Doddington Square Consultation
Results updated 18 Dec 2018
Thanks to everyone who took part in this consultation. There were 286 responses and you can read the results report here.
The results are currently being considered by the Council. Our Design team will then produce three distinct design options and we will ask you in the New Year for your views on these. The final design will then be worked up and submitted to the Borough’s Councillors for approval.
The square between the Doddington & Rollo Community Centre, Cromwell House and Palmerston House is a focal point for residents and visitors to the estate. Whilst the square is functional at present, residents have raised concerns regarding personal safety, the condition of the paving, and the general appearance of the square.
The Doddington Together group (a community group of resident associations on the Doddington and Rollo estates) submitted a successful application to the Wandsworth Local Fund in March 2018. This application was for a total of £250,000 including an initial phase of design and surveying fees, with a second phase to deliver the works in the square. The delivery phase will take place following consultation and engagement with residents which will shape the design submitted for approval from the Council.
The main aims of the improvement works are as follows:
- Make the area feel safer
- Create better pedestrian routes through the square, including new paving
- Create a more aesthetically pleasing environment
- Create a sense that the square is the heart of the estate where community activities and events can take place
The Council would like your views on how you would like the improved square to look.
The project has the following current and potential constraints:
- The geographical area to be improved is limited to the square
- The total budget, including all design fees and surveys, is limited to £250,000
- The improvements should not lead to additional maintenance costs
- Unforeseen circumstances, for example problematic tree roots, drainage issues, and so on, may lead to alterations to the final design during the implementation stage
Have your say
Please give us your views using the online survey below. If you need a paper copy please email or call 020 8871 7439
Next steps
The survey will close on 4th November 2018 after which the results will be analysed and considered by the Council. Our Design team will then produce three distinct design options and we will ask you in the New Year for your views on these. The final design will then be worked up and submitted to the Borough’s Councillors for approval. Once again, please note that certain elements of the design may have to be altered during the implementation stage due to unforeseen technical or logistical issues.
- September/October 2018 – Consultation process begins
- November 2018 – Survey closes and results are analysed
- December 2018/January 2019 – Design team produce 3 options
- January/February 2019 – Voting opens on options
- March 2019 – Voting closes and final design is chosen
- Summer/Autumn 2019 – Improvements works commence
Consultation Event
From 2 Oct 2018 at 16:00 to 2 Oct 2018 at 19:00The Venue
Battersea Park Road
Doddington Estate
SW11 4LD
- Open to all
- Wandsworth Borough