Wandsworth Urban Design Study
Wandsworth Council is developing its Local Plan, which will set priorities for future development of the local area. Local plans balance the needs of residents, businesses and visitors with protecting and enhancing the borough's buildings, landscapes and heritage.
As part of the development of the Local Plan, we are carrying out an Urban Design study, which will consider our buildings and public spaces and capture the character of our areas. This will create a background against which new development can be balanced with protecting and enhancing what makes Wandsworth borough so special.
The Urban Design study divides the borough into a series of distinct ‘character areas', which can be seen on the map below. Click on each area to see a description for that neighbourhood.
We would like to hear your feedback about the character area where you live, work or visit. All feedback will be used to ensure that our Local Plan is informed by your views.
Please have your say by clicking on the online survey link below.
If you require the consultation materials in an alternative format please contact emil.ancewicz@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk
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- Wandsworth Borough
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