lane. More
    Closed 6 July 2012
  • Residential Contributions Calculator Test

    The aim of this consultation is to find out if the new Residential Contributions Calculator is useful and easy to use. The purpose of the calculator is to give people a rough idea of how much they will have to pay for residential services. It gives people the opportunity to work out costs before they contact Adult Social Care. This consultation is open to all residents of Richmond borough. You can find the calculator and the online survey below. More
    Closed 4 July 2012
  • Friars Lane car park pre-planning consultation

    Richmond Council would like to gather public views on a scheme proposed to be submitted for planning permission. Please see documents below for more details of the scheme and how to submit your comments. More
    Closed 30 June 2012
  • Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) - Draft

    The update to the SPD is required to reflect changes in the policy context and the funding of affordable housing, as committed to in the Development Management Plan to guide implementation of Local Development Framework policies. In accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement, primarily for this SPD the consultation is targeted at those that are involved in making provision for new affordable housing through the planning process, to gain feedback on the draft document to... More
    Closed 8 June 2012
  • Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School Expansion from 2 forms of entry to 3 forms of entry

    To inform local residents, parents/carers and any other interested parties of the Council's proposal to expand Hampton Wick Infant & Nursery School to a 3 forms of entry Infant School (currently 2 forms of entry) to meet the increasing demand for primary school places within the Borough. The design drawings for the proposed expansion were on display to provide information about the project and to collect views of the proposed plans prior to a planning application being submitted. The... More
    Closed 24 May 2012
  • Community Roads and Pavements Fund 2012

    As part of the Council's drive to improve the environment of the borough and after listening to comments from its 'All in One' consultation, an annual community road and pavement funding pot of £35,000 has been made available for highway maintenance in each of the fourteen village areas in the borough. This sum (in total £490,000) is in addition to the maintenance work being carried out by the Council, and each year local residents will be invited to suggest how the money should be spent in... More
    Closed 21 May 2012
  • Future Youth Provision in Twickenham Part 2

    Earlier this year over 1,500 young people across the borough had their say about the future of Heatham House. Over 60% of those who responded were in favour of a re-provision of a youth centre onto the neighbouring development, indicating their preference for a new, modern and custom-built youth facility. However, the results also showed that young people had concerns about the two options presented. Whilst a stand-alone facility was preferable, this option was based at the back of... More
    Closed 2 May 2012
  • Council Tax Customer Feedback Survey 2012

    The Council is exploring new and innovative ways to make it easier for you to access various services the council provides. In addition to asking you about our current service, we would like your views on a key initiative which will make it more convenient and straightforward for you to use a number of council services. Expanding our secure online personal account Currently, you can manage your council tax account online; we are looking to extend this so that you can manage... More
    Closed 20 April 2012
  • The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 Notice of Intention to Make a Dog Control Order

    In response to a long-standing public complaint, Richmond Council is proposing to make a dog control order to restrict the number of dogs being walked by one person to four. The order is as follows: Notice is hereby given that The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Council (the Council) proposes to make an Order under part 6 of the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005, the effect of which will be to create an offence in relation to: A person taking more than 4 dogs... More
    Closed 12 April 2012
  • Ham Youth Centre Multi Use Games Area

    As part of the Youth Service's commitment to providing high quality facilities for young people the Council have been working on a proposal to provide a Multi Use Games Area to be managed by the Youth Centre. On the 10th April there was a consultation event for young people, the local community and any other interested parties. The design drawings for the proposed Multi Use Games Area were on display to provide information about the project and views on the proposed plans... More
    Closed 10 April 2012
  • Proposed Byelaw by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames to Prevent and Supress the Nuisance of Unauthorised Mooring

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) is experiencing numerous problems with boats mooring without permission along the banks of the River Thames on land owned by the local authority. The problem of unauthorised mooring on Council land has persisted over several years, but has now increased significantly with around 15-25 vessels usually moored on one small stretch of riverbank at any one time. Most of the boats effectively use the riverbanks as permanent or semi-permanent... More
    Closed 6 April 2012
  • Statutory consultation on sixth form proposals

