Trott Street, SW11, consultation on potential one-way operation

Closed 30 Jun 2018

Opened 1 Jun 2018


The council wants to hear your views on a potential option to make Trott Street one-way operation.

The proposals have been developed in response to concerns raised by residents regarding the increase in traffic congestion resulting from dropping off and picking up children from the primary school (L’Ecole de Battersea). Traffic congestion also occurs as many parents park their vehicles on Trott Street to pick up/drop off their child in Thomas’s School. The street becomes gridlocked typically around school starting and finishing times on weekdays.

A few vehicles travel northbound on Trott Street against the prominent flow of traffic. Congestion occurs on Trott Street due to the two-way flow of traffic and the narrow carriageway available when vehicles are parked on both sides of the road.

The proposed one-way traffic flow scheme would improve the traffic flow as there would not be another vehicle travelling in the opposite direction. This would also help residents find and manoeuvre into a parking space.

A traffic survey undertaken shows that the majority of vehicles travel in a clockwise direction along Trott Street during school times. Therefore, the proposed direction of flow for a potential one-way scheme is southbound. Cyclists would be exempt from the one-way scheme as they are unlikely to cause traffic congestion.

The key features of the proposed scheme are listed below and in the proposals document which can be found at the end of this page.

  • One-way signs installed on Trott Street at its junction with Battersea High Street and changes to the road markings;
  • Additional one-way signs along Trott Street to ensure traffic is aware that they are only to proceed in a southbound direction;
  • No entry signs installed on Trott Street at its junction with Shuttleworth Road and changes to the road markings; and
  • Cycling exempt signs to indicate to vehicular traffic that cyclists will be travelling against the flow.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Wandsworth Borough