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1027 results

  • Parks Improvement Programme - Pope's Urn at Champion’s Wharf

    As part of our commitment to continually improve our parks and open spaces, London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames Parks Department recently proposed a complete redesign of Champion’s Wharf on Twickenham Riverside. A public consultation was carried out in March 2015 which featured a proposed design for the space, and the consultation results demonstrated strong support for the proposals. The design features a modern version of Alexander Pope’s urn to celebrate the connections of... More
    Opened 8 June 2015
  • St Margarets Parking Review – St George’s Road, St Peter’s Road, Ailsa Road, St Margarets Drive, Ranelagh Drive And Part Of The Avenue Area

    You are being consulted about the proposals to introduce a new CPZ Zone S3 into your area (see diagram below). In December 2014 the Council asked residents in St Margarets north and south of the A316 to see if they would wish to see the implementation of new parking controls in the area. The results showed that: North of the A316 there was more than 50 per cent support for a CPZ in some roads with smaller numbers showing support in other roads. There was insufficient... More
    Opened 5 June 2015
  • Proposed Cycling Improvements in London Road

    We are consulting the public on proposals to introduce new cycling facilities on London Road between A316 Chertsey Road and Whitton Road to gauge the level of support. The Council has made a bid for funding from Transport for London (TfL) to improve cycling facilities within the borough, in response to the Mayor of London’s commitment to transform cycling in London by making the streets as safe and inviting for cycling as they are in continental Europe. The proposed scheme would form... More
    Opened 5 June 2015
  • St Margarets Parking Review – Normanhurst Drive, Ailsa Avenue, Gordon Avenue And Part of St Margarets Road Area

    You are being consulted about the proposals to extend the existing CPZ Zone S2 into your area (see drawing in related documents below). In December 2014 the Council asked residents in St Margarets north and south of the A316 to see if they would wish to see the implementation of new parking controls in the area. The results showed: North of the A316 there was more than 50 per cent support for a CPZ in some roads with smaller numbers showing support in other roads. ... More
    Opened 5 June 2015
  • St Margarets Parking Review – Heathcote Road Area

    You are being consulted about the proposals to extend the existing CPZ Zone S into your area (see drawing below). In December 2014 the Council asked residents in St Margarets, north and south of the A316 to see if they would wish to see the implementation of new parking controls in the area. The results showed that: North of the A316 there was more than 50 per cent support for a CPZ in some roads with smaller numbers showing support in other roads. There was... More
    Opened 5 June 2015
  • Proposed Cycling Improvements in Heath Road

    We are consulting the public about proposals to introduce new cycling facilities on Heath Road between Cross Deep and Twickenham Green. The scheme forms part of wider proposals to provide a continuous cycle route between the A316 Chertsey Road (London Road junction) and Twickenham Green via Twickenham Town centre. The Council has made a bid for funding from Transport for London (TfL) to improve cycling facilities within the borough. This is in response to the Mayor of London’s... More
    Opened 5 June 2015
  • Sandycombe Road, Kew – Proposed Traffic Calming, Passing Areas And Streetscape Improvements

    Residents are being consulted on proposed new safety and parking measures on Sandycombe Road in Kew. The Council has received numerous complaints over recent years with regards to vehicle speeds, congestion and reports of collisions. Sandycombe Road is narrow in places and, with continuous parking, it can be difficult for oncoming vehicles to pass each other. This is a key concern of London Buses because larger vehicles have no choice but to mount the footway to allow opposing vehicles to... More
    Opened 28 May 2015
  • Elleray Road Teddington Community Parking Zone (Zone 1) Consultation

    Last year the Council received a petition from residents of Elleray Road requesting that the operational hours of the Community Parking Zone (CPZ) be increased. The Council understands that this petition was collated due to the levels of non residential parking, observed by residents in Elleray Road, after the CPZ terminates at 6.30pm. Following consideration of this petition and as part of a review of parking in Teddington, the Council is consulting residents in the CPZ area on... More
    Opened 26 May 2015
  • Designation / Extension of Conservation Area - Kew

