Wandsworth Local Plan Review

Closed 6 Feb 2019

Opened 11 Dec 2018


The Local Plan consists of a series of documents which set out the spatial vision for Wandsworth, our strategy for delivery of this vision, detailed policies for managing development in the borough and development sites where change is anticipated in the borough.

Keeping the Local Plan up to date is a priority for the Council. Local policies and site allocations need to remain up to date and are supported by the best possible evidence in order to be effective and robust. The need to keep the plan up to date has recently become more significant due to the changes in national and regional policy; for example, planning for increased housing targets. Therefore, the Council is undertaking a review of its local policies and site allocations to ensure they are still relevant and are achieving the outcomes required.

Local Plan Review

The Council has initiated a full review of the Local Plan and is currently consulting on the following documents:

  • Local Plan Review Issues Document (2018)
  • Integrated Impact Assessments Scoping Report (2018)
  • Call for Sites

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

The Council is also consulting on a draft Planning Obligations SPD which provides detailed guidance on the use of Section 106 Planning Obligations alongside the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Have your say

To read and comment on the consultation documents please visit the Planning Policy webpages below.



  • Open to all


  • Wandsworth Borough