1064 results
Proposal for a Multi Use Games Area at Beaufort Court, Ham Lands
One of the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames’s aspirations is to improve heath, sport, and wellbeing facilities for young people. To help deliver this in the Ham area, the Parks Team is consulting on a proposal to create a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at Beaufort Court to replace the informal ball game area. In one simple structure you can give children the tools they need to play games like football, cricket, netball, handball, and basketball. A proposed MUGA at Beaufort Court... MoreOpened 30 September 2024 -
Sports and Fitness Centre Survey
To assist with the continuing development of our Sports and Fitness Centres, we would welcome feedback from you, our customer, on how we can improve upon the facilities and services offered. Have your say Please give us your feedback using the Online Survey link below. If you need to request a paper questionnaire or any other format, please contact 020 3772 2999. What happens next All feedback we receive in response to the survey will be carefully analysed and considered.... MoreOpened 30 September 2024 -
Wandsworth Bikehangars Consultation 2024
Wandsworth Council is seeking views on the introduction of additional bikehangars throughout the borough. There are currently 229 bikehangars in Wandsworth, nearly all of which are fully occupied with waiting lists for spaces. The introduction of additional bikehangars will help to alleviate some of the demand for the existing units while also improving geographic coverage. What is a bikehangar? A bikehangar is an on-street cycle parking apparatus that securely houses... MoreOpened 25 September 2024 -
Draft Statement of Community Involvement
What is the Statement of Community Involvement and why are we reviewing it? The Council is inviting comments on the draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) . The document explains the Council’s approach for future consultation and community engagement in planning. This is to make sure Wandsworth’s communities can be a part of shaping places in the Borough and influencing planning decisions. This draft is an update to the previous version of the SCI that was... MoreOpened 23 September 2024 -
Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy 2025-2030
Richmond and Wandsworth Councils are currently developing new sexual and reproductive health strategies which will set our priorities and guide local action over the next five years. This consultation will enable those who live, work, or socialise in Richmond and Wandsworth to help shape our Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy 2025-2030. Sexual and reproductive health is an important public health issue , with social , economic, and health... MoreOpened 16 September 2024 -
Richmond Climate Strategy Survey
UPDATE: THE CLOSING DATE OF THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN EXTENDED. Richmond Council is currently in the process of developing our new climate and sustainability strategy. As we develop this new strategy, it is crucial that we understand what is important to our residents. In building a resilient borough we are looking at people and places and considering the impacts that climate change may have on how we live in, move about in, and spend time in our borough. Have your say Please... MoreOpened 10 September 2024 -
Richmond Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plans - Richmond Road East Twickenham
We are currently undertaking a boroughwide programme of reviewing existing Conservation Area Appraisals to ensure they are reflective of their current character and appearance. What is a Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy? Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural and historic interest, the character and appearance of which is worthy of preserving or enhancing. This character is derived from the area as a whole rather than the quality of specific... MoreOpened 6 September 2024 -
Proposed Road Safety Improvements: Hanworth Road between Waverley Avenue and Hounslow Road
The Council is consulting on a package of road safety measures along Hanworth Road between Waverly Avenue and the River Crane (Hounslow Road). A map of the proposals can be found here . Improving road safety Due to speed concerns and the number of collisions along this road, Hanworth Road was identified for the implementation of road safety measures following a review of the boroughwide 20mph speed limit. A package of measures has been developed aimed at improving safety for all... MoreOpened 30 August 2024 -
Rivermeads Estate Traffic Reduction Scheme
The Council received a petition earlier this year from residents of the estate requesting measures to remove through traffic. In response to the petition, the Council carried out traffic surveys in February 2024 to monitor speed and volume. These surveys showed that the current traffic volumes, most notably during the 7am-10am morning peak period, trigger the current Council policy for intervention measures of 200 vehicles or more/hour. The predominant traffic movement is quite clearly... MoreOpened 30 August 2024 -
Zone KB CPZ Review
The Council is reviewing the Kew Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone KB, as part of a review of all Controlled Parking Zones in Kew - see attached map. Over the years, the Council has received feedback from residents and businesses in Kew on how the CPZ in their specific area operates. This consultation seeks feedback from all properties in Kew on how the schemes are working and whether any changes should be made. This includes seeking views on whether the CPZ’s operational... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