    Public consultation on proposed extension of the Kew Gardens Conservation Area The Council is proposing to extend the boundary of the Kew Gardens Conservation Area under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The proposed extension includes this property. As part of this process, the Council is seeking views of all owners and/or occupiers. If applicable I would be grateful if you could draw this letter to the attention of the owner of the property. In brief,... More
    Opened 26 May 2015
  • Designation of Conservation Area - Oaklands Estate, Whitton

    Public consultation on designation of a new Conservation Area: Oaklands Estate, Whitton The Council is proposing to designate the Oaklands Estate as a Conservation Area under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. As part of this process, the Council is seeking views of all owners and/or occupiers of properties that would fall in the proposed area . In brief, the implications of Conservation Area designation are as follows; Conservation Area Consent... More
    Opened 26 May 2015
  • Volunteering Survey

    This survey is part of the Council’s wider consultation on 'Infrastructure and Capacity Building Services for the Voluntary and Community Sector’ – please click here for further information. Volunteering and helping others in the community can be an incredibly rewarding experience, make a huge difference to people’s lives and make the Borough a better and more interesting place to live, work and visit. There are many different ways individuals can get involved in volunteering;... More
    Opened 20 May 2015
  • Infrastructure and capacity building services for the voluntary and community sector 2016-18

    Richmond has a vibrant voluntary sector which is supported by thousands of skilled and experienced volunteers; all of which make a vital contribution to civic life. The Council is committed to supporting the diverse range of organisations and volunteers in making the Borough a better place. To achieve this goal the Council has a role in helping to build the capacity and infrastructure of voluntary organisations and in maximising volunteering opportunities for local people. This has been... More
    Opened 20 May 2015
  • Seeds of Change: Outdoor Learning in the London Borough of Richmond - Schools Survey

    The London Borough of Richmond is renowned for having some of the best parks in London. The Council would like to encourage the use of the parks and open spaces in the borough for outdoor learning. There is good evidence that a visit to green space has a positive impact on physical and mental well-being and research has shown that there are social benefits, educational benefits and personal benefits linked with outdoor learning. The research evidence is... More
    Opened 19 May 2015
  • Seeds of Change: Outdoor Learning Survey for Organisations

    The London Borough of Richmond is renowned for having some of the best parks in London. The Council would like to encourage the use of the parks and open spaces in the borough for outdoor learning. There is good evidence that a visit to green space has a positive impact on physical and mental well-being and research has shown that there are social benefits, educational benefits and personal benefits linked with outdoor learning. The research evidence is... More
    Opened 19 May 2015
  • Your Vision, Your East Twickenham

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses, community groups and organisations to help with improving the East Twickenham Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to protect and enhance your areas character and conservation areas Aspirations for your community that contribute to its character and feel to make it a desirable place to live such as... More
    Opened 15 May 2015
  • Your Vision Your Old Deer Park

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses, community groups and organisations to help create planning guidelines for the Old Deer Park Conservation Area. The development of a specific Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Old Deer Park will help to ensure that any prospective developments on these sites are sensitive to the historic attributes of the Park whilst supporting the important recreational/sporting activities within the Park. ... More
    Opened 15 May 2015
  • Your Vision, Your Richmond

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses, community groups and organisations to help with improving the Richmond Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to protect and enhance your areas character and conservation areas Aspirations for your community that contribute to its character and feel to make it a desirable place to live such as strengthening... More
    Opened 15 May 2015
  • Your Vision, Your St Margarets

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) would like residents, businesses, community groups and organisations to help with improving the St Margarets Village area. This will include helping to shape: How current Council policy impacts on planning and development and how best to protect and enhance your areas character and conservation areas Aspirations for your community that contribute to its character and feel to make it a desirable place to live such as... More
    Opened 15 May 2015
  • VisitRichmond Guide 2015 Questionnaire

    VisitRichmond Guide is the official visitor guide to the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. Significant changes have been made to the VisitRichmond Guide over the past 6 years. The Guide is available in a printed format and online. The online version can be viewed at . It is distributed locally, nationally and internationally. We would like to know how we can improve the Guide and therefore we would appreciate your opinion and... More
    Opened 5 May 2015
  • Private Rented Sector Survey

