Street Trees Consultation
Old York Road (Decision Pending)
The consultation period has now ended. The responses to the consultation are now being considered and a decision on the trees will be made in the near future.
Location of tree(s): Old York Road
How many trees are affected: 2
Species: Raywood Ash
Why we propose to fell these trees: Disruption to the footpath and risk of drain blockage
More Information
Tree 1
Tree 2
As a part of the scheme to permanently pedestrianise Old York Road, a tree survey was conducted earlier this year to ensure tree integrity and pedestrian safety.
The survey found that the above trees are causing severe disruption to the footpath and are a trip hazard to pedestrians. Additionally, the roots of the trees have penetrated the road gullies and drainage pipes. As a result, there is a potential risk of flooding due to the tree roots blocking the drains.
In response to the hazards posed by the two trees, the council is proposing to remove the trees, allowing for the footpath to be repaired and the roots to be removed from the road gullies and drainage pipes. Once this repair work has been completed, the council proposes to replace the trees (see Information about replanting proposals for more detail).
The council believes that removing and replacing the trees is the most cost-effective way to ensure pedestrian safety and maintain the integrity of the drainage system.
Information about replanting proposals
It is proposed to replace the 2 Raywood Ash trees with mature trees of either Acer platanoides “Columnare”, a narrow variety of Elm, or a Liquidamber.
Additionally, as a part of our sustainable tree planting programme, we will be planting 1,000 trees this planting season in suitable locations across the borough for future growth.