Zone KA CPZ Review
The Council is reviewing the Kew Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone KA, as part of a review of all Controlled Parking Zones in Kew. Over the years, the Council has received feedback from residents and businesses in Kew on how the CPZ in their specific area operates. This consultation seeks feedback from all properties in Kew on how the schemes are working and whether any changes should be made. This includes seeking views on whether the CPZ’s operational hours/days are about right or... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
Zone KC CPZ Review
The Council is carrying out a review of the North Kew Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone KC, as part of a review of all Controlled Parking Zones in Kew - see attached map. Over the years, the Council has received feedback from residents and businesses in Kew on how the CPZ in their specific area operates. This consultation seeks feedback from all properties in Kew on how the schemes are working and whether any changes should be made. This includes seeking views on whether the CPZ... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
Zone KA - KC CPZ Review
Following the submission of a petition from residents of this part of Kew Road, the Council is carrying out a consultation in this immediate area of Zone KA on parking proposals as described below, and as shown on the attached plans. The proposals are to: Adjust the boundary of Zones KA and KC. If implemented as proposed, property Nos 336 to 358 Kew Road inclusive, and all properties in James Cottages and Gloucester Court will be situated in, and only be able to apply for,... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
Outside Zone KD CPZ Review
Following the submission of a petition from residents of this part of Kew Road, the Council is carrying out a consultation in this immediate area of Zone KA, on parking proposals as described below and as shown on the attached plans. The proposals are to: Adjust the boundary of Zones KA and KC. If implemented as proposed, property Nos 336 to 358 Kew Road inclusive, and all properties in James Cottages and Gloucester Court will be situated in, and only be able to apply for,... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
Zone KA - KD CPZ Review
Following the submission of a petition from residents of this part of Kew Road, the Council is carrying out a consultation in this immediate area of Zone KA, on parking proposals as described below, and as shown on the attached plans. The proposals are to: Adjust the boundary of Zones KA and KC. If implemented as proposed, property Nos 336 to 358 Kew Road inclusive and all properties in James Cottages and Gloucester Court will be situated in, and only be able to apply... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
Wandsworth Quiet Cycle Routes
The Wandsworth Walking and Cycling Strategy is dedicated to the creation of a new network of signed quiet cycle routes, aligning with the Council's transport and climate change objectives. The plan involves establishing 'quiet' cycle routes across the borough to link communities, businesses and destinations with clear wayfinding signs. These routes will primarily use side streets and parks to avoid busy roads. The objective is to provide safer, more accessible and less... MoreOpened 6 August 2024 -
Street Trees Consultation
Under Section 115 of the Environment Act 2021, Wandsworth Council has a Duty to Consult with local residents before removing a street tree. Certain trees are exempt from this consultation process, including trees that are dead or decaying, dangerous or likely to become dangerous prior to the next scheduled inspection. Trees which do not require consultation include those which: Have a stem diameter not exceeding 8 centimetres measured at 1.3 meters above... MoreOpened 5 August 2024 -
Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy 2024 – 2029
Introduction We are consulting on a Building Safety Resident Engagement Strategy covering high-rise blocks (more than 7 storeys or 18 metres in height) in the Borough. The strategy describes how we will include Wandsworth residents who live in a high-rise block in fire and building safety decisions. We, as the owner and managing agent of our high-rise buildings, are responsible for ensuring they are maintained and all safety concerns addressed in a... MoreOpened 1 August 2024 -
Easy read SEND Strategy 2025-2028 Consultation
We want to get your help with an important plan called our ‘Special Educational Needs and Disability Strategy.’ Strategy means ‘a big plan’ which tells everyone what we will do in Wandsworth to make sure you have what you need at home, at school and in the community. We want to hear from you. We have designed this short survey for you to complete either by yourself, with friends, or with an adult, for example a parent, a carer, a teacher, or youth... MoreOpened 31 July 2024 -
SEND Strategy 2025-2028 Consultation
We are developing a new three-year Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND) Strategy for Wandsworth, to launch in 2025. This strategy will include our vision for SEND services in the borough, our key priorities for the future, and the actions we plan to achieve in order to provide outstanding services to our children, young people, and families. At this early stage we are inviting views about the proposed themes and your experiences of SEND services, to feed into the... MoreOpened 31 July 2024 -
