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1066 results

  • Carers Survey 2016

    Richmond Council and Richmond Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are refreshing the Carers Strategy and we want to hear from carers across the borough to better understand how support is currently accessed in your caring role and what services are important to you. If you'd like to be kept updated on future consultation and plans, please contact the Carers Centre who will put your name on a list for future contact. Tel: 020 8867 2380 Email: Thank you... More
    Opened 18 March 2016
  • Richmond Card Consultation

    Since the re-launch of Richmond Card in January 2014, there have been significant increases in the number of card holders taking advantage of all the services combined on one single card. We now have over 100,000 cardholders, 92% of whom are residents of the borough. Richmond Council continues to use customer feedback to further improve the service received, particularly for discounted parking sessions. We have made improvements to the way you use your card for parking,... More
    Opened 7 March 2016
  • Richmond Upon Thames College Reserved Matters Consultation

    Richmond upon Thames College, Clarendon School, Haymarket Media Group, Harlequins, Waldegrave School, Richmond Council and Achieving for Children are working together to create an Education and Enterprise Campus on the College’s existing site on Egerton Road in Twickenham. Richmond upon Thames College has a dated historic site with a considerable amount of planning maintenance liabilities. The accommodation is not fit for purpose and does not provide a modern, real work environment... More
    Opened 29 February 2016
  • Playground Upgrade, Broom Road Recreation Ground

    Richmond Council is in receipt of funding that is earmarked to spend on Broom Road Recreation Ground. With this funding the Council is keen to improve and enhance the play experience that is currently provided by installing a number of new play items that cater for a mixture of ages. The proposal is to install: A basket swing A ground trampoline Three fence-mounted play and activity panels. All existing play equipment will also be refurbished as required as part of the upgrade and... More
    Opened 29 February 2016
  • Your Vision Your Hampton Survey

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) invites Hampton residents, businesses and community groups to help refresh the Village Plan. The current Village Plan was created in 2011 following the All in One survey of 2010 and can be found here: The plan is made up of your local vision for how the area will develop in the future. It includes key issues, priorities and opportunities in your area, identifying ways to get... More
    Opened 5 February 2016
  • Your Vision Your Hampton Hill Survey

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) invites Hampton Hill residents, businesses and community groups to help update the Village Plan. The current Village Plan was created in 2011 following the All in One survey of 2010 and can be found here: The plan is made up of your local vision for how the area will develop in the future. It includes key issues, priorities and opportunities in your area, identifying ways to get... More
    Opened 5 February 2016
  • Updated Autism Strategy Consultation

    The Richmond Joint Autism Strategy sets out the vision, aims, objectives and plans of health and social care as well as wider council and other services for people of all ages who have Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). This update has been produced as a response to the National Autism Strategy Update Think Autism, Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives, the strategy for adults with autism in England: an update and the subsequent updated statutory guidance which was published in March 2015. This... More
    Opened 25 January 2016
  • Hampton Village Green Playground Expansion

    Richmond Council is in receipt of funding that is earmarked to spend on Hampton Village Green. With this funding the Council is keen to enhance the play experience for a wider range of ages by proposing to extend the play area by approximately 250 meters squared. In the extended area the Council proposes to: Install a new Space Net and a High Pedestal slide (see attached images) to provide additional play features for the slightly older children who are keen to explore and... More
    Opened 11 January 2016
  • Holly Road Garden of Rest

    As part of Richmond Council’s continued commitment to improve its parks, the Council are proposing to install a new Trim Trail on the existing grassed area at Holly Road Garden of Rest. The Council is seeking your comments and feedback on this new proposal which includes: 3m balance beams Stepping Stones A crawl tunnel A mini traverse net An example of each item is displayed in the attachments below. If you would like to... More
    Opened 6 January 2016
  • Local Plan Consultation