    In December 2010, the Council published a report, Choice and Diversity: a policy paper for Education and Children's Services 2010, that set out the intention to create high-quality sixth forms within the borough's schools and academies. An online survey of school and college students, parents and other local people in March-May 2011 showed strong demand for sixth forms to be established in the secondary schools and academies within the borough: 87% of the 1,325 respondents indicated... More
    Closed 30 March 2012
  • Vine Road Recreation Ground - Natural Play

    Richmond Council will be consulting with local residents, onsite lease holders and community groups on Vine Road Recreation Ground. The Council will be installing new natural play area equipment (made from materials such as wood and rope). Through this consultation the Council aims to let the community know that new 'natural play' equipment will be installed, involve users of the playground in the location and selection of the play equipment and feed back users' preferences... More
    Closed 30 March 2012
  • Children and young people's emotional wellbeing and mental health engagement event

    This engagement event gave people an opportunity to give their views on the draft refreshed Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy for children and young people in Richmond upon Thames. More
    Closed 28 March 2012
  • Face the People event

    Residents in Richmond upon Thames were invited to discuss community safety issues with the Borough Commander, Clive Chalk, and Richmond Council's Chief Executive, Gillian Norton, at an open forum event at York House, Twickenham on Tuesday 20 March 2012. The event, called 'Face the People', was run by the Borough's Community and Police Partnership. It reviewed actions that have been taken on community safety, policing and other local issues over the last year, and provided an... More
    Closed 20 March 2012
  • Use of Clifden Road Site, Twickenham

    Last year, the Council agreed to buy the Clifden Road site of Richmond Adult Community College and is now considering whether to make the site available to establish: · a five-form Voluntary Aided Catholic secondary school and · a one-form Voluntary Aided Catholic primary school with some community places The Council is aware that many people in the borough hold strong views on the type of education, if any, that should be provided at Clifden Road. This... More
    Closed 16 March 2012
  • Proposal Site TW1 (Twickenham Station - part of the Twickenham Area Action Plan)

    Richmond residents have told the Council that Twickenham Town Centre needs a revitalised retail centre to provide a new 'heart' to the area. This would involve improving access to the river, better shops, an attractive High Street and improvements for traffic and pedestrians. Richmond Council is creating the 'Twickenham Area Action Plan' in response to residents' views. The Twickenham Area Action Plan aims to provide a guide for unlocking the potential of the town centre by making the best... More
    Closed 9 March 2012
  • Adult Social Care Survey 2011-12

    The main purpose of the survey was to provide a clear benchmark on outcomes in order to support local services and find ways to improve outcomes where necessary. The results will become an important resource for accounting for what has been achieved for local people, supporting local services and enabling people to make better choices about their care. More
    Closed 2 March 2012
  • Heathrow Airport Freedom Trials (Phase 1)

    From 1 Nov 2011 until 29 February 2012 and again from 1 July 2012 until 30 September 2012 a new trial will be undertaken at Heathrow airport. This will involve periods when both landing paths will be in use at the same time, instead of the normal use of alternation, whereby aircraft land on one path for half the day and then switch and land on the other path for the rest of the day. The Council will be monitoring residents' views on this trial and will represent these in a consultation... More
    Closed 29 February 2012
  • Information and Communication Technology Survey (ePlus)

    To help us understand the type of clients we serve and their needs. In particular, how well our information and communications technology (ICT) is being used, what our customers think of the provision and why they use us. To help us understand the type of clients we serve and their needs. In particular, how well our information and communications technology (ICT) is being used, what our customers think of the provision and why they use us. More
    Closed 26 February 2012
  • Draft Homelessness Strategy 2012 - 2016 Consultation

    Following on from developing our evidence base on homelessness (the Homelessness Review) we are now consulting on our Homelessness Strategy 2012/2016. This document outlines the borough's approach to preventing and addressing homelessness within Richmond upon Thames. The strategy sets out our overall strategic aims and the objectives that will deliver these aims. A more detailed action plan will be provided on a yearly basis. More
    Closed 24 February 2012
  • Residents' consultation for London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames's Draft Homelessness Strategy 2012-16