Wandsworth Gambling Policy Review 2024
The London Borough of Wandsworth is calling on local residents, businesses, interest groups, faith groups and public agencies to have their say on the borough’s future gambling policy. The Gambling Act 2005 requires all licensing authorities to prepare and publish a Gambling Act Statement of Policy and Principles every three years. A review of the current policy, which is due to expire in January 2025, is now underway. Please click here to view the Draft... MoreOpened 23 July 2024 -
E-bikes Hire and E-scooter Rental Bays Consultation Phase 2
Wandsworth Council is seeking views on the introduction of up to 60 parking bays for hire electric bikes (e-bikes) and electric scooters (e-scooters). Electric hire bikes (e-bikes) We are working with e-bike companies to formalise the provision of e-bike dockless hire schemes in the borough. Hundreds of thousands of e-bike journeys are made and completed in the borough every year. The Council currently maintains a free-floating parking requirement... MoreOpened 22 July 2024 -
Consultation on extending the Rosslyn Road Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 2024
Richmond Council is consulting residents, interested individuals, groups and other stakeholders on whether to extend the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for a further three years. The order was initially put in place on the 1st April 2019, and then extended for a further three years. The consultation considers whether to continue the PSPO to address concerns and behaviours related to protests/vigils outside the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) Clinic in Rosslyn Road. The... MoreOpened 22 July 2024 -
Additional HMO & Selective Licensing Consultation
The Private Rented Sector (PRS) makes up 36% of the borough’s housing market. With instances of poor conditions across the PRS, the council is committed to improving the condition and quality of properties in the rental market. We believe this will create a fair environment for both tenants and responsible landlords, targeting rogue operators and those letting unsuitable properties, driving up standards to the benefit of all. In order to build on the successes of the... MoreOpened 22 July 2024 -
Manor Road Area CPZ Consultation
The Council has received a petition from residents of Manor Road (between Cambridge Road and Twickenham Road) requesting the existing controlled parking zone (Zone T4) be extended to this road. It is understood that these residents have signed this petition in view of difficulties they are experiencing in parking near to their home. We are now consulting the Manor Road area on whether this and adjacent roads should join Zone T4. We have included some adjacent roads due to their close... MoreOpened 8 July 2024 -
Sunnyside Road / Princes Road CPZ Consultation
Update Monday 15th July: the colour coding of Sunnyside Road has been updated on the preliminary detailed design. In September 2022, the Council implemented the Fulwell Controlled Parking Zone, following consultation with all affected properties in the area. The zone operates 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Following requests from residents of Sunnyside Road (including a petition), the decision has been made to re-consult residents of this road on the option to join Zone FW. ... MoreOpened 8 July 2024 -
Fulwell CPZ (Zone FW) Review
In September 2022, the Council implemented the Fulwell Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), Zone FW, operating 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. Since its implementation, the Council has received some feedback from residents and businesses concerning this zone’s operation. We are now carrying out a consultation with all properties in the CPZ on how the scheme has worked. View the consultation letter here. View the consultation area here. View the preliminary detailed... MoreOpened 8 July 2024 -
Swaffield Pocket Park Consultation
Wandsworth Council would like to hear your views on creating a new pocket park on Swaffield Road. The Council would invest £400,000 and a ll local residents would be able to enjoy full access to the new park. This would include improvements to the green space which currently forms part of the Brocklebank estate. The new pocket park would contain a playable landscape along with sustainable planting for wildlife, benches and bins. A new path would lead... MoreOpened 8 July 2024 -
Shaef Way CPZ Consultation
In December 2022, the Council implemented the Teddington Controlled Parking Zone T2, following consultation with all affected properties in the area. The zone operates 10am to 12pm, Monday to Friday. Following the submission of a petition from residents of Shaef Way, the decision has been made to consult residents of this road on the option to join Zone T2. At the same time, we are also separately consulting all properties of Harrowdene Gardens on whether they would also wish to join... MoreOpened 8 July 2024 -
Harrowdene Gardens CPZ Consultation
In December 2022, the Council implemented the Teddington Controlled Parking Zone T2, following consultation with all affected properties in the area. This zone operates 10am to 12pm, Monday to Friday. Following the submission of a petition from residents of Shaef Way, the decision has been made to consult residents of this road on the option to join Zone T2. At the same time, we are also separately writing to all properties of Harrowdene Gardens to: Inform them of... MoreOpened 8 July 2024
1064 results.
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