    We are starting the process of reviewing our existing planning policies within the adopted Core Strategy (2009) and Development Management Plan (2011) as well as considering the allocation of key sites for development. Once adopted, Local Plan documents set out priorities for the development of the borough and are used for making decisions on planning applications. We are keen to have input as early as possible from interested parties, including key stakeholders, national and local... More
    Opened 4 January 2016
  • Upper Capital Limit Consultation

    Background In Richmond, we are committed to providing high quality care and support to local residents who need help in their day to day lives. However, all councils are facing significant reductions in public funding for services whilst having to meet increasing demand for support and we are no different. Why are we consulting? Like other councils we have to find ways of reducing spend on many services while ensuring that we are able to provide much needed care and support to... More
    Opened 15 December 2015
  • Council tax reduction scheme consultation

    Currently under Richmond’s Council Tax Reduction scheme, households with a low income can receive a reduction of up to a 100% of their Council Tax liability, but this depends on things like their income, savings and the size of the household. In 2016/17, the money we get from the Government to support our services will be substantially reduced so we need to look at how we deal with this gap in funding. Current estimates are that the Council could lose 50% of its Government Grant... More
    Opened 4 December 2015
  • Consultation on the Draft Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy 2016-2021

    The Richmond Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) have a duty to produce a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWBS). The board’s first Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (2013-16) focused on the integration of health and social care services, identifying priority areas where improvements could be made through partnerships. The board is in the process of developing its second JHWBS for 2016-2021. This refreshed strategy will continue to work towards the HWB’s shared vision for... More
    Opened 2 December 2015
  • Community Parking Zones (CPZs) (Zones B1, CB & Z3) - Consultation

    The Council is consulting residents and businesses in this area on parking following the opening of the Olympic Cinema in 2013. Residents have expressed concerns about the traffic and parking conditions after 6.30pm when the existing parking controls terminate which include: Lack of available parking space for residents Inconsiderate parking resulting in congestion / access for emergency services Damage to parked vehicles caused by poor manoeuvring ... More
    Opened 20 November 2015
  • North Richmond Parking Review - Consultation

    The Council is undertaking a parking consultation in the area shown on the consultation map below as part of a review of parking in the locality. We are seeking feedback from residents and businesses in this area on whether they would wish to see a Community Parking Zone (CPZ) implemented. This consultation follows a number of requests for a CPZ (including petitions) received by the Council from residents in this area. These requests primarily concern daytime commuter / non-residential... More
    Opened 20 November 2015
  • Madrid Road and North Barnes area proposed 20mph zone and other safety measures

    We are consulting you about a suggested 20mph zone, in an area of North Barnes. Following receipt of a petition from residents of Madrid Road, it was agreed that residents in this road would be formally consulted on the introduction of a 20mph speed limit in this road. Provided that 51% of Madrid Road households agree to the proposals then a 20mph limit will be implemented in this road. Additionally, as a result of concerns raised by residents regarding traffic speeds in the wider... More
    Opened 16 November 2015
  • Public Libraries User Survey 2015

    Every three years the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA) asks local authorities to conduct a survey of adult visitors to public libraries in their borough. CIPFA publishes a report for each borough in order to measure and report on performance of public libraries across the country. The results of the 2015 survey of Richmond borough libraries are summarised in the report below. More
    Opened 16 November 2015
  • A New Town Square for Twickenham

    'At the heart of all our proposals for Twickenham is excellence. Over the past five years we have invested millions of pounds into improving the Town Centre. With improvements ranging from widening the pavements, revitalising the embankment, creating the award winning Diamond Jubilee Gardens and a community building with space for a host of community facilities, including a cinema. We want the very best for Twickenham. A place where people choose to live, work, run a business and... More
    Opened 9 November 2015
  • Richmond Annual Residents Survey 2015

    The fourth Annual Residents Survey 2015 will run from 9th November to 4th December. The Council is committed to listening to residents and taking their views into account when making decisions. The Annual Residents Survey is a face to face survey which asks a random sample of around a thousand local people about a number of important issues. The results from the Residents’ Survey are a very important source of information as they help the Council to understand what is important... More
    Opened 9 November 2015
  • Stanley Road Wild Woodland Play Area

