Traffic calming consultation - Maybury Street area, SW17

Closed 19 Mar 2021

Opened 4 Feb 2021


Between 17th August and 12 September 2020, Wandsworth Council introduced a traffic trial in the Maybury Street area to prevent a “cut through” between Blackshaw Road and Tooting High Street. Residents told us that they liked the quieter streets and having less traffic near their homes during that time.

During the trial, the Council put wooden planters at the junction of Maybury Street with Blackshaw Road. Some residents suggested that a two-road closure would work better at the junctions of Carlwell Street and Aldis Street on Tooting High Street.

The purpose of this consultation is to ask residents if they want to prevent traffic using Aldis, Carlwell and Maybury Roads to avoid the traffic lights at the junction at Blackshaw Road; and, if residents would like a barrier, where would be the best place for it.

The options are:

NO CHANGE to the current situation


  • Unrestricted access and exits


  • Permits vehicles to avoid the traffic signal junction  

OPTION 1 - Planters / barrier at Maybury Street junction with Blackshaw Road. This was what happened in the trial.


  • Remove vehicular through traffic, means of access via Carlwell Street or Aldis Street avoiding the need for large vehicles to reverse.


  • May take a while to settle in, as motorists can still turn into Aldis/Carlwell even if there are “No Through Road” signs.

OPTION 2 - Planters / barriers at Cardwell Street and Aldis Street junction with Tooting High Street


  • Remove vehicular through traffic and two cul-de-sacs created.
  • Helps keep traffic following on A24 as reduces cars joining


  • Access via Maybury Street only, so this may cause possible delay for residents exiting
  • Refuse / delivery vehicles will need to reverse along the length of Carlwell Street and Aldis Street, cars will also need to turnaround or reverse out
  • Needs approval from TfL

A plan showing Options 1 and 2 can be seen here

NB Bicycles and pedestrians would be able to get through all the barriers as they could during the trial.  

Have your say

The Council is keen to hear the views of local residents and businesses regarding the options to install the closure on a permanent basis. Feedback can be submitted via the the 'Your comments' link below.

If you require a paper copy of the survey please contact with 'Maybury Street traffic calming' in the subject line.



  • Residents
  • Businesses


  • Wandsworth Borough