Street Trees Consultation
Under Section 115 of the Environment Act 2021, Wandsworth Council has a Duty to Consult with local residents before removing a street tree.
Certain trees are exempt from this consultation process, including trees that are dead or decaying, dangerous or likely to become dangerous prior to the next scheduled inspection.
Click here to read the full list of exemptions
Trees which do not require consultation include those which:
- Have a stem diameter not exceeding 8 centimetres measured at 1.3 meters above ground level
- Are dead
- Must be felled under any enactment because they pose a danger to people or property
- Must be felled under the Plant Health Act 1967 due to pest/disease issues, as ordered by statutory notices
- Must be felled to comply with obligations under the Equality Act 2010, unless engineering solutions suffice
- Must be felled for development authorised by specific sections of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, provided it is explicitly permitted in the planning permission
- Must be felled for development authorised by outline planning permission under section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, provided it is explicitly permitted
- Are subject to other exemptions, such as emergency operational works by Statutory Undertakers
Have your say
If you wish to comment on a proposal to fell a highways tree, please do so via the Online Form below. You will be asked which tree(s) you wish to comment on and will be able to read all of the relevant information before you submit your views.
If you need to request a paper form or materials in any other format, please contact
What happens after the consultation?
All feedback will be considered before a decision is made on the way forward. Once the consultation period has closed, the council will consider the responses and make a final decision on whether to remove the tree(s). The decisions will be published on this consultation page and also attached to the tree(s) in question.
The results of each consultation will remain applicable for a period of two years following the end of the consultation period. Within the two years the local Highway Authority may fell the street tree(s) in question, provided a response to the consultation has been published at least 28 days prior to the felling taking place. After two years the results of the consultation will expire and a new consultation must be undertaken if the local Highway Authority wishes to fell any street tree(s) previously consulted on.
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