Battersea Parkrun Consultation

Closed 30 Jun 2023

Opened 22 May 2023

Results updated 8 Dec 2023

Thank you to all those who gave us their views as part of this consultation. You can read about the feedback we received and the decision made by the Council's Environment Committee here.

The Council's Executive approved the Parkrun and work will begin to recruit volunteers and operators, with a view to introducing weekend runs from the late spring/early summer of 2024.


Wandsworth Council would like to hear your views about bringing Parkrun to Battersea Park.

What is Parkrun?

Parkrun is a national initiative which has been running for 18 years and is organised and managed entirely by volunteers. It is free to take part and you can walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. The event takes place over five kilometres and takes place every Saturday morning in parks around the country.

Junior Parkrun is a two kilometre event, dedicated to 4-14 year olds and their families, every Sunday morning.

What are the benefits of Parkrun?

Parkrun offers many benefits for physical and mental health. Independent research conducted by Sheffield Hallam University’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre found that after participating at Parkrun, respondents reported improvements to their physical and mental health. Those volunteering to support the events also reported an improved sense of happiness. For more information on Parkrun please go to

What is being proposed?

The proposed Parkrun event would be a free 5km run every Saturday in Battersea Park. The run would start at 9am and would be finished by 10am. You can see the proposed route below:

What impacts might Parkrun have?

Introducing Parkrun at Battersea Park would mean that the park is very busy on Saturday mornings, and this would affect access for other park users. Participant numbers could range from several hundred to over a thousand at different times of the year. 

To manage the safety of the runners, the vehicle gate/access at Rosery Gate would be closed every Saturday morning, reopening by 11am. In addition, access to the toddler, young child and adventure playground, GoApe, Putt in the Park and Astros would be restricted from 8.30am to 10am.

If the event is introduced to Battersea Park, participants will be asked to adhere to the usual Parkrun guidance and show courtesy and respect to other park users.

Have your say

We would like to hear the views of local residents and park users about the possible introduction of Parkrun at Battersea Park. Please give us your feedback using the Online Survey link below. If you need to request a paper questionnaire or any other format, please contact or call (020) 3959 0060.

Drop in sessions

You can find out more information and ask questions at our drop in sessions in Battersea Park, to be held near Rosery Gate on:

  • Wednesday 14th June from 4pm – 7pm
  • Saturday 24th June from 10am – 1pm

What happens next

All feedback we receive in response to the consultation will be carefully analysed and considered before a decision is made on the way forward.


  • Battersea Park


  • Open to all


  • Wandsworth Borough