Heathbrook Park Playground Consultation 2025
Page updated (11/03): The drop scheduled for February 26th has been rescheduled due to adverse weather.
Wandsworth Council have secured £313,950 for a project to refurbish Heathbrook Park playground and we want to hear from you!
We know you love this playground, but we want you to tell us why? What makes this place important to you? What do you / your children like to do here, and what would you love to see the opportunity for? How can we make it better?
The Plan
Changes will include adding some toddler play provision in a small extension area as part of Wandsworth Council Year of Play 2025. This could allow us to change the layout of the playground, creating a better flow and including items that allow more children to play together at the same time.
The project will see us design a new playground aimed mainly at children aged 0-14, but we also want to hear from you if you have teenage or adult children with special needs who might also want to play here. The new playground would have an increased capacity allowing more children to play together at the same time. We want to provide diverse equipment that is accessible to all children, and which provides opportunities to develop fine motor skills, judge risk, and encourage active lifestyles.
Why now?
We are doing this now as an opportunity has arisen to change the playground boundary so that a new area at the eastern end can be added to provide a small area for toddler play.
There are other reasons to update the play equipment too. The equipment is 15 years old and is starting to show signs of wear and tear; if we don’t do something now, we may have to remove some items in the next few years.
The new play equipment will be more inclusive, allowing children with physical and learning disabilities to enjoy play and to play alongside their friends and family. In the new playground, more children can play together at the same time, which will reduce queues at busy times and a greater range of play types can be offered.
A playground refurbishment also allows us to improve access gates as well as replacing the safety surface and allows us to “make space for girls”.
How to get involved
Please give us your feedback using the Online Survey link below. If you need to request a paper questionnaire or any other format, please email parks@enablelc.org or call (020) 3959 0060.
Drop in Sessions
2 drop-in sessions will be held at the playground so that you can meet our team and ask any questions:
- Sunday 23rd March 1pm – 4pm
- Tuesday 1st April 2pm – 4pm (reschedueled from 26th February)
What happens next?
Once this phase of consultation has concluded, we will analyse the responses to understand all of your views. This information will then be used to shape our design specification and will help the playground designer to choose items that best serve the needs of local residents. We will then consult with you again – giving you three designs to choose from so that you can tell us what you prefer. We will then appoint a contractor to deliver the most popular design. We are aiming to complete this project in summer 2026.
We will also produce a feedback report giving answers to the most common questions and any concerns raised. We will also be writing a Management and Maintenance Plan for Heathbrook Park so we can include any actions needed to address any wider issues you raise as a result of your comments.
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- Shaftesbury & Queenstown
- Open to all
- Wandsworth Borough
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