    Homelessness is a pervasive problem, as any resident could become homeless due to unfavourable circumstances. Following on from developing our evidence based on homelessness (the Homelessness Review) we are now consulting on our Homelessness Strategy 2012/2016. This document outlines the borough's approach to preventing and addressing homelessness within Richmond upon Thames. The strategy sets out our overall strategic aims and the objectives that will deliver these aims. The local... More
    Closed 21 February 2012
  • Future Youth Provision in Twickenham

    The Council consulted young people on the future provision of youth services in Twickenham. We have an opportunity to provide a new youth centre on the former Royal Mail sorting office site, which has recently been acquired by the developer St James, part of the Berkeley Group. Following discussions with the Council, St James has agreed to investigate the provision of a new centre as part of wider mixed-use development proposals. This presents an opportunity to provide the existing... More
    Closed 16 February 2012
  • Taxicard Scheme: Reviewing the Impact of Changes Made in 2011

    Over the last ten years the London Taxicard scheme has grown considerably year on year and it was anticipated that in 2010/11, the 96,000 Taxicard members would make almost 2 million subsidised Taxicard journeys in London costing almost £20 million. As the scheme has grown, so has the scale of funding that this scheme requires. It was also announced that Transport for London's (TFL) would be unable to continue funding the Borough's overspend. This scheme continues to be highly... More
    Closed 15 February 2012
  • Twickenham Area Action Plan (Pre-publication version)

    Richmond residents have told the Council that Twickenham Town Centre needs a revitalised retail centre to provide a new 'heart' to the area. This would involve improving access to the river, better shops, an attractive High Street and improvements for traffic and pedestrians. Richmond Council is creating the 'Twickenham Area Action Plan' in response to residents' views. The Twickenham Area Action Plan aims to provide a guide for unlocking the potential of the town centre by making the... More
    Closed 10 February 2012
  • Passenger Transport Consultation

    Richmond Council provides a transport service taking around 100 adults to and from day centres and shopping, and over 300 children to and from school. The Council has made a commitment to protect it. There is, however, a lot of pressure on the costs of this service and spending has already been reduced in a number of ways. This includes providing some of the transport for children by external companies already, and that has worked well for some time. The Council now has to look for... More
    Closed 31 January 2012
  • Hampton Court Roundabout - Road Safety Improvements

    The Council will be undertaking essential road safety improvements on Hampton Court Road Roundabout. The scheme is funded by Transport for London, and is expected to benefit the local area by reducing Personal Injury Collisions and improving pedestrian / cyclist accessibility. The improvements include: - Realignment of zebra crossings on the roundabout - Widening existing pedestrian refuges - Removing visual blockage created by existing planter on the... More
    Closed 31 January 2012
  • Removal of the 'Linked School Criterion' for Grey Court, Orleans Park and Teddington Schools Consultation

    Richmond Council consulted on whether it is best to abolish the 'linked schools policy' criterion for school admissions (and instead use 'distance' as the main criterion). This will be the only proposed change from the current (and 2012/2013) arrangements for the oversubscribed criteria for Grey Court, Orleans Park and Teddington. That means that 'home to school distance' would instead be the main criterion for determining allocations for the three schools. Admission arrangements must... More
    Closed 13 January 2012
  • Proposed Advisory Cycle Lane (ACL) A305 Richmond Road Between Rosslyn Road & Richmond Bridge, Twickenham

    The A305 Richmond Road between Rosslyn Road and Richmond Bridge is an important and well used cycle route serving Richmond Bridge/Richmond Town Centre. Poorly positioned traffic queuing north east towards Richmond Bridge can obstruct cycle movements, particularly during the morning peak hours. The Council proposed to introduce a 1.30 metre wide Advisory Cycle Lanes (ACL) north eastbound to encourage queuing traffic to keep the kerb-line clear of obstructive vehicles. The Council issued a... More
    Closed 6 January 2012
1009 results. Page 27 of 34