    Stanley Road Wild Wood is an area of secondary woodland to the west of Strawberry Hill golf course abutting the former Territorial Army Voluntary Reserve (TAVR). Historically this area was a gravel extraction site alongside the golf course and fire station. The woodland runs roughly north - south and contains some large oak trees with numerous smaller sycamore and elm undergrowth. The woodland is currently an overgrown wild area with dense ivy, dead trees and abandoned rubbish, owned by the... More
    Opened 2 November 2015
  • Revised Community Plan Consultation

    A community plan sets out a council's aspirations for the next five years and how it will achieve its vision. Richmond upon Thames’ vibrant community plays an active role in determining our community plan, which we call Putting People First. This plan was last refreshed in 2013, and this latest refresh is being carried out to ensure the priorities identified are the right ones for residents and partners, and the plan will cover the period 2015-2020. It has been developed with our partners... More
    Opened 30 October 2015
  • Parks Satisfaction Survey 2015

    The Richmond Council Parks Satisfaction Survey 2015 aims to assess overall satisfaction with local parks and highlight any areas for improvement. It will help us understand what residents would like to see, and inform spending on park improvements to reflect the views and life style choices of local residents, current and potential park users. We welcome your views and invite you to complete this survey by 8th November when consultation closes. If you have any queries please email ... More
    Opened 19 October 2015
  • East Sheen Primary School Expansion Pre-Planning Consultation Event

    The Council has been working with schools to identify solutions to provide much needed additional primary school places in the Borough. On 14th January 2015 Cabinet agreed to implement the revised School Place Planning Strategy 2015 -2024 which included a recommendation for the expansion of East Sheen Primary School from a two form entry to a three form entry primary school. This expansion will assist in providing the additional permanent primary school places required in the area.... More
    Opened 16 October 2015
  • East Twickenham Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document)

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the East Twickenham Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future,... More
    Opened 9 October 2015
  • Richmond Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document)

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Richmond Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as set... More
    Opened 9 October 2015
  • St Margarets Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document)

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the St Margarets Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as... More
    Opened 9 October 2015
  • Kingston Road and Upper Teddington Road – Local Safety Scheme

    Consultation on the Kingston Road and Upper Teddington Road – Local Safety Scheme This is a consultation on proposed changes on Kingston Road and Upper Teddington Road. These proposals have been developed to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. Safety improvements in the area have already started with the completion of the Ferry Road, Kingston Road and Manor Road junction modernisation in April 2015 and more recently the installation of new street-lighting along... More
    Opened 14 September 2015
  • Draft Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD

    The Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD has been updated to reflect national and regional policy changes and guidance including changes in relation to energy, water efficiency and access standards as well as withdrawal of the Code for Sustainable Homes. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) provide greater detail on policies within the Local Plan to support decisions on planning applications. The updated SPD consists of the following two consultation documents: The draft... More
    Opened 14 September 2015
  • Suffolk Road Recreation Ground Improvements

    Further to interest from local residents and a newly formed ‘Friends Group’ The Parks Team would like to explore potential improvements to the facilities at Suffolk Road Recreation Ground Suffolk Road Recreation Ground is a fenced, green space located in a residential area. It consists of a large grass area, with a surface suitable for ball games and a popular site for dog walkers. The Parks Team has been engaging with local residents and a newly formed ‘Friends Group’ to explore... More
    Opened 11 September 2015
  • Name the new community building for Twickenham

    A new community building in Twickenham that will house a programme of cultural, entertainment and community activities, is in need of a name. In 2014 Richmond Council granted planning consent for redevelopment of the Post Office site in Twickenham. As part of the permission, the developers agreed to build a new community building on the Brewery Wharf site – opposite Twickenham train station. The building will house a theatre space with over 300 seats, six multi-purpose studio rooms,... More
    Opened 21 August 2015
1066 results. Page 22 of 36