    This survey is for landlords of privately rented properties in Richmond borough - we appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is conducting a survey of landlords who own and/or manage homes in the area because: Ending Assured Shorthold Tenancies in the private rented sector is the key reason for homelessness in the Borough By understanding why this occurs, we will be able to work towards developing an... More
    Opened 1 May 2015
  • Business Start-up Survey

    Our borough is a hive of entrepreneurial activity with one of the highest levels of self-employment anywhere in the country. We want to ensure that those thinking of starting a business, or those in the early stages of starting up, can access the right support to give the best chance of success. To do this, we need to make sure we know about the kind of support these businesses might need. This short survey will take a few minutes of your time. By taking part, you will be helping to... More
    Opened 27 April 2015
  • Whitton and Hampton Library Drinks Machine Trial

    The Richmond Libraries Service is always looking at different ways to improve what it offers. This survey aims primarily to hear from users or people who live in the area of Whitton and Hampton libraries, about what services they use and the services and facilities they would like that are currently not available. One improvement you have told us you would like is to have a refreshment facility in the library. In response drinks machines are being installed in Whitton and Hampton... More
    Opened 7 April 2015
  • Parks Improvement Programme - Redesign of Champion’s Wharf

    As part of our commitment to continually improve our parks and open spaces, London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames Parks Department are proposing a complete redesign of Champion’s Wharf (excluding play beach) on Twickenham Riverside. The redesign follows on from the creation of the hugely popular play beach opened in 2013. The intention of the redesign is to create an attractive space connecting the Embankment with York House Gardens, offering a variety of elements including 10 new trees,... More
    Opened 18 March 2015
  • Draft Prevention Strategy Consultation

    The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames Local Authority and Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have developed their first integrated three year Prevention Strategy to improve the health and well-being of our population and to support people to remain independent. The Care Act (2014) emphasises the importance of a shift in service provision towards preventive services, with the aim of preventing, reducing and delaying the need for care and this strategy outlines our approach. This... More
    Opened 11 March 2015
  • Town Centre Opportunities Consultation 2015

    The purpose of the survey is to obtain the views and perspectives of older residents in the borough in order to gain a better understanding about how suitable they feel the borough’s town centres are to meet their needs and identify issues and opportunities for future improvement. This survey was first undertaken using paper questionnaires at the Full of Life Fair in 2014 with an on-line version available. Whilst the responses provided us with a good base for our initial analysis, we... More
    Opened 2 March 2015
  • Community Safety Survey - Crime Priorities for Richmond Borough

    This consultation provides an opportunity for you to help set the priorities for the Richmond Community Safety Partnership for April 2015 to March 2016. The Strategic Intelligence Assessment report looks at our performance on a range of crimes over the previous year and helps set the priorities for the coming year. The Community Safety Partnership has a duty to reduce crime and disorder, substance misuse, anti-social behaviour and reduce reoffending. The partnership is made up of... More
    Opened 23 February 2015
  • Mortlake Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document)

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Mortlake Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as set... More
    Opened 13 February 2015
  • Barnes Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document) Consultation

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the Barnes Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as set... More
    Opened 13 February 2015
  • East Sheen Draft Village Planning Guidance (Supplementary Planning Document) Consultation

    London Borough of Richmond upon Thames (LBRuT) wants residents and businesses to help with improving the East Sheen Village area. This will include helping to shape village planning guidance that the Council will consider when deciding on planning applications, both for new development and changes to existing buildings. This is the formal stage of consultation when residents and businesses are being asked about their views on the character of their local area today and for the future, as... More
    Opened 13 February 2015
  • House Extensions and External Alternations Supplementary Planning Guidance

    The Council has published the revised House Extensions and External Alterations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for public consultation from 9 February to 23 March 2015. This SPD updates the guidance from 2005, to reflect changes in the legislation and policy context. This SPD provides a clear set of guidelines, supported by illustrations, to demonstrate how changes to existing properties, such as side and rear extensions, and loft conversions, should be designed. It is primarily... More
    Opened 9 February 2015
1027 results. Page 22 of 35